
Giveaway: Win 2×200 Custom Postcards from 1800Postcards.com

Hi, today we have a great news for you. How about some postcards from the company named after the versatile product? 1800Postcards.com is offering you the opportunity to win 200 custom postcards!

About 1800Postcards.com

1800Postcards.com is the retail branch of Circle Press, a high-end commercial printing firm with a roster of Fortune 100 clients that includes Dior, Tiffany, Disney, American Express and most of the world’s leading brands. These companies demand nothing but the best in quality. To be specific, a quality standard called “G7,” which is only granted to printing firms that meet a very strict set of best practices and production quality. These clients sit with pre-press, have color proofs printed for spot color matching, they come in when the job is printed to make color adjustments and watch it run on the press to see the final results, the whole nine yards. They also pay tens of thousands of dollars for this type of service level.

1800Postcards produces your print work in the same facilities, with the same press-men and production staff, and adheres to the same quality standards as high-end commercial jobs. The only difference is that your job is “gang printed” or run together with other 1800Postcard clients, which is the secret of every online printing company and why they can be so cheap in pricing. However, 1800Postcards.com just brought it up to an almost unreasonable level of quality 🙂

But what if you don’t need postcards? Well they’re capable of more than just postcard printing. They offer brochures, business cards, flyers, posters, banners, custom stickers and pretty much any custom work your creative mind can imagine.

Bottom line, the print results are unbelievable… no one in the online printing space comes even close to this quality and attention to detail. You can see it yourself by requesting free samples @ http://www.1800postcards.com/brochure_request.aspx

The Prize

200 custom postcards each are ready for 2 lucky iBrandStudio readers, here for the postcards specifics:

How to Win

It’s easy to get a chance win this giveaway contest, all you have to do is:
Step 1. Participate by Clicking and Entering Your Info, here:

Step 2. And leave Comment Telling Us Why You Should Win

The contest will run for two weeks, and the winners will be announce on Friday May 11, 2012. US entrants only.

Good luck to everyone! 🙂

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