12 Skills You Need On Your College Startup Team

Illustration by Fauzan Aldi Pradana via Dribbble

As a college student with an entrepreneurial spirit, you should seriously consider one of your many business ideas. Before you do so, ensure you have done enough research so that you know which business idea is likely to be successful.

You will also need a team to help you roll out your business. As you know, you’re a college student first, and you cannot dedicate all your time to starting a business. When you have trusted partners, you can share responsibilities so that you get time to study.

The best part about studying in this era is that there are so many resources you can rely on one. It’s quite unbelievable that today, all a student needs to do is pay for homework writing services. This is an excellent solution because college schedules can be quite tight.

Delegating your assignments to able writers allows you to take a break so that you don’t crush under pressure.

To run a successful business in college, you need to master the most important business skills. You, together with your startup team, need to dedicate time to learn all there is to know about running a business.

There are so many startups that fail not because the idea was not genius, but because the people behind the idea were not well equipped for a successful launch.

Startup Skills You Need To Learn

Here are 12 great skills you need to learn if you want your startup to take the business world by storm.

#1. Delegation Skills

When you have a business idea, it’s like your baby. As the days go by, this baby keeps growing, and you get attached to it. Every entrepreneur wants their business idea to be a successful business at the end of the day. Delegation becomes a problem because who would want someone else to take care of their baby?

Whether or not you’re a student, you need to learn this skill because you cannot change the world alone. And besides, two heads have always been better than one.

If you don’t delegate responsibilities, your team will think that you do not trust them. This is a bad foot to start on because launching a business requires unwavering solidarity. People cannot be in solidarity with you if they can sense your mistrust.

To avoid feeling like you’re letting go of control, carefully choose your partners. This way, even if you get weary of the idea of delegating, at the back of your mind, your business idea is in safe hands.

#2. Communication Skills

Communication is key when it comes to running a business. You need to ensure that there are clear communication channels between you and your teammates. This way, collaborative work will be easier because everyone will be on the same page.

Proper communication means allowing everyone to voice their thoughts. No one’s opinion should be more superior than those of others because you’re all working towards a common goal.

Make sure that you resolve issues before they get complicated because sweeping things under the carpet will come back to bite you in the future. Since these are the initial stages of launching your business, you need to ensure everything that you do not will boost operations in the future.

There is no need for creating animosity among yourselves when, ideally, you’re supposed to work together for a long time. Learn to communicate without bruising anyone’s ego or seeming like you have the right to step on other people’s toes.

#3. Negotiation Skill

People in business will tell you that there is not a day that goes by without them negotiating about something. Since it’s the order of the day, your communication skills should be unmatched. That is the only way to climb the ladder of success in the business world.

If you’re a little soft on people, you need to read up on all the tricks business people use to secure good deals. When negotiating, your aim should be to place your business at an advantage without overstepping.

After all, no customer will want to transact with your business if they know that you are only out to serve your selfish needs.

#4. Strategic Planning

A successful business does not just fall on people’s laps. You have to strategically plan for it if you want success. Strategic planning is a skill you’ll have to learn through educating yourself.

Dive in write-ups that shed light on these skills so that you know the ins and outs of proper planning. This is also where you’ll need to work closely with your startup team. Dedicate at lean one day each week where all of you sit down and contribute the best strategies to launch the business.

#5. Leadership Skills

Business and leadership go hand in hand because you’ll be required to make tough decisions that will affect the lives of other people.

Since you’re still in college, this is an excellent time to join leadership forums. Throw yourself in the thick of things and see how you do.

Businesses are quite unpredictable because you might wake up one morning to a hiccup you didn’t think you’d ever encounter. Your leadership skills will help you decide on the best cause of action.

#6. Team Building Skills

You need to make your team effective and united. This can only be achieved if you have team-building skills. Read up on the activities that will help your startup team to be collaborative and seamless.

People can only work best if other team members’ efforts complement their abilities. You need to make your startup team understand that the best way to succeed is when they work interdependently.

#7. Analytical Skills

It is so much you need to analyze as an entrepreneur that lacking analytical skills are setting yourself for failure. To begin with, you need to make sure that the market you’re entering has room. You need to figure out where this room exists and the best way you can serve your potential customers.

You also need to look at where your competitors are and figure out the best way to overtake them. Analytical skills are the difference between a business person going by their gut feeling and making informed decisions.

#8. Sales and Marketing Skills

Once you launch the business, you’ll need these skills to convince potential customers to choose you over other businesses offering the same products. What are you bringing to the table, and can you sustain this throughout the years?

Customers want to work with a reliable business that will always satisfy their needs.

Sales and marketing skills allow you to get your business to the next level because a business needs customers to thrive.

#9. General Management Skills

Did you know that you need money to keep your business afloat even when you’re hardly making sales? Business is not a pop-up app that only shows up when someone needs something from it.

Your business needs to keep standing even on days when you hardly have people making purchases. To manage your business through off-peak and busy seasons requires general management skills.

You need to be able to make the right decisions at the right time because there will be days when your business will be a decision away from falling apart.

#10. Cash Flow Management Skills

As aforementioned, you need money to keep your business afloat. This means that you have to figure out how to keep your cash flow consistent. Using all the money you have to restock the store and remaining with nothing on your hands is a bad idea.

Remember that if you have employees, they’ll need to be paid monthly. By keeping your cash flow consistent, you’ll be able to cover all your responsibilities.

#11. Financial Management Skills

If you don’t know how to take care of your finances, you have no business running a business. Financial literacy is key because when your business succeeds, you’ll be handling a lot of money at a time.

If you’re an irresponsible spender, you might run your business to the ground without knowing it.

#12. Time Management Skills

How many times have you heard successful business people say that time is money? I bet you cannot count. As you start this journey, you have to always bear this in mind. Wasting time in the business world is synonymous with throwing money down the drain.

You need to master time management skills, or your customers will not take you seriously. All business operations are connected to time, and the better you manage it, the further you’ll take your business.

Time management requires a lot of discipline and consistency. You need to establish a routine and stick to it. This way, running your business will be like second nature to you.


Starting a business in college is not a walk in the park. You need the right set of skills to achieve success. Make sure you carefully select your startup team because you’ll be working with them for a long time. Hopefully, this article will help you successfully launch your business.

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