
How To Give Your Business Website A Master Stroke With Logo Design

How To Give Your Business Website A Master Stroke With Logo Design

For a company, a logo is a visual representation of for everything it stands. Ever noticed the jumping jaguar of Puma or the flashy tick of Nike? Savvy right? However, the majority of companies scamp in coming with the right logo to portray their company.

Ideally, your company’s logo must enhance the first impression of your company among your audience and customers. A logo is a force that will help you build your brand identity and establish loyalty to your organisation and your customers. It also caters a professional look to your company.

Before we dwell on how you can design your logo, let’s understand how many types of logos are there from which you can gain your customer’s attention.

The Types Of Logos

There is three type of logos which are being used voraciously by companies. The first one is the font based logo. It is used by companies like IBM, Sony and Microsoft. These logos give the companies a distinctive image. Then there are logos which depicts what the company actually do. For instance, a paint company’s logo will be like a house painted in various colours, or a brush logo. At last, there are logos which are purely graphical like the flashy tick of Nike.

These are the symbols of your company and if you didn’t communicate them with your audience, they will remain useless.

Getting Started With Designing Logos

Now, let’s get you started with logo designing. First, you need to understand how you want your logo to look like. To focus your efforts, you must write a single sentence about the image and make one mission statement as well.

Once you are done with that, there are some other tactics that will help you in designing the right logo for your company. Let’s dive into the depths of tactics that will help you in designing a logo for your brand recognition campaign.

#1: Observe The Logos Of Your Competitors

The first and foremost thing you need to do before you go for the final logo design is you observe the logos of your competitors. When you do that, you will get a fair idea of how you can design your logo to make it relevant and attractive at the same time. Differentiate your logo design from your competitors.

#2: Make Sure You Convey The Right Message

The first thing you need to clear is what message you want to convey to your audience. Your logo must fulfil the message. It must be relevant to the message you want. In overall designing, your logo must stand unique in comparison to your competitors. These small elements make a huge difference if you got any of them wrong.

#3: A Clean And Functional Logo Design

One thing you need to understand is when you design a logo for your company scalability matters. That logo will be on your business card and will be on a large advertisement banner across the highway. So, make sure that your logo is fully scalable. Also, you must produce them in both colourful and black and white shade.

#4: Understand The Nature Of Your Business & Then Decide The Font

The font style is one of the pivotal factors in your logo design. To make it relevant to your brand, you must match the font style with the nature of your business. Suppose your business is of jewellery, then you want to make your logo as elegant as possible. Using elegant font style will be a wise move here. Another example will be like if your company’s name is Bolt, then you want your logo design to be a symbolic representation of lighting bolt or you can choose a swoosh icon which represents speed.

#5: Watch The Colour Of Your Logo

Colours are thought to provoke and triggers emotions among the audience. While choosing the colour you must make sure that your logo communicates the right emotion with your audience. Your logo can appear in a variety of media: signage, advertising, stationery, delivery vehicles and packaging, to name just a few. Remember that some of those applications have production limitations. Make sure you do a colour study. Look at your logo in one-, two- and three-colour versions.

Winding It Up

So, these are some general trends which are missed by most of the business. They end up making horrible designs that might give their business nightmares in recognition campaigns. Let’s get a quick flashback on what we discussed above,

I hope that you like the post. Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts. Till then, have a great day!!! Ciao.

About the Author!

Robert Sumner works as a writer for Media Fortress, an web designing Agency offering cost effective custom web designing services in Brisbane. He is a web addict and spends too much time in front of the computer. When he actually manages to get away for more than 10 minutes, he is usually reading books, traveling or shooting photos. For more blogs you can follow him on Facebook, and Twitter.

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