Design Process: Shido Hàbitat Brand Identity by Code Barcelona and Jordi Ensenyat Disseny


Code Barcelona, graphic and web design studio, together with Jordi Ensenyat Disseny, graphic design studio in Barcelona, have been in charge of the development of the whole Shido Hàbitat corporate identity project.

Shido Hàbtitat is a furniture store based in Barcelona. Located in one of the most thriving districts of the city, the Sarrià quarter, offer a wide range of furniture and complements, and it is directed towards a target with high expectations. By merging a good taste for design and nature, Shido Hàbitat distances from the low-cost furniture stores.

With all the information on the table, the corporate identity work started. It had to express the previous premises. The whole work consisted of making the logotype design, the business card design, the labels design, as well as tags, flyers, post cards, folder, envelope, mini cd, shopping bags and web design. This ensemble resulted in a comprehensive project of corporate identity that has been carefully created leaving no stone unturned.

The Logotype

Shido Habitat Brand Identity Design Process

At the stage of conceptualization of the project, the corporate image that was most important to be reflected was analyzed. Thus, the logotype was the first element to be chosen to reflect the company’s philosophy.

Shido Habitat Brand Identity Design Process

Shido means seed and hàbitat refers to the environment. So, as we can see in the logotype, these two elements have been combined to obtain a seed that is born from the point of the letter “i”, from which the leave that represents a home is bloomed. Around this, a circumference half opened represents the environment, the hàbitat. A minimalist logotype, full of personality and self-meaning, that perfectly combines the message with the environment.

Corporate Material

Shido Habitat Brand Identity Design Process

The corporate material and all the finishing touches, given the philosophy of the project, had to be of high importance. A material full of personality has been chosen for this purpose, made by the Italian company Fedrigoni: Oikos, a completely ecological paper that approaches us to the nature at its sole touch. When applied with a considerable weight, it offers body and elegance, and it is perfect to support this feeling of solidity that has a project like this one.

The idea of laminating the elements was rejected to give an added value and more natural feeling to the ensemble of the project.

The appearance of the corporate material introduces, apart from the already mentioned logotype, a natural resource that has been repeated in some of the other elements. We are talking of a wooded illustration that helps giving the material an extra push and it reinforces the feeling of nature of the project.

The Photographic Take of The Project

The photography of the whole identity project was made in an idyllic spot offered by the woods in Montseny. Montseny is a natural area located in Catalonia, less than two hours away from the city of Barcelona.

Finally, every piece designed was disposed on the forest ground and, using the materials offered by nature, some takes were made of the resulting graphic design works that lasted several months made by the team Code Barcelona and Jordi Ensenyat Disseny, who worked elbow to elbow with the customer.

Shido Habitat Brand Identity Design Process

Shido Habitat Brand Identity Design Process

icon-arrow-circle-right See all photographic takes and the whole project:

About the Author!

Jordi Ensenyat (Barcelona, Spain, 1989), founder of Jordi Ensenyat Disseny and Code web Barcelona, is a graphic designer, web designer and web programmer. Together with Daniel Edho, founded Code Web Barcelona, graphic and web design studio, in which, together with a small but exclusive team, they do custom-made web design and graphic design. Even if the biggest part of their customers is from Spain, they have also worked with several customers from all around the world. By searching forms full of meaning, they create solid brands for which they take care of every detail. And, as a result, they obtain great quality graphic and web design works.

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  1. gian tapia says

    gracias por todo me fue de mucha ayuda para proyectos que tenia pendiente y no me salia , y gracias a la información de la pagina y algunos comentarios pude resolverlo.
    web universal

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