In this tutorial, we didn’t explain how to creata a logo but how to change your logo into a 3D form by using Photoshop. And as example to make things easier, I also include the file .psd logo is simple.
This tutorial is a case study, therefore may not be exactly the same applied to other forms of logos. So take the main points of this tutorial and apply on your logo. Let’s get started!
Final Image Preview
Let’s have a look what we’ll be creating
Tutorial Details
- Program : Adobe Photoshop CS2 (minimal)
- Difficulty : Beginner – Intermediete
- Estimated completion time : 60 minutes
Step 1
Before we start, you may want to download the source logo that we’ll use in this tutorial, here:
Logo Basic (5423 downloads )
Duplicate the layer “Moon1” using the right click on that layer and choose Duplicate layer, then give the name “Moon2” and click “ok”. Or you can use this command “Ctrl”+”J” on the keyboard.
Step 2
Drag the layer “Moon2” slightly to the left down and give a brighter color #0077a2
Step 3
By using “pen tool(P)” we will change the little the ends of the shape layer “Moon2”
Step 4
Add layer style
Step 5
Now we will add to the effects of light on the object by using brush, first we need a new layer (please create a layer), give the name “light” then set tge blending layer “Overlay”
And choose a brush with a diameter of 125px, hardness 0% and color #fff
select the layer “Moon2” press ‘ctrl’ + ‘ left click on the vector mask thumbnail’ and then back to the layer “light” and give the paint its edges
Next do deselect, and select the layer ‘Moon1’, press ‘ctrl’+’alt’+’left click on the vector mask thumbnail’ on the layer “Moon2” and then back to the layer “light” and give the paints, as shown below
Step 6
Now, add layer style on the layer ‘Moon1’
Step 7
By using “ellipse tool” we will create a shadow effect, first make an oval form with a color #000 height 27px and 355px wide
Then convert from vector to object by pressing the right click on the layer and choose “Rasterize Layer”
After that make an object a litter blurry by using gaussian blur with a radius of 10px
further reduce the opacity layer into 30%
Step 8
NOw we will edit the ‘BLUE’ layer, add layer style
So it will be like this
Step 9
Duplicate the ‘BLUE’ layer and slide a little down then change the layer style
So it will be like this
Step 10
Duplicate the ‘BLUE’ layer and also the ‘BLUE copy’ layer, we have made previously, then select both layers and merge
After that we return and change the opacity becomes 20%
Step 11
Repeat step 8 through step 10 to change the “MOON” layer and the result is as shown below
Step 12
Click ‘Layer 0’,by using gradient tool, then add the blue color (#48d7ff) in the background layer
The Result
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and you’re happy with your result!
Download the PSD file
Feel free to download the psd file (or source file): Simple 3D Logo (4248 downloads )