
Do All Brands Need Marketing? A Scientific and Logical Approach to the Sunglasses Industry

Do All Brands Need Marketing? A Scientific and Logical Approach to the Sunglasses Industry

Illustration by Nick Brito via Dribbble

Do all brands need marketing? This is an interesting question that many people will answer with a yes or a no. Some might say “yes” because they believe that it’s necessary to market products in order for them to be successful.

Others may respond “no” simply because they do not think there are any benefits to marketing. However, the correct answer is not as simple as either of these options and should instead be considered from both perspectives before making any decisions about whether or not you need marketing for your brand.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the reasons why you might want or need marketing for your brand and some of the ways in which GlassesUSA.com has used different forms of marketing over the past few years.

When you ask “do all brands need marketing?” there’s two perspectives that must be considered before making any decisions about whether or not it would benefit your brand. One perspective is from a customer point-of-view, which states that without advertising a product customers will never know of its existence.

The second side argues for company growth by having an online presence in order to have more interaction with their potential consumer base. GlassesUSA has used both forms of marketing over the years: traditional (billboards, commercials) as well as digital (social media ads).

Marketing is a necessary tool for any company

If you take a minute and think of the most iconographical sunglasses company, who do you think of? Most people go with Ray-Ban. A recognized classic the world over. Does Ray-Ban spend any money on marketing? Why would they have to? Everyone already knows who they are.

Well, in fact, they do spend money on marketing. The most recent campaign is focusing heavily on music, and it has led them to sponsor major festivals around the world.

Ray-Ban continues their legacy of quality sunglasses while simultaneously promoting themselves in a way that reaches people from all walks of life, not just those who are already aware of them.

It’s this kind of strategy that allows for longevity in an industry where new brands come out every day with no intention other than to capitalize off our culture’s obsession with being trendy at any cost.

Illustration by teravector – www.freepik.com

Marketing can be used to create awareness of a product or service, increase sales, and build customer loyalty

Marketing isn’t just about sell sell sell, although that’s a part of it. It’s also about developing a rapport with your customer. It’s about getting them to think of you as an expert in the field.

Marketing is, quite simply, communication that encourages people to buy products and services: awareness campaigns build brand recognition; direct marketing offers premiums or discounts for loyal customers; public relations activities can help position your product favorably among consumers who haven’t even bought it yet!

The most successful brands are those which understand their target market intimately, because they tailor their message accordingly–and have strategies for generating buzz online before anyone else does.

How do these companies know what we’re talking about? Well some of it is guesswork (YouTube trends), but other times there are social media listening tools used by marketers, PR firms, and sales aggregators.

The sales aggregators have already mastered the art of bringing people to one place. It is your job to make sure that your company stands out – no matter the arena.

Additionally these tools help find the right customers to present special offers. Many e-commerce websites are using pay now, buy later programs to help ease the cost and split payments. This is without interest too, so it’s something that millions of people take advantage of and could help prevent debt to consumer credit credits.

Marketing Tools

There are many types of marketing tools that companies use to accomplish these goals. Let’s go back to our example of Ray Ban. They use a variety of tools to create buzz before anyone else does. One method is online marketing, or SEO: the idea behind this type of marketing strategy is to get as many links pointing back to your website from other sites that rank high in Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs).

Another way Ray Ban could market their product would be through social media. Social Media Marketing Strategy includes creating content on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for example–and making sure that they have an active presence there so people are aware when new products are released.

PR is another way to get publicity for your company, but it’s not as easy as sending out a press release and waiting for the media outlets to call you back with coverage.

These days, journalists are bombarded by pitches all day long from people who want their attention; so rather than hoping they’ll eventually contact you instead of someone else, why not take matters into your own hands and reach them with engaging content that will make them want to write about what you have going on?

All of the above

When done correctly, this type of marketing can help change people’s perceptions about a brand and make them more likely to buy products from that company in the future or buy from that company more frequently. But, there isn’t a magic bullet to getting your brand out there. It all requires an incredible amount of work, and it doesn’t happen overnight.

One good way to start is by creating a blog post that highlights your brand and its products. It’s vital, however, not just to talk about the product in general but also highlight how it can make someone’s life better or provide some sort of valuable service.

When writing this type of content for brands who sell sunglasses for example, you could mention how wearing them will protect people from UV damage that causes skin cancer like melanoma; help with seasonal depression; improve sleep quality; keep children safe while playing outside; prevent headaches caused by glare on tablet screens-the list goes on and on!

It’s possible for brands to get large amounts of free press coverage without spending a lot of money on advertising. All they need are some good SEO keywords and the ability to tie into popular topics in current events-for example, if you’re selling sunglasses, why not create content about how wearing them could protect people from snow blindness during this year’s polar vortex?

The more creative your blog post ideas are, the better! So what do all these strategies have in common? They focus on giving customers something valuable while also considering their needs as consumers. Rather than just marketing products themselves, companies can show potential clients who they really care about by providing information, free shipping and discounts.

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