24 Useful Brand Articles for Small Business of December 2011
This is our monthly series were we share useful brand and business tips articles all from the previous month. We hope this series can help you to strengthen your brand identity and growing your business.
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Eight ways to prepare your business for 2012
by Mike Kapetanovic
A very useful list of eight things freelancers and agencies should do to prepare for the end of the year and ring in the new one.
Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Small Business Owners
by Nellie Akalp
In this article, Nellie Akalp has assembled her top 10 New Year’s resolutions for the small business owner.
How You Can Simplify Your Freelancing Business
by Lexi Rodrigo
How can you simplify your freelancing business? Below, Lexi go over several areas of your business that you can examine and simplify:
How to Build an Effective Google+ Brand Strategy
by Lawrence Mak
Here are six steps to help jumpstart your brand presence on Google+, and what you should consider when communicating and engaging followers in the Google+ environment.
12 Google+ Marketing Tips From the Pros
by Cindy King
She has asked 12 experienced social media professionals to share their best tips on Google+ for business with you.
4 Ways to Grow Your Business with Marketing Automation
by Neil Patel
Having automation systems in place like this allows you to increase your customer size without having to grow your employee base. If you want to increase your ROI, then implement the following 4 marketing automation ideas:
4 Ways Small Business Websites Can Drive More Sales
by Aaron Sperling
You’ve got a functioning website, but you’re struggling with 60% bounce rates, and users don’t seem to be completing the necessary conversion processes. You don’t have the resources to invest in a web designer or consultant, so how do you go about optimizing your website on your own? Try the following tips.
5 Steps for Finding New Customers
by Ronald Brown
How the most successful companies do it, maybe in the hope that there’s a secret or shortcut to success. Sorry to say, no silver bullet exists. Below are the five basic steps.
How to Get More Clients Faster With Templates
by Celine Roque
No matter how well you plan, there will be times when you’ll need more clients. To cut this time as short as possible., you need a system for contacting leads, qualifying them, and converting them into paying clients as fast as possible. Communication templates can help you do this.
Sony Combines Social and Local for Successful Product Launch
by Casey Hibbard
With a creative mix of social media and in-person events, Sony brought out thousands of people to locations to “Catch the Tablet” and tell their friends about it.
5 Reasons Your Business Should Be Blogging
by Marcus Sheridan
Does your business blog? This article will help you (or someone you know) understand the value of a business blog.
The Complete Bloggers Guide to Facebook Marketing
by Amy Porterfield
To help you get clear on your Facebook plan, consider these four steps as a roadmap to Facebook success.
7 Strategies to Make Facebook SEO Friendly
by Richard Larson
Here are 7 Facebook SEO strategies to make sure your Face is getting the amount of Book it deserves!
Does Facebook Convert? Surprising Answers From Marketing Experts
by Crazy Egg Experts
Very useful opinion and advice for marketing experts to optimize your marketing strategy on Facebook.
What It Takes to Be a Successful Social Good Entrepreneur
by Zoe Fox
Take a look through these four essential ingredients to being a successful social entrepreneur.
How to Create a Jaw Dropping Social Media Strategy in 5 Steps
by Neil Patel
Like most marketing plans, social media channels need to go through the following five goals in order to produce the kind of results that are truly profitable.
How to Devise the Perfect Freelancing Social Media Strategy for You
by Laura Spencer
Social media is a great tool for freelancers (and since social media is most often free it’s very budget-friendly). But if you’re not careful, social media can also take up a lot of your valuable project time.
8 Small Business Social Media Tips From the Pros
by Cindy King
Cindy has asked eight small business pros for their hottest social media tips. Here’s their advice for you to take your business to the next level.
4 Steps to Create a Social Listening Strategy
by Sandy Carter
The first step when considering social analytics is to establish a listening strategy. It enables decision-makers to find and better understand opportunities and stakeholders. So, exactly how do you go about listening?
How to Use Social Partnerships to Amplify Your Marketing
by Ben Pickering
Would you like to combine forces with another company in a collaborative promotion? Want to know why this is wise and how to do it? Here
How To Decide If You Or Your Business Should Use Twitter [Infographic]
by Francisco
A new infographic from Flowtown to help you determine how you are going to use Twitter or if you should stay clear. And it sort of funny too…
5 Reasons Why You Can’t Make Your Email Marketing Work (And how-to fix it)
by Neil Patel
Would you like to know how to build a great email newsletter list without making the common mistakes that can ruin your reputation and cost you money? If so, avoid these 5 mistakes.
Getting Started with White Paper Marketing
by Tara Hornor
A powerful way to build trust and rapport is to develop authoritative and informative white papers. Read Tara tips to optimize your marketing strategy with White Paper.
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