There is no surprise that if you create amazing logos and keep them on your hard drive, you won’t gain any recognition and no client would contact you. No matter how unfair seems for ones, creating the most impressive logos is not enough to turn into a super famous logo designer. Nowadays, the buzz around logos is maybe as important as the logos themselves, therefore any logo designer should accept the situation and start developing strategies to attract potential clients and get positive feedback from other designers.
A very good solution to make people aware about your works is to use logo galleries. The idea behind it is very simple: the creator posted his works and other designers offer feedback. Of course, a famous logo gallery will attract potential clients and in this way long term relationships may be realized. The conclusion is obvious: why don’t you give a chance and upload your logos on these galleries? There are no downsides: you get feedback from experts, the potential clients may admire your creations, the author rights are reserved and you may turn into a respected logo creator across time due to the positive critiques received. Yep, I must warn you that all these are not sure, your creations might not be noticed, or the feedback received to be negative but anyway, you must at least try instead of regretting. The good news is that on Internet are many online logo galleries, so you have lots of opportunities for your amazing works. In order to help you, I created a list of the best logo galleries…you shouldn’t search for them; it’s enough to bookmark this post. Also, don’t be avaricious and share the post with your friends and let us know if there is an online presence missed in this list.
#1. Logopond
Personally, I consider it being the best logo gallery. There are tons of amazing creations and many creative designers are ready to enjoy and rate your latest logos. It’s a double side sword: you indeed, get feedback from experts, but they are hard to satisfy; at the beginning of my career I uploaded some logos that weren’t quite professionally made and the critiques received were negative. Keep in mind, here you should upload only the best items.
#2. LogoMoose
Logo Moose is a very complex resource for every logo designer and undoubtedly, any logo designer must be active part of this community.
#3. Creattica
I have doubts about inserting or not this item in this list. Finally, I added. My justification is simple: Creattica isn’t a logo gallery, but it contains a specific place where to upload logos; taking into account the brand “Creattica” and the huge amount of logos uploaded, it can’t be missed from this list.
#4. Logo Faves
It is another famous logo gallery and there are the same aspects as the ones presented at the Logopond. Definitely, I encourage you to upload your logos, but be very careful, these must be well done projects and not some amateurish creations made in five to ten minutes.
#5. Logospire
Logospire is a well-known online presence amongst logo designers and it’s a mistake not to post some creations here.
#6. Logo Of The Day
It is another cornerstone entity for logo designers. I am ready to make a bet that if your logo is featured the “logo of the month”, the clients will contact you for future collaboration. Here is very useful that the logos are noted (also, a similar system of rating is present on other websites), so you may have a more concrete feedback and you may compare with others.
#7. LogoGala
Logo Gala is another logo gallery that can’t be ignored and there must be uploaded the logos of the designers interested in creating some buzz around their works. The competitors are very talented, so entering into a competition will force you to sharpen the skills and this is very beneficial, isn’t it?
#8. Logorium
It’ not only a logo gallery but, the number of logos uploaded is significant and, the same as Creattica, Logorium can’t be neglected. I consider it a very interesting online presence and the ideas from here are brilliant. They are featuring the most interesting logos, “The logos of the day” and are experimenting a system to offer information about the number of visualizations of a creation. Pretty interesting, isn’t it?
#9. Logo Galleria
This is another very important logo gallery and it’s advisable to visit yourself, the time spent surely won’t be wasted.
#10. LogoFury
From 2008 Logo Fury allows the designers to present their creations. There is no need to say that a logo uploaded here benefits from high exposure and it is a great chance of being hired by someone.
#11. The Logo Mix
As the name itself is describing, here is a nice mixture of a logo gallery, a blog, but here a customer may buy a logo. The website benefits from a powerful system of selecting logos and in these conditions, searching and the entire navigation process is extremely simple and pleasant.
#12. The Design Inspiration
It is another complex mix of inspiration, information and logo gallery. As long as there is no fee to pay in order to upload the works, I don’t see any reason not to do it?
#13. Logo Inspirations
Logo Inspirations is the perfect place to get a fresh dose of inspiration; much more, the navigational menu is wisely created to allow an efficient use. They don’t highlight the idea of uploading a logo, but a logo designer should try to profit from the exposure of the website.
#14. Logofi
It is the common “logo gallery”: a place to upload logos, get feedback and maybe get in touch with some clients. The specificity of the website is the superb design, isn’t it?
#15. LogotalkZ
A positive aspect of this logo gallery is the quality of logos uploaded, I think that the revision of the website administrators is very attentive done. On the other hand, a negative point is the blog- the owners inserted one but there are posted two articles…
#16. Logo Heroes
There aren’t too many logos uploaded, let’s hope that the owner will try to promote the website and surely it will become more interesting for logo designers.
#17. Brands of the World™
It is a website where you may obtain not only feedback & recognition, but also a good amount of money. It a real Heaven for logo designers: lots of creative projects to inspire, a forum to be advised/to advice others, a news section, many competitions, therefore it’s mandatory to visit it!
#18. Logosauce
Logo Sauce is a select logo gallery. The huge majority of the creations are works uploaded in various competitions because the website hosts various logo competitions. It’s simple: some clients posted the descriptions of the logos that they need, the competitors offer their solutions, the winner receives a decent payment and the rest of participants have the works highlighted and ulterior, they may be contacted.
#19. LogoBliss
It is another logo gallery, another chance of getting recognized by the community and to be contacted by potential customers.
#20. logogallery
It’s still in infancy state this project but you never know, upload your best works because you have nothing to lose.
In the end, I don’t want to waste your time. Go to your portfolio, select the best logos and start uploading them. Please let me know the effects, did you receive the best marks, or you have contacted by someone interested in your service? Use the comment form to inform us about your successes!
– Written by Daniel –