
Make Your Brand More Social on Facebook – Learn from 8 Top Brands

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When I had finished reading an article from Mr. Tonny Fannin, the president of BE Branded, I start to think… Yes it’s true what he said,  “How do I make my brand more social?” Instantly I remembered with “The Jonases” movie, which tell about sales who is feigned portayed as a happy family with the newest merchant luxury also, they sell goods but unlike seller. The jonases title for family in this film can make the neighbour wear goods like what the Jonas family use, they made himself as a trend center in their neighborhood. Very intresting I think, why we can’t do it too as a trend center in our society, by socialization with our society.

Like what Mr. Tonny Fannin said: “Social media isn’t a marketing strategy but a place for socialization with our customer not for selling product“. Like what we see in a coctail party you will surely avoid a sighted person such as “selling faces” with bring a sample product or card name in everywhere, it would be nice if we could meet up with people who are fun and relax. Is that right? Sure it does 🙂

Now, how to be more social on social media, let us take the example of one of the biggest social media – Facebook. There are many big company who became 100 top brands on facebook. So Let’s see what the secret of their success in socializing on Facebook.

1. Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola advance his steps to familiarize product by dividing photograph event antecedent christmas event sponsors, this makes coca cola close to you and your family in the event of Christmas, here are the picture.

Lesson: Share the joy the feast makes you seem friendly and fun, show an impression as a family on the customers, and go socialication.

2. Disney

Where children who don’t like the disney’s cartoons? Everybody love it even your an adult. I their facebook fan page, Disney offer free download walpapers of their masterpiece to all fans. So everyone can enjoy the work of Disney without buying it.

Lesson: Sharing some aplication to the fans on facebook, what can you give for free would interest your customer.

3. Oreo

There are 2 examples that we can learn from Oreo fan page:
1. Share some fun with Oreo product, a pride in their own right if the fans we are given the opportunity to become a your advertising model. Let’s see Oreo profil picture here, with title World’s Fans Oreo share photographical fans holding the product, and amazingly Oreo invites all fans again in the world to share their photo! Steps that scope right.

Lesson: Invites the fans were already incorporated to share the happines with their photos to your product.

2. The second, Oreo not only gives us a usual snack, they also gives us tips prescription, other means enjoy Oreo as seen in the images look more delicious Oreo than usual right? Yummy…

Lesson: Invites your customer to enjoy even more advantages of your products, something other function of your products that they couldn’t have imagined would attract the customer attention.

4. Converse All Stars

In the wall fan page of Converse All Stars, is not only offer some products that they have, Converse say some greeting or asking their fans to share some happy holiday or asking what they think about something. Very intresting I think, this is a good strategy to ask your customer feeling.

Lesson: Sometimes you can ask your fans opinion about their day, holiday or some ceremony, give some opportunity expressing what they think by comment on your fan page.

5. Monster Galaxy

Monster Galaxy is in 20 list top brand in Facebook, but they still want to know what opinion their fans and facebook is one of media that they use to know about it. Make some polling to give some change to their fans to choose what they want in Monster Galaxy products, is a briliant idea.

Lesson: Asking your customer to follow the polling, its will help you to figure it out what your customer wants.

6. Microsoft Windows

In their fans page, MS Windows gave information about their other social networks, they give some link to MS Sindows website and twitter. So customer can meet Windows in everywhere and anywhere. So their becomes more social with their customer. Interesting right?

Lesson: Be more social with follow all social media network which the most popular right know

7. Xbox

After see Xbox fans page, I remember about Wily Wonka with the golden ticket, even that in the movie but we can do it in the realty market. Let we see what Xbox has offer a golden ticket for the member. Some advantages Xbox offer for his customer, now we can learn from willy wonka and xbox right.. hehehe

Lesson: Conducted some membership for your fans, and offer some advantages it will attract them to join to you in your fans club. More fans you will get from this.

8. Apple Itunes

Human is a socialication creature, everybody has a friend this what Itunes use to share music. They offer not for one person but for they friend to, suddenly if you see the Itunes fans page you will remember about your friends right? What you will give to your friend? And choose it from Itunes

Lesson: Invite your fans to enjoy what you offer with his friend and family, not only offer some product for himself, that will more interesting.


Knowing how to be more social is one way to make your brand more closely with the customer, next steps is how you can fulfill what your customer want, remember like Mr. Tonny Fannin says “Social media is only a channel. It’s an increasingly important one, but it’s not a strategy unto itself. Make your brand social, by not trying to sell on social channels, but to engage in interesting conversation“, like these 8 brands example who already did be more social with their customer.

These eight brands do some different ways to be more social and closely with their customer, after read the lesson you can choose one of them, and if you have another lesson please let me know or if you have an experience you can share with us in the comment below.

More examples: 8 Brands That Have Found Success on Facebook & What We Can Learn

– Written by Ratih –

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