So, you are starting your own business and you are in the process of choosing your brand’s name? First off, congratulations! This decision probably took some time and some planning and it’s great to see your efforts finally paying off. What about that name, though? How do you know you have chosen the perfect one?
I suppose you have already done your research, visited places such as Brandlance and similar to help you generate many great ideas. The hard part comes now, doesn’t it? You have to choose only one of all those great ideas and you want that one to be the right one. It’s not like you can change the name of your company every few days.
You can definitely make a lot of mistakes in this choosing process. Some people don’t bother to research what a great name should look like and how to make it appealing to the public. This is why their company almost never gets memorized by their customers. Sure, having the perfect products and services is important, but if the name’s not right, you will definitely get fewer customers than you would have expected.
Those who are aware of the importance of their brand name take some time to do proper research and minimize their risk of making a mistake. If you are one of those, then I believe that you will choose the perfect idea which will be a big success. With the aim of helping you in that endeavor, I have decided to give you a few useful tips on how to choose the right name for your company.
Let’s get started.
Tip #1. Make It Simple
The absolutely worst thing you can do is think of something that nobody will understand. You want the name to represent your company and tell people immediately what you are all about. If you fail to do that, most people won’t even bother taking a look inside your firm. As you can see on this page, keeping it simple is one of the first rules you should keep in mind.
It’s okay to be clever and witty when choosing your name, but if you take it too far, most people won’t like it. They don’t want to have other people explain the whole idea behind your brand to them. They want to be able to figure it out immediately on their own. Remember, keep it simple and you’ll have the highest chances of getting recognizable.
Tip #2. Make It Catchy
When you hear a complicated term, be it in English or, say, in Latin, you will definitely have a hard time remembering it. You’ll never be able to get it right, which will eventually lead to you giving up trying to remember it at all. The same will happen to your business if you choose a term that is too complicated for the ordinary person to remember.
This is why you need to think of something that is catchy and easy to memorize. If you have already visited those name generating tools and gotten a few good ideas from there, make sure to give up on all those that sound complicated. Keep only those ideas that are catchy and easy to pronounce business name, because that will definitely lead to success.
Here are a few more useful tips for you:
Tip #3. Hint At What You Do
As I have already mentioned above, it would be perfect if the name you choose hints at what it is that your company is all about. It’s perfectly okay if it doesn’t reveal everything, because that can spark curiosity and lead people towards checking you out to see what it is that you are doing. The idea is, however, to at least hint at the line of business you are in, because that will attract your target group.
Tip #4. Check Connotations In Different Languages
I am fairly sure that you have come across a few posts online, explaining how people have laughed at certain brands because their names have inappropriate connotations in certain other languages. This might not seem like a big deal to you in the beginning, but it will definitely bother you if people start associating your brand with some obscene things. You definitely don’t want to be remembered by things like that.
Tip #5. Avoid Uncommon Spellings
People have the tendency of trying to stand out by using certain special characters and making their brand name difficult to spell. This might seem like a good idea because it might grab your customer’s attention, but it turns out not to be such a good plan. In fact, it’s one of the biggest mistakes business owners make when it comes to branding.
This falls under the category of keeping it simple. It’s best that you don’t use too many special characters and creating a name that people will have a hard time spelling. It appears that people don’t really like those special characters.
[…] Your company name has a lot to do with it. It should help potential customers find you through the phone book, the internet, or word of mouth. It should clearly and concisely describe what you offer potential customers. This point makes a good first impression and it should differentiate you from other businesses that offer similar services. Therefore, read the following critical tips to determine your company name. If you’re a budding entrepreneur, you definitely have to read the ultimate guide of finding the right name for your new business. […]