Useful Articles to Improve the Typography in Logo Designs
Choose the right typography in designing a logo is critically to successfully your brand identity or client project. Also the choice of typeface is very important because the basic letterform establishes the overall character of the logo.
These articles below can help you to improve the typography in your logo design. You will learn the fundamentals of typography, find out how to combine fonts and know what to keep in mind when choosing a typeface and common typography mistakes.
Useful Typography Tips Articles
On font pairing in logo design
by Brian Hoff
Tips and methods to help choose more relevant and suitable typefaces for a logo mark and overall improve your typography decisions.
10 Common Typography Mistakes
by Brian Hoff
Below is a list of 10 common mistakes used in type design/layout that can make a large impact in the effectiveness and appearance of your designs, in addition to saving you time and money when dealing with printers.
Logo Design Tips: Letterspacing & Typefaces
by Design Reviver
Letter spacing is essential in commercial graphic design – if you want to look professional. This article will demonstrate some common letter spacing techniques in the context of logo design and branding
A Crash Course in Typography: Principles for Combining Typefaces
by Cameron Chapman
Effectively combining typefaces is a skill best learned through practice, and trial-and-error. Once you’ve mastered the principles covered here, you’ll have the tools you need to try out combinations while making educated guesses about what will and won’t work together.
29 principles for making great font combinations
by Douglas Bonneville
When it comes to making font combinations, there are principles and methods, but no absolutes. You can’t apply all the principles or ideas listed here at the same time.
8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs
by Antonio Carusone
Here are 8 simple ways you can use CSS to improve your typography and hence the overall usability of your designs.
How to Choose a Typeface
by Douglas Bonneville
Choosing a typeface can be tricky. The beauty and complexity of type, combined with an inexhaustible supply of options to evaluate, can make your head spin.
On Choosing Type: First Principles
by John Boardley
Typography is not a science. Typography is an art. There are those who’d like to ‘scientificize’; those who believe that a large enough sample of data will somehow elicit good typography.
“What Font Should I Use?”: Five Principles for Choosing and Using Typefaces
by Dan Mayer
Here are five guidelines for picking and using fonts that I’ve developed in the course of using and teaching typography.
Typography tips for graphic design students
by David Airey
What typographic advice would you give a third year design student?
I read the comments with interest and here I’ve picked out a few of the most useful typography tips.
A 20 Minute Intro to Typography Basics
by Mark Bowley
Typography plays a big role in graphic design and can be one of the hardest things to get right. My aim here is to introduce some of the basics and the most common areas of typography that will be important in your design work.
How To Choose A Font
by Jacob Cass
Have you ever had the problem of not knowing what typeface to use? Well of course you have, everyone has. This is a guide on how to choose a font.
Logo Design Typography: Helvetica
by Jennifer Farley
Choosing a suitable font for a logo is not an easy task. As well as the overall legibility of the letters, their shape in combination must be considered. For many logo designers, this is where Helvetica steps into the frame.
Simple rules for good typography
by freddesign
Here are some basic rules to improve your typography across either web or print. Of course, these rules are only to start with, and rules are meant to be broken. But if you want something to look neat, clean and generally well designed they are a good set to follow.
Logo Design Tips: Typographic Considerations
by logosharx
Making the right typographic choices for your association’s brand identity is absolutely critical to successfully capturing the image you want to project.
Best 7 Premium Tutorials to Design a Beautiful Typography
Create Glossy 3D Text with Photoshop | $5
by Mirtt
This detailed step-by-step tutorial shows you how to create 3D text tutorial using only Photoshop default tools.This tutorial can be very useful to understand how highlights and shadows works.
Create Organic Lettering Using Photo Manipulation | $3
by AlexBeltechi
After experimenting with typographic illustrations, and finding myself still in the mood for something similar, I figured it was a good time to create an illustration based on lettering. With typography, you rely on a typeface that dictates the style of the illustration you want to make. The difference with lettering is that you do it yourself. It can be done with a pen tablet, so if you have one lying around, plug it in for this tutorial.
Create a Geometric Wordmark and Ambigram | $3
by AlexBeltechi
There are different ways to create a font. Since I’m such a control freak in my work, I chose to do this through geometric construction. That means that nothing is roughly estimated by sight alone. Learn this geometric letter construction process.
How to Make 3D Neon Light Typography | $3
by AlexBeltechi
This tutorial will take you through how to create a unique piece of digital artwork. You learn how to compose the 3D type and then add effects and imagery to achieve the final results. The great thing about this technique is the fact that it is very easy to apply to all sorts of neon lights. You can choose to make 3D typography, as in this tutorial, or stylized neon tubes in abstract compositions.
Create an Event Poster with C4D and Photoshop | $5
by silentalibi
A 2 part tutorials included:
In part one of this tutorial I will be showing you step-by-step in Photoshop to edit text in order to create a neat, tight typographic image, then exporting vector information from Photoshop into Cinema 4D, where you will learn the basics of creating 3D text, building a stage, creating a studio light setup and finally rendering with Global Illumination using Vray.
In part two of this tutorial, we’ll add more figures, rendered splashes, and interest to this scene in Photoshop.
How to Create a Retro Metal 3D Design | $4
by bartondamer
We’ll be mixing in a dash of Illustrator’s Blend and 3D tools and the rest is pure Photoshop magic! Learn more at the jump! I originally developed this Vertigo logo and rendered a 3D version of it using Cinema 4D. However, for this tutorial I really wanted to find a way to get hot 3D text without using a 3D dedicated program. In this tutorial I will create shiny retro-fitted text using a touch of Illustrator and a whole-lotta Photoshop!
Making of “Robot Earth 3009″ Type Illustration | $3
by strongstuff
f you want to learn every detail in how to create a rampaging robot made up of a mix of type and vectors, then this is the tutorial for you. During this tutorial, I’ll show you the process for creating one of my illustrated type posters. I love to work type into all of my illustrations for the balance and rhythm it provides to a layout, but I especially love creating images out of type itself…the graphic designer inside of me compels me to do it!
[…] Web Treats Without A Hitch How To Design A Logo Logo Design Process of Top Graphic Designers Useful Articles to Improve the Typography in Logo Designs|iBrandStudio hope this helps Print & Pixels / Twitter / Behance / […]
[…] Useful Articles to Improve Typography in Logo Designs […]
Awesome collection, I retweeted this article!
@inspirationfeed: Hi, thanks :), hope it useful.
[…] Go here to read the rest: Useful Articles to Improve the Typography in Logo Designs … […]
[…] and know what to keep in mind when choosing a typeface and common typography mistakes.On font pairing in logo design by Brian Hoff Tips and methods to help choose more relevant and suitable typefaces for a […]
Very nice post..thanks for sharing..
[…] I’ll be going over some of useful typography tips and tutorial articles, that can improve your typography skills and you can apply to your current design […]
[…] On font pairing in logo design […]