How Can You Use Digital Asset Management to Achieve Brand Consistency?

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Having as strong and consistent brand should be a key priority for any business, brands are essential for carving out your company’s image and personality. A strong brand will attract customers to you and make them want to keep coming back, branding is essential for customer loyalty.

However as a company grows, brings on more people and merges with other companies it is a common problem for your brands to become a patch work quilt, miss match which takes elements of brands from all over the place. If this is happening to your company you need to take control of the brand and drive every one of your assets in a single consistent direction, with everyone working together to create a single brand personality.

So how do you get everyone working for your company on the same track? Well obviously you need to let anyone representing your brand know what it is that you want to achieve, you need to train them how to do this and give them the tools required, you also need to make sure that everything that goes out with your companies name on can be approved centrally.

The easiest way to do all this is with digital asset management (DAM) software. It can be a tough job choosing the DAM software that for fills your company’s needs. Here are 4 features that we believe are essential to achieving brand consistency that you should make sure any DAM software you use has.

Feature #1: Company Templates

If every department in your company is producing their own output it can be hard to make sure it all has your company’s house style, and puts forward the personality you want your company to be associated with.

You can make this a lot easier for those working on your brand by providing them with dynamic templates for all the kinds of documents they might need to produce. This not only gives them an easier time of it but it also helps to ensure that they are producing work that looks the way your brand needs it to look every time.

Feature #2: Communications Tools

If your brand has been becoming disjointed, a large part of the reason might be that you have ineffective communication between your different teams. If one department doesn’t know who to ask about a branding question they can end up receiving the wrong information.

You can get a DAM system here that solves this by integrating a more effective internal communication system that works very much like a social network. Offering searchable details about what everyone in the company does and what they should be consulted on. It also allows those driving your brand to monitor branding discussions and check everyone is taking it in the right direction.

Feature #3: Logical Asset Finder

Over time all companies will build up a huge library of images, logos, templates and videos that are used to promote your brand. It can become really difficult for those promoting your brand to find what they need. This is a problem; it wastes time and leads to employees often not using the most appropriate asset for a task.

DAM software must be able to archive your data logically and be searchable in a way that makes it quick for designers to only see appropriate asset choices.

Feature #4: Customized Interface

When those working on your brand log into the DAM software they should instantly see what they need to see and not what they don’t. Giving your employees immediate access to the templates and information they need will make this information easy for them to find and the work they need to do easy to complete.

Having a system like this also means critical and confidential documents are only viewable by those who should be able to see them. This means you don’t have to worry about letting external designers use there system as there is little risk of them stumbling across information they should not be permitted to see.

About the Author!

Ewan Cambell MacDougall, a UK based blogger currently working with a leading BrandWorkz Digital Asset Management Software Company.

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