7 Great Tips to Create an Original Logo
A logo is a small graphical element that has as the main scope to represent the identity of a company/website/product; in other words it’s the binder that makes the connection between an entity and the rest of people. The wrong mentality (still widely spread) is based on the fact that being small may be easily neglected. Is it wrong? Unless you are in doubt try to find a decent answer to why people are more interested in buying clothes than they are inserted in the logos of Adidas, Nike or Tommy Hilfiger? Is it because of the image created and easily recognized because of the “small” logos? Is it true that anyone that recognizes a Mercedes car instantly notice the circle and the three radii? I think these examples make you understand that a logo has “magical powers” sometimes.
In the huge ocean of cool logos, each designer brings new items, most of them to stand apart. An original logo is considered the best chance of being noticed by people and the statistics firmly confirm that a creative solution is the great source of recognition and profit. Definitely, a good solution to each logo designer is to create original logos, but the great issue is how to realize this; if you ever expect to find out a unique solution for creating original works, then you are seriously wrong. Each project has its own particularities and according to these an innovative item may be created. Not even the best logo designer can offer a precise recipe, “hey, adding these colors the logo will look fine”. In spite of these, there are few solutions to create an optimal climate to be more original or realize creative works. A good logo designer across the time is creating patterns that bring him near originality, but this is the result of experience. In my perpetual trying to be a better creator, I read a lot from the greatest designers and I shared here the essential tips to improve your original potential. Of course, I will highly appreciate any personal contributions from the readers so don’t be afraid to use the comment form.
1. The creation of an original logo requires a huge volume of work
An original logo is first of all, a quality product. Secondly, it matches the characteristics of the logos in the respective industry but some features must be distinct, else, where is the original component? Handling the features of logos, knowing what is specific to a field or not, isn’t the strong field of the amateurs, it implies the existence of experience and an immense volume of work. A single drawing can’t be the base of a creative logo; it must start with an innovative idea, tens of papers of sketches, lots of self-evaluations and many hours of hard work in the front of the computer. It’s common to think that only talented people realize an original logo but this isn’t enough, the work is a must.
2. A strong research is mandatory
As I said, a strong research is unavoidable; having a complete and solid background is a real booster in determining what is common in a field and which elements may be the source of “wow” effect. A wise decision is formed by studying the competitors, establishing some directions, checking the logo galleries (that contain an astronomical number of impressive works) and finally, ensuring the effective design of the new brilliant logo.
3. Don’t try to make it different, do it the best
Having a different logo isn’t equal with an original one; it’s a well-known axiom of design. Let’s take the example of logos of the organizations involved in environmental issues- 95% or more include the color green. In this case, an original logo is different from a black rectangle, which of course doesn’t include green. I hope you got the point, it’s better to offer a fresh perspective, but it should be done in a proper way, respecting the rules of design.
4. Use everything in a balanced manner
Another misunderstood conception about original logos is that everything must be exceptional: multitude of shapes, colors, fonts etc. It’s a paradox,but thinking deeper it becomes a true and obvious statement: originality resides in simple ideas; simple is awesome, complex may be cool. A brilliant (and simple at the same time) concept is always behind an original idea; one of the principles of logo design supposes that a simple realization is better because it has as immediate effect a better recognition by ordinary people. A normal consequence is to not overuse any element; a correct balance assures the context where the “real” originality is conceited.
5. Never use the tendencies too much
To avoid being considered in the category “other logos” the creations of a logo designer must ignore the trends. If the clients ask for a modern logo (usually too much confounded with a trendy one) it is highly recommended to explain him that quite probably next year it will be old-fashioned, needing a redesign. A logo can’t be only one year or two original, it must be timeless, hence avoid trends, which are ephemeral.
6. Don’t inspire yourself too much from others logos
It’s a general piece of advice, but the importance of it makes interest me here. Nothing can be worst than a stolen identity; it’s a matter of time till someone will observe it. News like this is quickly spread and the effects are immediate, no one will trust the owner of a copied logo.
7. Black & white and dual meaning logos
I said that it’s impossible to offer a clear creation of an original logo, but the black & white and dual meaning logos are timeless and anytime these may offer a scruple of originality. I am subjective because I like these types of creation but the majority of the logo designers share the same perspective.
Are you agreeing with me or do you have a different point of view?
About the Author
This article has been written by Daniel Pintilie a freelance writer working for for Go-Globe.com, a Shanghai Web design company that provides web design solution in Beijing, Sharjah and Middle East.
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[…] trying to be a better creator, I read a lot from the greatest designers and I shared here the essential tips to improve your original […]
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A great article filled with good advice to anyone considering creating a logo. I have been playing around with some ideas for some time and this article really helped me to narrow my focus and get busy creating something eye catching and timeless. Thanks for the inspiration.
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[…] guaranty that creating a precise type of logo is the perfect solution for a highly appreciated timeless logo. Simplicity and originality are two key features that make a logo standing apart. Unfortunately, […]