The Top 2020 Video Editing Trends You Can’t Ignore


The written word will never hold someone’s attention as a well-made video. Reaching the audience has never been easier due to social media. YouTube has opened the doors for independent content creators, while platforms like TikTok and Instagram have allowed people to share video snippets of their lives.

However, if you are fighting for your place under the limelight, prepare for a tough competition. It’s not enough to have a great idea and message – if your videos don’t look good, no one’s going to stick around. Even if you are filming from the comfort of your kitchen or garden, the video can’t look “homemade”.

Here are 5 video editing trends in 2020 that will help you take your video content to the next level:

#1 – Animation

If you think that all you have to do to pass a message is to sit in front of the camera and tell a story, you have another thing coming. Something lifechanging should be coming out of your mouth for people to stick around for that.

Animation or a simple graphics slideshow is a completely different story. Humans are visual creatures and we like to look at the pretty pictures when we are learning about grass growing or paint drying. Animated Motion Graphics as other stimulating visual content that are easily sourced via stock sites.

The Financial Diet has done an amazing job of this with their Making It Work series. Stories about being good at adulting are supplemented with animation that keeps you focused on the content.

For a simple slideshow, you can use any online video editor. There are also ones that concentrate on animation, but which to choose depends on your style and taste.

#2 – Personal Story

There is a reason why Reddit stories videos are still going strong. They easily get tens or hundreds of thousands of views, with rSlash even reaching millions. There is also a whole subgenre that only deals with influencer gossip and drama. DramaAlert has over 5 million subscribers and the views rarely fall into six digits.

We like real people with real stories. And yes, we like to gossip.

If this is your niche, no matter the platform, there seems to be a formula – keep it sharp. An easy to use video editor like, duh, Online Video Editor or Panzoid can help you pack up everything nicely with no pro editing skills needed.

Going Live - Video Editing Trends

#3 – Going Live

Live streaming is becoming more and more popular. It is the easiest way to connect with your audience while sending your message. You’re also in the position to adjust your content based on what the audience wants to see.

If you have a YouTube channel, they have a full set-up ready to go. However, you should know that you can also broadcast live with Panopto. If you are using them to edit your videos, with just a few clicks, you are all set.

#4 – Content Within Content

You can simply let your video do its thing. Or, you could take it to the next level adding links or making it searchable.

The entry-level thing is to add links to your other content or a product, and you can do that on the platform where you will publish said video. But if you want to do more, you might want to check out previously mentioned Panopto Video Editor Online.

Panopto has some cool features available next to the classic editing software. One of them is their Smart Search video search engine. It captions every word said – and captioning is doing great things for the visibility of a video in search engines. If you find that some words ar phrases are captioned incorrectly, you can quickly and easily edit them.

With Panopto, you can also embed quizzes, polls, surveys, whole web-pages and even YouTube videos. It’s up to your creativity how you can exploit that.

#5 – Transitions

Most built-in transitions that were available in widely distributed editing software should have died in the 80s. A spinning box? Thanks, but no thanks.

These days, software developers are adding amazing effects packages into their products. Also, you can buy them from many places, ie Shutterstock and import into your preferred editor.

If you are new to transitions, You have numerous tutorials available. However, once you start playing with them, you will soon see how easy they are to use and how much more professional your videos will look.

If you’re looking for your seamless and professional video transitions for Premiere Pro, try Film Impact Premiere Pro video transitions. When registering for the first time, you can also get 45 days of free access to FilmImpact’s entire library of Premium Effects.

Your Turn

These are just a few techniques that are easily accessible to a novice with online video editors. As you can see, even if you are not a pro, there is no need for your work to look like it was done by an amateur.

What did we miss? What do you think will take your content to the next level?

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1 Comment
  1. MountWoods says

    Great post thanks for sharing these valuable piece of information whit us all. As we all know that as we are in Covid Crisis the video trends are becoming popular day by day and we are all looking for ways to get new trends that we can put up it as a video. You’ve provided these amazing trends that’ll be fun to try and will definitely make some heads turn.
    Nice work keep it up.

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