
Helping Businesses Fight Email Spam

Do Your Email Campaigns Annoy Your Subscribers? (Let's find out)

Illustration by R Subrin via Dribbble

Approximately a hundred so-called “spam gangs” operating primarily out of the United States, Russia, and China are responsible for the majority of the world’s spam activity, according to the Register of Known Spam Operations (ROKSO).

The pandemic resulted in an increase in scam activity, as cybercriminals began to imitate pandemic-related announcements and offers. During the month of April in 2020, the highest proportion of spam was recorded (51%). Many people’s emails are sinking in this load of unsolicited mail, and yours may be one of them.

Spam is an email that is sent without the recipient’s explicit consent. Spam emails are typically used to try and sell dubious goods or to be deceptive in some way. In the world of email marketing, this is the dark side. Ever since the 1990s, spam has evolved into a more sophisticated phenomenon, both in terms of its reach and the technological solutions that allow it to avoid restrictions.

Spam is not just a plethora of uncalled emails. Your inbox becomes crowded and difficult to manage. It is becoming increasingly tricky to access through the mess; important emails can easily become lost in the shuffle. For example, you might accidentally overlook a bank notification or accidentally click on a malicious link while looking for an old message from a colleague on your computer.

One of the primary motivations for spam emails is to earn profit. When compared to sending physical mail, mass emailing is both inexpensive and simple.

Every day, nearly 250 billion emails are sent around the world, with 45 percent of them being spam. The conversion rate is low according to TechRadar, with one reply out of every 12,500,000 spam emails sent.

Most of the time, fraudsters attempt to hide malicious emails with the covering of promotions offering everything from the best diet supplement in the world to “the only solution to your hair fall” among other things. Asides from commercials, spam that is most commonly encountered includes adult content and emails that promise financial independence in exchange for following simple instructions.

Illustration by Artur Stotch via Dribbble

But is it possible for a working person to completely eliminate the chances of getting spam emails? The chances of you ever having a spam-free inbox are slim to none. And it makes it even harder for you if you are a business owner. However, there are methods for significantly reducing the burden. Here is how in some ways you can help yourself fight email spams:

#1. Use spam filtering tools:

Spam filtering tools developed into one of the most effective tools for combating fraudulent email communications. These spam filtering tools assist in scanning received emails for viruses.

The tools will block every harmful message from a spammer and you will be unable to open them. This reduces the likelihood of your machine being infected by emails containing viruses that can badly harm your computer.

#2. Keep on checking your spam inbox regularly:

Make a habit of checking your spam folder at least once a week. And since anti-spam tools are not yet perfect, legitimate emails may occasionally end up in spam folders.

Machine learning is used by the majority of anti-spam tools to identify spam. Mark the spam emails as “spam” and check your general emails as primary ones. This way you are assisting your anti-spam tools to work for you in a better way.

#3. Do not post your email address in public:

It might sound intimidating at first since you are handling a business and you cannot afford potential buyers not to be able to contact you. But still, the internet is a global village and there are many other ways for your customer to communicate with you.

You can always find other means of contacting your clients. To avoid spamming, your email address should be concealed.

#4. Do not interact with spam emails:

Unless the subject of the email is genuinely related to you or your business, it is no way wise to open an email that might look suspicious.

Hackers leave virtual trackers in these emails that indicate to them that your email address is active and monitored. They might take this virtually vulnerable email account as their next prey for fraud.

#5. Identity verification:

If the email you receive has the full name of the sender, you can check whether they are a legit person. Type their name into Nuwber search bar. If nothing comes up or the info doesn’t match, the person might be a scammer and is definitely a threat to your data.

#6. Block the previous spam senders:

0if you start noticing that you’re getting emails from a certain address over and over again, you can block the address, which should prevent the messages from reaching your inbox.

#7. Never click on any spam email link:

Although it may seem pretty evident if a message appears to be spam, it most likely is. Even if the message appears to provide an option to unsubscribe from the mailing list, resist the urge to make a purchase from one or to click on any links contained within it. You surely do not want to give these hackers access to your digital identity.

#8. Unsubscribe from unwanted applications and websites:

Zombie accounts are those accounts on the internet that you do not use after subscribing to them once. This might end up creating a lot of clutter for you in case you are fond of registering for every website that you find interesting.

Avoid subscribing to mailing lists especially when it’s your business email address as it can get a lot difficult for you to manage all your emails.

Final Words

There are numerous techniques to protect yourself from spam texts. However, the most critical aspect is to take precautions while opening emails. Always ensure that the emails you open come from reputable sources and do not appear suspicious. Do not give it a second thought and do buy tools that would help you avoid email spamming.

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