
4 Strategies to Understand Your Facebook Fans

How to Understand Facebook Fans

As marketer on Facebook, is very important to understand what the role of the fans for your brand. This is an important topic that should be used as a meeting at your table. You also should do an analysis of your fans or your target market. Since by knowing and understanding your fans on Facebook you will get 3 advantages. Here they are:

  1. Can identify your fans
    What is meant here is the identification, type sex, and countries they come from, and where fans that see you but do not understand your product and the fans are really interested in your brand. Course from here you are able to determine the right business strategy to attract their attention.
  2. Knowing where are your fans
    After you already could do the identification fans, the second advantage is you could know the target market you whether already fulfilled or no. Where is your audience this does not only mean that where the origin country or area fans of you, but from where channels they use to communicate? As an example you determine your target market is professional of course Facebook is not the answer but LinkedIn is. With knowing where target market you so can determine where the social media which could accommodating with well your campaign.
  3. Keep yourself in the loop
    The third advantage is after you know where your fans to communicate channel with, you can make your brand stay in the loop. Along with the development social media who so quickly, knowing and understand the fans with better, will make you survive campaign with utilize social media. Like pinterest with picture excellence, LinkedIn with professional excellence, with the advantages of Google+ check-in, and Facebook with the ​​social superiority. By understanding the fans will make you use every advantage possessed by social media with more precise.

As for some of the obstacles often encountered as a marketer on Facebook, with the proliferation of fan page brand makes the emergence of consumer behavior that sometimes ignored advice that is given on the Facebook the fan page that they might like, because they find postings from fan page fulfilling their news feed. With us knowing how to understand our fans on Facebook we can still expect to be a brand they like. Based on this, here are some few steps to understand your fans in Facebook.

#1. Focus to engagement your fans

Many Facebook users do not realize that the less engagement they receive on their fan page posts, the less future posts are shown to the fan page subscribers. For example at this moment we have 200 followers and do post on fan page the turns out to comment on the your fan page are only 10 people or less, of course it will prove that the value of engagement with fans only 5%. Of course we judged it would be considered lacking in engagement with fans that follow our brand.

At this time of posting on Facebook is recommended to use the phrasing of questions, it will provoke readers fans of your page to answer the questions you want to ask them, form posts that give the question will be inversely proportional to if you just post a copy of your website link, sometimes the fans are not interested if when looking at a page he had still click another page to see the full stories. Here are the difference between posts with questionable and post with a link from the website belongs to luv’s fans page. You can see of both post belongs luvs seen that post with more questionable have engagement with the number of likes and shares in that post.

#2. Do analytics to understand how you reach your fans

Understand your customers are advised to perform a particular research that ensures anyone who sees your Facebook fan page. Here is the type of analysis you can do.
Viral Reach is the number of unique people that saw your friend’s stories from their activities, for example if they shared, commented or liked your post, answered a question, RSVPd to an event or posted directly on your wall. The number reflects how many times your updates were seen.

People talking about measures how much conversations you’re generating through the content you’re posting on Facebook. The interactions that make up this metric include activities shared in users’ timelines, from posting to your wall to sharing, liking or commenting any type of content you add to your Page (posts, photos, questions, events). So this basically answers the question of how many people created a story from one of your posts.

As we can see in the example image below, with the analysis you can find out what percentage of men and women who look at your page fans, by doing your analysis and find out from which country most often see your fan page.

#3. Post high quality news and be topical

The third is important step in understand your customers, give your customers a quality news and could be a trend topic on your fan page. Invite your customers to share and like your post, and do not be surprised if your posts get your enthusiasm from the fans.

Like the example image below belong Honda fan page, where he invites his fans to share photos Honda belonging to his fans, and see so much comment and likes for this post. Most fans like this strategies because they are given the opportunity to do their personal photos to share their preferred brand. This will help you sort out how many fans are not only aware but also love your brand.

#4. Present the interesting content

Of the three steps above, this step is perfecting your goal to understand the consumer, after you do the engagement to the fans, to analyze all who see you’re Facebook and after you make a post that attracts attention, all of it must be packaged in an interesting and quality content.

What this meant is that the choice of news, themes or topics would you offer to consumers. In the selection of this exciting content, you can associate with a particular event or another interesting info. Like the example image below, BMW as a car manufacturer in almost every post on the fan page for it most of prioritizing image, as we have seen Facebook news feed today prefers the content with better picture quality.


Understanding consumers in social media sometimes do not like to understand the consumer in real life, in social media a lot of factors that you should consider, such as your post might attract attention but can also interfere with your fans news feed, and fans the most extreme can you do are you going on unlike, of course you do not expect it not to do the branding on Facebook. From the fourth step is a step above simple that you can apply in understanding your fans even further.

How about you? Whether there are you do and succeed than four steps above? Please share with us in the comment below.

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– Written by Ratih –

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