Push Your Business Ahead with Smart Mobile Marketing


Many emerging technologies like smartphones are enabling businesses to stay in touch with their customers irrespective of their location. The ubiquity and portability of smartphones are making them an indispensable tool for marketers. Smart mobile marketing can help both the marketers and customers to stay in touch on the go. Customers too want business information to be delivered to their smartphones concisely so that it will be accessible for them on the go. But, some small and medium businesses are not yet well versed with the strategies to be followed for success in mobile marketing. Some of the important tips to push your business ahead with mobile marketing are:

Mobile Marketing Strategy

#Respect Your Customer

Always ensure that your message is worthy of disturbing your audience. Never send unnecessary information on the mobile phones which may annoy your customers. Unnecessary information sent on the mobile channels may be more annoying than the information sent through emails or other marketing channels. Try to delight your customers with your new marketing offers and impress them by reminding them as to why they love your brand, products and services.

#Build Deeper Conversations

Encourage your customers to visit your pages on social network sites like Facebook and Twitter, corporate blogs on blogging sites, and mobile sites for multi-channel communications . A good campaign strategy is to include a link to the social networking pages in the push notification. This will help your customers to know more about your company and engage in conversations that may contribute to the buzz. These links will also make it possible for your customers to share information about your company with their friends and relatives and thereby enabling it go viral. A message can be made compelling by making it thought-provoking, emotional, and funny. These king of messages can be useful in building deeper conversations with your customers.

#Make Your Emails Mobile Friendly

Mobile Marketing Strategy

Make your emails to be accessed and read easily on the mobile phones. This requirement is considered absolutely necessary for businesses which are interested in mobile marketing these days. Try to keep the email design simple and light on text. The subject of the message should be kept as concise as possible and other important details like the brand name, current offer, and call to action should be highlighted on the top center of the email message. These things will make the message to be easily downloadable on mobile phones.

#Leverage on Customer Data

Leverage on the information your know about a single customer or your population of mobile marketing. This will help in targeting your campaigns on what you already know about your customer. Some of the meaningful data you have gathered like sage history, time zones of the users, past consumption history, etc. will be useful to customize push messaging campaigns and thereby maximizing the effectiveness of mobile marketing.

#Tap Location Based Services

Location based services will help in gaining information regarding your regular customers and their consumption patterns. Location based services let you know the places frequently visited by your customers so that you can notify them about the offers which are available nearby. These services also let your customers to share information regarding your business with their close friends and family members.

#Use QR Codes

Mobile Marketing Strategy

Take advantage of latest technology like QR codes to the maximum extent. QR codes is a latest advancement in the area of mobile marketing which enables businesses to effectively target tech savvy customers. Using QR codes, customers can visit your website with out the need of typing the whole URL on their browsers. These codes should appear on all your marketing communications like visiting cards, sales brochures, posters, and sales catalogs.

#Don’t be too Pushy

Remember that too much of anything is not a good thing. Sending too many messages or notifications in mobile marketing may hurt your brand in the long run. Calculate the number of deliveries you make to your customers with some common sense. Respecting the privacy of users will improve the value of your brand in the eyes of the customers. Allow your customers to opt-out of receiving notifications and messages which they don’t like or which are not interesting to them.

Incorporating the above suggestions can help your business to successfully forge ahead in mobile marketing. But, marketers should keep in mind that all the above mobile marketing strategies can support their marketing but they can’t totally drive their business. Identifying your customers and targeting them well is the key. Mobile strategies just allow you to package your products and services to better reach them.

About the Author!

Claudia is a writer/blogger. She loves writing travelling and reading books. She contributes to World Financial Group.

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