
Freebie: Desktop + iPhone Wallpaper Calendar of May 2012

Today is the last day on April, and tomorrow you’ll start a new day in the month of May. And a wallpaper calendar is the simple tool that can help you in manage your day activities. Here, we have a free beautiful wallpaper for your desktop and iPhone. The design come with cool bokeh effect in dark background.

We hope you like the calendar design and feel free to use it as your desktop and iPhone wallpaper. You may like our previously free wallpaper calendar collection: January 2012, February 2012, March 2012 and April 2012.




You can download this free wallpaper calendar (1.1 Mb), here: Desktop + iPhone Wallpaper Calendar of May 2012 (1035 downloads )

How do you think about this calendar design? Please let us know in the comment section below! Enjoy! 🙂

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