
3 Steps to Create a Creative Content for Marketing

Creative Content How To

“SEO is about “all things marketing” – Integrated marketing is what gives brands the edge in SEO. Now SEO must address defining the brand, culture, mission, community, email, social, product, etc.” As said by Mr. Tony fannin.

From that words, we know SEO is not what it used to be in pursuit of SEO. We should identify in advance about what we bring to our customers, at this time is very dependent on the creative SEO content marketing. Content marketing is a key element in the success of a product to perform its customer’s, even advert to the many who called content marketing as the new SEO in a success of a brand. Surely creativity is the key to having great content that can attract the attention of costumers. At the moment we will make creative content, we should have to pay attention to some steps that can help us make creative content is right on target. The following are three main steps that you can follow to make creative content.

#1. Discover

By the time you will develop a content of interest to the customer, you are required to first conduct a research that will support your content. One is doing discover who your target market. Take look 5 things you have to discover about your customer:

2. Concept

In making creative content concept you must have already adapted to your target market. After conducting discovery step in Determining concept steps you have to conduct research to support the determination of an interesting concept. Here are 5 steps in the determination of the concept:

#3. Action

After conducting a two-step discovery and concept it’s time you started to do the action to continue your creative content that is received by your customers. Here are 5 steps you should do to encourage your customers respond to content you have.


Creative branding content in doing so is necessary to win the hearts of your customers, doing business online is often times get difficult form of communication that cannot be an offline store, by knowing the steps above should help you to create creative content properly.

How do you think? Whether the steps above are useful to you? Please share your experience in the comments.

– Written by Ratih –

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