
How To Create 3D Ball in Photoshop

In this tutorial we’re going to learn how to create a 3D ball with photoshop in 8 steps. We also included a PSD file as source files.

We’ll use of a few fundamental tools in Photoshop such as circle tool, brush tool, and layer styles — combining them with easy and creative techniques to come up with a graphic that you can adapt into icons, infographics, and other design projects.

Final Image Preview

Once you have finished the tutorial, you should have something like this.

Lets get started!

Step 0

We start with creating a new file. I give the name “ball”, with length and with 500px and background “transparent”.

I use the color #363636, you are free to choose the background color, but my advice is better if you wear a darker color than the color of the object that we will create

And the result will be like the image below.

Step 1

Create a circle with using ellipse tool, in order to produce a perfect circle, press the shift key when making a circle. Colors that I use #00c6ff

Step 2

Now we are going to apply some Layer Styles. You can do this by double clicking on the layer.

You should end up with this

Step 3

Create a duplicate layer abobe the “ball” layer, then give the settings on the layer style

And you should end up with this

Step 4

Again create a duplicate layer abobe the “ball” layer, then give the settings on the layer style

And you should end up with this

Step 5

Once again create a duplicate layer abobe the “ball” layer, then give the settings on the layer style

And you should end up with this

Step 6

Create a white circle a shown below

Then add “layer mask” on Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal. Next with “gradient tool” pull the line as shown below.

Now we are going to apply some Layer Styles.

You should end up with this

Step 7

Create a new layer, then give the setting on “brush tool”

Select a circle layer, then back on the new layer and add brush

You should end up with this

Step 8

Adding the new layer below the “ball” layer, then add brush with the colors #000000 as shown below

Drag to expand the image

Next open Filter > Blur > Gaussian blur

And finally you should end up with this

Conclussion and Download the PSD files for free!

Take a look at the final image. I hope you learned something new!

Download the source files here :

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