What’s in & What’s out: Brand Logo Design Trends You Need to Know


Brand logo design is important but so is redesign. You need to start with a bang so that people remember you, but you also need to know when it’s time to change things up. Knowing what’s in and what’s out should help ensure you stay on top of your brand logo design.

What’s In

You never know what’s going to become popular and what won’t.

The best thing you can do is talk to a logo designer so that he or she can guide your decision. This is how you’ll learn what’s trending, which is key if you care about modern logo design branding, according to experts at DesignBro. The following are a few examples of what’s trending now:

 icon-angle-right Hand Drawing

One trend that’s starting to pick up is the hand-drawn logo design. While some brands have used hand-drawn logos for years, it’s becoming popular to go this route at the moment.

Companies want folks to feel nostalgic about their brands, and this type of branding seems to trigger nostalgia. It also helps humanize the company. More customers want the businesses they frequent to feel human, and this is one way to achieve that goal.

 icon-angle-right Classic Repurposing

Another trend that seems to be rising in popularity is the repurposed classic image. In essence, companies are finding classic symbols that connect to their business and creating something with that image. For example, a company could use the classic hand-shaking image to signify partnership or something similar.

It’s a popular image that everyone knows, but now it’s redesigned to give it some personality. The reason this is effective is that people recognize the classic image, so it’s easier to get people to remember your brand. On top of that, the classic touch makes people think you have an established brand even if it’s new.

 icon-angle-right Optical Illusions

The purpose of a brand logo is to help people remember your company. It’s something that’ll represent you and define your company, which is the reason you want it to stand out. That could be the reason the optical illusion logo trend is taking off.

Yes, it seems that more companies are finding ways to create logos that contain some sort of optical illusion. The optical illusion has to feel organic, so make sure it connects to the spirit of your brand. Of course, you shouldn’t overdo the optical illusions, or you might end up confusing your customers, which is the last thing you want.

 icon-angle-right Incorporating Nature

Another trend that seems to be capturing the imagination has to do with nature. Companies are trying to incorporate nature into their brand logo. This could mean adding floral or leafy motifs to your brand. Make sure the natural motifs feel modern and crisp if you’re adding this to your logo. There are many ways to add something natural to your brand if that’s what you want.

The reason this trend is taking off probably deals with the growing concern for the planet. Customers want to feel like they’re supporting companies that care about sustainability. Images like this help in that regard.

What’s Out

Now, you know about some of the trends that are taking off, but you also have to be aware of trends that aren’t doing so hot. The following are a few examples are trends that are starting to feel a little dated:

 icon-angle-right Random Accents

For a while, brand logos contained a random accent. This was a good thing, but that trend is pretty much dead. Accents make a logo feel too busy in today’s day and age. People prefer simplicity, so random accents don’t work anymore.

A random accent could be anything, from an arc over the company’s name to random dots somewhere on the logo. Some companies even added computerized stick trees. These were added to grab your attention, but companies don’t need to do stuff like this anymore. In modern times, you get people’s attention with simplify, and let that dominate the logo.

 icon-angle-right Watercolors

Another overused trend is the watercolor logo. This logo looks like an artist used a few watercolors to create the image. It’s relatively clear, but it has small distortions that make it seem real.

Of course, it normally doesn’t look real but fabricated. While the logo itself is still quite impressive and can still capture the imagination, it’s simply worn out. If you do use it, you won’t only appear dated, but you’ll also appear to have no originality.

 icon-angle-right Overlapping Letters

Overlapping letters has been a trend for some time, and it’s especially used in small law firms. While the idea is pretty simple, which is important, it comes with its own set of problems.

For one, it looks like you didn’t put much thought into your brand, which can make you seem like you don’t care. Also, the idea has been used too many times; it doesn’t seem all that interesting to people. You can’t be memorable with something that’s used by many other companies. If anything, you might get confused with another company with the same type of logo.

 icon-angle-right Graphs

Adding little graphs to your logo was popular for a while. This was especially true for businesses that dealt with finances. Graphs showed that a company valued data and analyzed it deeply.

It’s easy to see why something like this became popular and why it was effective at the beginning. The problem is that, like other dated trends, it was overused, and that took the magic away from the look. If you want to stand out, you want to avoid adding something like this to our logo.

Final Words

Now, you know what logo trends are officially dead. You also know which logo trends are rising in popularity and why you should be paying attention to those as much as you can. Hopefully, this information makes it easier to find the logo that matches your brand and company. Make sure that whatever you choose feels simple but also fresh and unique.

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