
30+ Awesome Basketball Team Logo and Identity Designs

Basketball Team Logo Identity Designs

Beside football, basketball is one of the most popular sports ever played around the world. And known one of the most views sport in America, because of its popularity.

And when making your basketball team logo and identity there are factors to consider, like it must be adaptable for marketing and advertising applications, also the use of vibrant and energetic colors must be taken into perspective. Why? Because its vivid color represents the soul of the logo that imprints a sense of enthusiasm and courage among basketball lovers.

So in our today’s identity collection, we have 33 awesome designed basketball team logos and identities that you might find inspiring and could help you to come with up the idea to design a professional logo and identity. Enjoy!

Basketball Logo Design Ideas

Grand Rapids Drive by Jimmy Cudriz

Titan Athletic by Mattia Capitani

Tortetok by Hunor Kolozsi

Oklahoma City Thunder by Dan Kennedy

Menorca Bàsquet by Joan Pons

Dynamo Basket ball by Roshan Pietersz

Seattle Sonics Identity concept by Addison Foote

Minnesota Timberwolves Rebrand Concept by Miika Kumpulainen

Boston Celtics logo concept by Yu Masuda

Atlanta Hawks logo concept by Yu Masuda

Hellenic Basketball Federation Rebranding by Andreas Theodoridis

Forwodians Bucks by Yark Digital Artist

Los Angeles Lakers rebranding concept by Pan Hu

St. Louis Lions NBA Concept by Kevin Aka

Annapolis Frigates by Kevin Aka

USA Basketball by Darrin Crescenzi

Los Angeles Clippers by Dan Kennedy

Oklahoma City Thunder – Rebrand by Trevor Morse

Charlotte Hornets by Darrin Crescenzi

UKS Zielonka Przyszlosc by Lunatic

New York Blaze by Lunatic

Panteras de Miranda by Manuel Dos Santos

Minnesota Timberwolves by Dan Kennedy

Alphia Tigers by Yark Digital Artist

Brooklyn Nets Redesign by Matthew Wolff

Tusks by Michael Irwin

Indiana Pacers Identity Concept by Justin Wilkinson

Seattle Sonics Identity Concept by Justin Wilkinson

LNB · Quimsa by Luis Callegari

Memphis Grizzlies Concept by Matthew Doyle

Dallas Mavericks logo concept by Yu Masuda

Yokohama B-corsairs by Yu Masuda

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