Best Logos of June 2014


It’s the beginning of the month and as usual, we delight our loyal readers with an impressive showcase of the best logos added online in the previous month. In June, there were uploaded on various logo galleries less logos than in the previous months, but the quality was the same. However, there’s no reason why you should be worried because it’s a pretty normal situation taking into account that it’s possible for many logo designers to go on holidays.

The logo designers are creative people and creativity is a limited resource. It’s impossible to be creative all day long at the same intensity. An experienced logo designer realizes a good mixture of client work, self-preparation and recreation. A work-life balance is difficult to achieve because the middle way solution is depending on too many factors, therefore it’s impossible to offer a universal solution. Lazy people will never be creative enough, and as a result they will constantly ask for a new break, while others are too active and they don’t even take into consideration that they are lacking creativity. In conclusion, each logo designer must be careful and avoid these situations because in both cases precious time is being wasted.

Altogether, by admiring the next logos you surely won’t waste your time. All of them are carefully created and these will inspire you to come up with better works.

Time To Travel

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Kalemi TravelKalemi Travel

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galeon floral truck

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Chambray – Fashion Designer

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Sketch logo Waterlily pond -v2

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Logo Ring

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7 kacca

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Indian Health Centre

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Best Logo Designs

Do you have a favourite one? Our offer is still valid: if you created a logo that we missed to add into this list please tell us about it and it will be added into the next monthly post! Also, if we missed other cool logos, please use the comment form and let us know. Finally, you could contact us via Facebook or Twitter…we are waiting for your ideas!

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