Ideas for Unusual Things to Print on Your Promotional Products


This is a guest post by Edel Flood, if you want to guest post on this blog, please contact us.

Whether it’s mugs, pens, keyrings or something completely different, promotional items can really pack a punch when it comes to improving awareness of your company, brand or particular marketing campaign. The artwork and print method you use for your promotional merchandise can have a significant impact on their efficacy.

Let’s face it, most of us invest in promotional products with the specific intention of boosting recognition of our brand, not just among existing clients but also among new customers. But how exactly do you do that? Well, you can print your company name on the products but just printing your company name alone means you’re likely to be limiting their effectiveness. Here are some other options to ensure that your promotional products resonate with your target audience:

Ideas #1: Put some Beautiful Images

Ideas for Printed Promotional Product

You probably know the phrase ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ already, and whether it’s your firm’s logo, a school badge or even a personal photo, the right image can convey messages that are hard to express in text.

In fact, research by The Lawyerist notes that people usually remember pictures better than words. Consumers can recall around two-thirds of the information conveyed to them in an image three days after they first saw it. For text, the retention rate drops to ten per cent.

Depending on the product you opt for, it may be possible to order a full colour print, wraparound print or different images in different print positions. For example, on a reusable cotton shopping bag you may be able to opt for one image on the front and a different image on the reverse, which should in turn maximise the potential to advertise your brand or particular marketing campaign. After all, it’s important to remember that recipients of promotional products, like printed shopping bags, will act as a “walking billboard” for your logo, brand or marketing message.

Ideas #2: Give Your Creative Slogan

Ideas for Printed Promotional Product

Slogans are a great way of condensing a particular marketing message into a phrase that should resonate with your target audience (as well as fit into a print area on promotional merchandise)! The slogan may be unique to your organisation or could reference other popular slogans of the past. Many retailers sell products which are emblazoned with a “Keep Calm and Carry On” slogan – which references the famous wartime slogan of the UK government. Many promotional products, such as bags and clothing, are also available with this slogan. 

Ideas #3: Include Your Contact Details

Ideas for Printed Promotional Product

It’s probably stating the obvious, but all of your promotional products should include your contact details, from your telephone number to your web-site address. After all, your promotional merchandise may be the only lasting reminder the recipient has of your organisation after that seminar, trade show, exhibition or sales conference?

For something a little more unusual, consider printing your Facebook username or Twitter handle on your promotional products. Recipients will be able to log on to your social media sites to find out more about your organisation as well as finding out about any special offers or discounts that might be available. The advantage of promoting your social media pages is that these pages can be shared between users, which should give your brand or marketing campaign extra exposure. It could even increase the number of your fans and followers!


We hope the tips above are useful for you. Do you have any experience with the ideas above? Or do you have another creative ideas? Don’t hesitate to share with us in the comment below.

– by Edel Flood –

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  1. […] onto the products to make them extraordinary. We’ve already discussed some unusual things to print on your promotional products, so let’s take a practical look at what would make them truly […]

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