5 Ways to Innovate Your Business in 2022


The year 2022 is bound to be very different from what we saw in previous years, and just when we finally started truly adjusting to the pandemic-influenced changes. There are new global trends brewing. There are new initiatives and new work models.

Overall, there seems to be an unstable climate for the common people who are hoping to navigate the tides of rapid change.

With the world getting ever more connected, remote work has emerged as a way to secure safety no matter the circumstances and one’s location. That’s why many businesses are rapidly switching to hybrid work models.

Those who aren’t are facing the threat of losing quality workforce looking for sustainable work models that enable them to work from anywhere in the world.

Let’s take a look at this trend first.

Hybrid Work Models — A Route to Enhanced Retention

In this time and age, it is simply unacceptable to limit one’s perspective to that of the local workforce. With so many people around the globe looking for better job opportunities and better salaries, it would be a waste not to handpick the finest of experts just because your business is too rigid.

To get access to services of skilled professionals anywhere, a business doesn’t necessarily have to offer remote work exclusively; hybrid work models are a perfectly acceptable option for businesses transitioning to more sustainable prospects.

What then, exactly, are hybrid work models?

According to McKinsey, there are six different hybrid work models, as follows:

  1. Almost entirely off premises — mostly remote work with no office space
  2. Almost entirely on premises — limited remote work, large office space the majority of managers and workers
  3. Partially remote work, large office space — the majority of managers and workers spend most, but not all, of their time at the office
  4. Partially remote work, multiple hubs — multiple offices with the workforce dispersed among them
  5. Multiple microhubs — management and employees are dispersed across small microhubs located in different cities and countries
  6. Partially remote work, with flexible office space — no permanent offices; rented flex space used for periodic collaboration (but not connectivity)

Evidently, there’s more way than one to go about hiring just the people your business needs without having to rush headlong into the unknown. To boot, hybrid work models are perfect for businesses hoping to offer both sides of the coin to attract different types of professionals.

It’s perfectly fine to have both office workers and remote teams in accordance with your business plans and goals.

As far as innovation goes, there are so many things that can make a whole lot of difference, both for the employees and for customers.

5 Ways to Innovate Your Business in 2022

Let’s see what else you can do to successfully innovate your business in 2022.

#1. Get With the New Tech for Frontline Employees

Obviously, digitalization comes first. Can anyone even still imagine piles of outdated folders and lengthy landline business calls?

The same goes for almost all other aspects of doing business.

Nowadays, apps and tools have changed the work experience to such an extent that you’ll have a difficult time finding one person unfamiliar with at least the most popular communication tools (Skype, Zoom, etc.).

But, what about other types of apps?

With so many procedures to keep track of, it is not difficult to imagine how the use of proper tools can simplify a number of complex tasks, rendering them a mere routine. For example, there are apps that may help you track employees’ hours seamlessly.

Managing frontline employees is known to be more difficult than managing, say, remote teams, so using apps and tools can help them stay engaged. It is not so rare to see frontline employees feeling as if the office or in-house teams are managed in a more modern way. This doesn’t have to be the case.

#2. Build a Sustainability Team

Setting up a sustainability team is a must for any company meaning business. The trend is rapidly taking over older initiatives with public opinion and media pressure pushing for faster adaptation.

Even if this weren’t so, it would still not be too difficult to see why doing business sustainably has become an imperative. With global warming and associated disasters seeming just around the corner, it would be unethical and irresponsible to simply not do anything to address the issue.

Some efforts are gaining momentum — notably, EVs and solar panels, and they’re also getting cheaper as technology improves and production costs decrease. The present-day easy EV charger maintenance was unthinkable just a couple of years ago, while today there are whole networks of services available to EV owners — at affordable prices to top it off.

Initiating Sustainable Ideas

These two aspects are widely known. However, there are many other chances for improvement, of which we’re going to name a few significant ones hereby:

  • Define the economic case for sustainability keeping the business’ long-term purpose in mind
  • Initiate sustainability knowledge and competence by educating your workforce
  • Brainstorm sustainable ideas and practices with your employees so that everyone participates in the effort
  • Establish sustainability goals inside and outside the company
  • Drive transformational change with the aim of demonstrating higher purpose
  • Boost employee productivity and communicate the sense of (higher) purpose clearly, making an effort to include all employees
  • Empower every employee to become a sustainability champion

Admittedly, these initiatives take time and a whole lot of planning but, in essence, they don’t differ greatly from other innovative procedures that eventually evolve to become what we like to call “standard procedures.” It’s just that every initiative has to start somewhere even if the bigger picture isn’t immediately clear.

Listen to advice from businesses who have successfully transitioned to sustainable work models and — why not? — share your expertise with businesses just starting out. Not only will that help them in their undertaking, but it will also boost your business’ reputation as well.

You can establish your business as a pioneer in the field by creating a series of sustainability courses and sharing them with other businesses and interested parties. Way to go.

#3. Develop Better Methods for Employee Onboarding

Sadly, employee onboarding challenges tend to get overlooked too easily, chiefly because many recruiters think that if candidates’ skill set, competence and previous experience seem like a good fit, there’s nothing to worry about.

This can be a dangerous presumption as the costs of retaining employees are significant in case your hires are not satisfied with their job.

Just take a look at some stats to get a better idea of what employees may be expecting without you even noticing it:

  • The number one reason for people leaving their jobs is because they feel they are not being challenged at work
  • 94% of employees would consider staying longer if their company invested in their learning
  • One-third of new hires quit after ca. 6 months
  • Each month, 3 to 4.5 million employees quit their job
  • 76% of employees who feel their work isn’t being valued look for other job opportunities
  • The overall turnover rate is 57.3% — 25% is voluntary turnover, 29% is involuntary turnover and 3% for high-performers
  • 75% of the reasons for employee turnover can be prevented

To prevent any of this from happening, you should make sure that your prospective hires are fully in the know in regard to your company culture and engagement methods.

Also, make sure to offer sustainable advancement models, regular eLearning solutions, and challenges that will keep the employees engaged and happy. Couple that with a hybrid work model, and your business is set to succeed.

Before all of that, however, make sure to check prospective hires’ expectations rather than their expertise.

#4. Pay Attention to Your Team’s Health

This tip may seem like a no-brainer, but it actually happens too often that people leave their jobs because they feel their health (both physical and mental) may be suffering.

In this matter, even the smallest of efforts matter — from providing standing desks so that your employees can avoid leg cramps and back pain to encouraging healthy snacks and wellness programs.

#5. Take It to the Road

That’s right — there’s no better time like today to take that leap and start to work remotely or better yet, as a digital nomad. It can be simpler (and more exciting) to go work abroad, see the sights, get productive, and gain a new perspective.

That is, if the company you’re hoping to work for offers remote work.

Scroll up to the part discussing hybrid work models to see how your business can become the best place for every employee and never lose a skilled employee again because your company is too rigid or too slow in implementing innovation.

Key Takeaways

There are just so many things a business can do in terms of innovation to make everyone happier and more engaged.

As a general rule of thumb, starting smaller is perfectly acceptable, but make sure to actually draft plans and follow through.

One last piece of advice: listen to employees’ feedback. This will help your business grow faster alongside its teams, and no business can be successful without everyone’s joint efforts, so there you have it.

About the Author!

Angela Ash is an expert writer who focuses on business topics, remote work, digital nomadism, travel, mental health and much more. She works with Flow SEO, a boutique agency founded by Viola Eva.

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