Meet the Obvious Signs that It’s Time to Rebrand Your Logo

Image by Ramotion

Having an easily identifiable brand logo is something that each business owner strives for. The more recognizable your brand is, the easier it will be for you to achieve the desired success. Whether it’s the custom writing business like WritePro, food delivery service or interior and furniture design company that you’re engaged in, sooner or later you may start to see some flaws with the existing logo and will think that the time for big changes has come. The last thing you want is to have an outdated logo that doesn’t reflect the mission and the values of the company.

So, if you ever get that feeling that your old jeans are a bit too snug or your hairdo requires an immediate upgrade when you pass by a mirror, keep in mind that logo design is no different. Whether it has become unhip or too narrow for its services, every brand should be redesigned at some point. Here are some signs that signalize this point is now.

#1. Your Brand Fails to Reflect Your Business Vision

It happens. If your logo was terrific some ten years ago, chances are it no longer represents your brand vision. Sometimes the company may take a different course of action, which means the current logo simply outgrows the existing strategy. Whatever the reason, make sure your brand moves with the times and progresses along with the industry.

#2. Your Logo Is from Prehistoric Times

Having a logo that looks like the ancient Egyptians made it can do much harm to the company’s image and your ability to hook new clients. If you realize that your logo is not contemporarily looking, hurry up to modify it! Getting a more attractive brand logo design is an excellent way to prove you’re not afraid to go beyond the frames of the current trends. Check the logos of your competitors and find a great deal of inspiration that you can introduce in your brand later.

#3. You Are Embarrassed Every Time You Reach for Your Business Card

Things like that happen here and there. If you begin to feel nervous whenever you have to hand out your card, or if you think your corporate site logo looks primitive for the XXI century, it’s definitely time for a rebrand. Boring, clichéd, just one among the others – if your business identity or online presence falls under the issues mentioned before, get in touch with the experts at a branding agency.

#4. Your Current Brand Logo Reminds You of Negative Experience

If you recall your bad experiences from the past every time you see your logo, it’s better to redesign it as soon as possible. Replacing your old design with a brand new image can serve as a perfect hook for new clients and help you leave all the old problems in the past.

#5. Your Ideal Clientele Has Changed

Your existing packaging, design and messaging may have been the best fit for small business, but chances are they are not relevant to the large corporations that now collaborate with your ideal target audience. Or, maybe, you have expanded your services to reach different age groups, genders or affinities. Either way, to ensure your target message will be delivered and comprehended properly by the perfect audience, ensure to reconsider your PR outreach, your logo, and advertising techniques.

#6. The “New” Has Become “Passé”

Does the logo created years and years ago looks out of date and not nice and retro? Do your materials include outdated terminology? If there’s something non-innovative in your business logo design, it’s the right time to revamp your brand messaging. It totally doesn’t matter if your company has a timeless look even today since everything requires an update at a certain point.

#7. You Don’t Attract Much Web Traffic

For the majority of business owners, finding a way to drive potential clients to the corporate website is a must. There are many issues that can stand behind the inability to attract web traffic, and a boring and unattractive logo is among those. If your team has already tried all possible marketing techniques and still gets stuck when it comes to web traffic boost, then you may want to reach out to the rebrand experts. With this type of professional assistance, you will get an opportunity to enjoy excellent guidance regarding what direction is the most suitable for your logo design. However, before you give your preference to one of the existing helpers, make sure to check all the projects they have accomplished and the feedbacks provided by the customers.

#8. Your Logo Was Created in MS Word Long Ago

If your current brand design was made in MS Words ten or twenty years ago, then stop reading this and upgrade your dusty logo! The reality is that techs have come a really long way since the 1990s and there are dozens of different programs that can be used to craft something that can work with modern media and make your service competitive. An old school, primitive logo will tell your customers that you don’t care about them.

#9. Your Logo Doesn’t Stand Out

If irrelevance takes your business down every now and then, and you find yourself in the middle of competitors, a logo rebrand will help you to stand out from the crowd. It doesn’t have to be anything overdone – even a minimalistic design can be powerful enough to hook your clients. You would be surprised how often poor market performance is caused by something seemingly trivial, like having a busy or primitive logo.

Your Turn

Whether they are obvious or hidden from view, signs that it’s the right time to rebrand your business logo can be seen anywhere. More often than not, the first sign is that you’re wondering if the time for changes has come! Whatever at the end of the day makes you redesign your brand logo, don’t step back – you’re making the best decision. With the number of benefits that rebranding is going to bring, your investment will pay off sooner than you think!

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