A Simple Guide on Data Analysis and Big Data – A Smart Online Solution

Illustration by Jakub Jezovic via Dribbble

Big data is the Big Daddy of the online revolution. No business is untouched by this. Many of you might try to comprehend the concept of big data and think it is a matter of choice. However, it is not. Every click and activity online is smashed by the Big Data. You can amalgamate structured, unstructured, and multi-structured data to ensure smarter business solutions.

With the explosion of online data in the past few years, analytics has also grown remarkably. To understand this better, you must gauge the enormity of the data analysis that tabs every human on this planet. Let us understand Big Data and make the best possible use of it to enhance the business.

Huge information examination is the frequently mind boggling cycle of analyzing enormous information to uncover data – like secret examples, connections, market patterns and client inclinations – that can help associations settle on educated business choices.

On a wide scale, information examination advances and strategies give associations an approach to break down informational collections and accumulate new data. Business knowledge (BI) inquiries answer fundamental inquiries regarding business activities and execution.

Large information investigation is a type of cutting edge examination, which include complex applications with components like prescient models, measurable calculations and consider the possibility that investigation controlled by examination frameworks.

What is Big Data?

What is big data?
Illustration by Cuily via Dribbble

Big Data means a large quantity of saved, shared, controlled, and analyzed information to integrate the searching pattern with real-time human preferences. This brings significant transformation in the computer world and adds innovation to various businesses.

Whether via smartphones, laptops, or tablets, strategizing every online engagement is, to sum up, big data. The nature of each data is stored and then categorically studied to help any online user a more credible online experience.

Various online tools and platforms come together to make this a success. You cannot get any data from one source. Huge information examination applications frequently incorporate information from both interior frameworks and outside sources, for example, climate information or segment information on buyers accumulated by outsider data administrations suppliers.

Moreover, streaming investigation applications are becoming normal in large information conditions as clients hope to perform continuous examination on information took care of into Hadoop frameworks through stream handling motors, like Spark, Flink and Storm.

Early huge information frameworks were for the most part sent on premises, especially in huge associations that gathered, coordinated and broke down gigantic measures of information. However, cloud stage sellers, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google and Microsoft, have made it simpler to set up and oversee Hadoop groups in the cloud.

The equivalent goes for Hadoop providers like Cloudera, which upholds the circulation of the enormous information structure on the AWS, Google and Microsoft Azure mists. Clients would now be able to turn up groups in the cloud, run them however long they need and afterward take them disconnected with utilization based valuing that doesn’t need progressing programming licenses.

Facts about Big Data – understanding the magnitude

In the year 2020, about 1.7 megabytes of information became a part of this data analysis. Any simple search of information or sharing of the image is part of this massive data handling. This means the total data will leap from 4.4 zettabytes to 44 zettabytes.

Every nanosecond, one new data adds to the main server. Google alone produces 3.5 million searches per day which sums to 1.2 trillion searches every year. Many other search engines maintain the accountability of every online activity.

In the past also, several major occurrences prove that this data handling and analysis is enormous. Facebook recorded more than 1 billion engagements in 2015 on a single day. The basic average of Facebook messaging services tapped 31.50 million messages and 2.75 million videos every minute.

Social media created a boom resulting in a staggering 1 trillion image sharing in one year. This data is only a single timeshare, and more forwards and reshares were consecutive to it.

By the end of 2020, there were over 6 billion smartphone users, which is the highest subscription data in the last decade. Each smartphone comes with sensors that make it capable of collecting and disseminating all types of data.

In just five years, there would be over 50 billion smart devices used globally. Remember that each device will collect, share, analyze and store the data.

Cloud is one of the major platforms to integrate distributed computing. Google takes less than a nanosecond to integrate a search query as it uses more than 1000 computers in answering one keyword search. Hadoop is another major open source for distributed computing that carries enormous data analysis and integration.

Implement Smart data handling services

Implement Smart Data Handling Services
Illustration by Fikry Muhammad via Dribbble

Use smart data solutions for better connectivity, faster shareability, and improved automated computing. Get the trusted data solution with RemoteDBA.com. Data integration includes tracking, capturing, and integration of all online data. This also covers the turnover of the complete data lifecycle.

Application and Application Programming Interface integration covers distribution and capitalizing the trusted data both internally and externally. Backed with trusted scores and 100% reliable tools of data handling. You do not compromise on the services offered.

Ask for state-of-the-art solutions to support complex database applications:

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MongoDB
  • Big Data
  • MySQL
  • IBM DB2
  • Sybase
  • Oracle

The solution comes with an upgraded version and additional patches for the smoother functioning of your business. You get 24*7*365 data monitoring and on-call DBA support.

Real-time examples to showcase the mammoth value of Smart Analytics!

Smart data analysis has reached beyond the banking, education, and healthcare sectors. With the upsurge of business intelligence software, it is imperative to bring this into all online engagements.

The main motive of analysis is to provide better business and excellent customer service.

Mountain Dew and Doritos

Mountain Dew and Doritos came with the new concept of “pick your next flavor.” This helped in bridging the demand and supply gap between the manufacturers and end-user.

This is when the big data analysis comes into the picture. You can become a part of this by entering the contest or promotional events. This helped the food companies to tap into the taste and preferences of people.

Tropical Smoothie Café

Another example is the Tropical Smoothie Café from the year 2013. People preferred fruit smoothies, but the café took the risk of launching veggie smoothies and added it to their menu.

The café observed and kept track of the menu to understand how many people ordered this addition. It also reflects which period of the year people preferred having fruit and veggie smoothie. Very soon, the veggie smoothie gained popularity and become the number 1 seller.

Gradually, the café introduced more flavors of veggie smoothie and soon created a niche for itself. The advanced universe will develop from 3.2 zettabytes to 40 zettabytes in just six years. Consistently, we make 2.5 quintillion bytes of information — such a lot of that 90% of the information on the planet today has been made over the most recent two years alone.

This information comes from all over: sensors used to accumulate environment data, presents via online media locales, advanced pictures and recordings, buy exchange records, and wireless GPS signs to give some examples. The volume of information made by U.S. organizations alone every year is sufficient to fill 10,000 Libraries of Congress.


  • Zuckerberg noticed that 1 billion bits of content are shared through Facebook’s Open Graph day by day (SOURCE).
  • Facebook sets up more than 10 million photos consistently and around 3 billion ‘like’ catches are pushed regular.
  • Google measure in excess of 24 petabytes of information consistently.
  • 48 hours of video are transferred to YouTube consistently, bringing about almost 8 years of content each day.
  • 70% of information is made by people – yet undertakings are liable for putting away and overseeing 80% of it.

Huge information can be ordered as unstructured or organized. Organized information comprises of data previously oversaw by the association in data sets and accounting pages; it is habitually numeric in nature. Unstructured information will be data that is sloppy and doesn’t fall into a foreordained model or organization. It incorporates information assembled from web-based media sources, which help foundations accumulate data on client needs.

Huge information can be gathered from freely shared remarks on interpersonal organizations and sites, intentionally accumulated from individual gadgets and applications, through polls, item buys, and electronic registration. The presence of sensors and different contributions to shrewd gadgets takes into account information to be accumulated across an expansive range of circumstances and conditions.

Uses Of Big Data

Information examiners take a gander at the connection between various sorts of information, for example, segment information and buy history, to decide if a relationship exists.

Such appraisals might be done in-house or remotely by an outsider that spotlights on handling enormous information into edible organizations. Organizations frequently utilize the appraisal of enormous information by such specialists to transform it into noteworthy data.

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