
30 Beautiful Kid Related Logos

Kid Logos

Making a good logo is a difficult task, but fully satisfying the clients is a task incomparable more difficult. Each human being is unique and special; therefore it’s impossible for a designer to think the same as each client. Surely, being a logo designer isn’t a simple job, but the rewards are pretty important and give special powers to keep on creating new logos.

A special “mission” for any logo designer is to create logos for kids- they are the most demanding judges. Altogether, there are projects where the preferences of kids are important for the success of a business.In this context, it became obvious that a logo designer should be prepared to create logos destined for the “youngest clients”. Therefore, how to create a logo for kids related businesses?

Paradoxically, the logo creators don’t have restrictions for these kinds of projects…the main requirement being to please the kids. How to please a kid…they like everything that is colored and joyful. The rules of good design may be neglected as long as the logo is optimistic, colorful and joyful. In conclusion, it’s interesting to create kids related logos even if the requirements are numerous and hard to accomplish. As usual, we added 30 amazing kids related logos to sustain our ideas and to offer an inspirational moment for you.

Modny Dzieciak

Big Kid Gaming



Kidstoria 1

Kid Sports Wear



Kids’ Shop


Art Tree


good kid

João e Maria Petit





The Green Cross

Kind Child

Puzzle Children

My Mom

Too Cute

Book for Kids


Kids Club


Awassa Children’s Project

Children Are Our Future


Did you ever create a logo destined for kids? Was it a difficult task or something pleasant? Please let us know your opinions and it will be great to share the post with your friends.

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