Small Business Ideas to Start at University

Image by Rossana Piazzini on Dribbble

Every business starts with an idea. Ideas are born of our knowledge and skills, in other words, they come from our experience. On the other hand, what we love to do and what we like – these things encourage us to think about our idea. The third factor determines what is needed by the market, customers, and society. Today there is a popular trend where the idea is interesting not to specific clients but to society in general.

The moment these three spheres – competencies, our preferences, and customer needs are combined – an idea arises. This is exactly what we think will bring us revenue and will be both useful and beneficial to our customers.

Never before have we seen such a rapid increase in the number of young entrepreneurs who work for themselves. From application developers to freelance writers, business consultants, creative producers, startup founders, there are now enough people who are willing to take the risk to fulfill their dreams and career ambitions.

Why not? Every day, entrepreneurs turn their small organizations into huge companies.

But despite such optimistic forecasts, most business owners to-be still fall prey to turning their ideas into reality.

Before you can take the plunge, you need to come up with a solid plan, and here you can find small business ideas to do so.

#1. Write different kinds of paperwork for students

Create Different Paperwork for Students
Image by Alicja Colon / Thrice Studio on Dribbble

Trust us, it is the best business to start. There always are students who are studying easily, fast and the process of learning is fun to them. In the student circle, there is a high demand for coursework services, writing cheat sheets, developing graphic works, etc.

To organize such an activity, it is not necessary to even have a thorough knowledge of all the topics. But you will definitely need time and a trusted and free site to check paper for plagiarism. If you do this business, there will be virtually no time because orders usually come fast and there is a lot of them. Also, you should not forget about your own training responsibilities. You have to be a stress-resistant, sedentary student, able to handle and check a lot of information. You will have to visit libraries, often “googling” difficult questions on the Internet.

The range of work in this business is wide. You will have to deal with diplomas and coursework most of all. But you don’t have to take such time-consuming tasks. There are individual tasks, calculations, essays, abstracts, etc.

There are lots of advantages to this student business. For example:

  • No need to rent separate premises and purchase equipment.
  • Ability to choose the volume of orders and the degree of their complexity.
  • Employment online/offline.
  • Good earnings and more.

In such a business, for students, of course, the rates will differ and they will be calculated individually. It all depends on the workload and the type of tasks.

Here is a little advice: take payment in advance, perform half of the work and send it to the client for approval.

When starting coursework, essay and diploma business, inform other students about this. That way, you will run a sundress radio and there will be many customers.

You can go for another concept of this business for students – sell ready-made assignments online. To do this, you need to have a separate page/group on social networks or create a site. There you will accept orders and present your work.

#2. Create mobile apps

Create Mobile Apps
Image by Ketan on Dribbble

This is one of the greatest online business ideas. Mobile application development is a specific business for students studying at the Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Science. Although, among those who study other specialties, there are many guys for whom the Internet and programming are a favorite thing.

Demand for mobile applications has reached a record high today as the mobile internet market has grown significantly. 80% of Internet users use mobile devices!

There are some examples of students succeeding in creating useful applications to become successful businessmen.

Business is also notable for the fact that you can do it without deep education, knowledge and skills. There are many services, designers on the Internet that help you easily create applications for smartphones. They will also help you to avoid plagiarism.

To build IT business, students need to not only develop applications but also make efforts to promote and check their products. You can vote on Google Play, promote apps in content forums, write review articles and post them on different sites.

#3. Blogging

Image by Ilya Sedykh on Dribbble

This is definitely the best businesses to start with no money. The Internet has become a system to build your own businesses for free.

As a video blogging platform, YouTube is the leader. Video hosting really makes good money for active young people.

This type of business is chosen by those students who want to share with society their life-hacks, subjective thoughts about some phenomena and experiences. Together with a good income, video blogging gives students recognition and acknowledgment.

In order for business for a student on Youtube to become possible, you need to create your channel and then start its promotion. Content must be copyrighted and published regularly. It is important for the student to choose a popular niche and come up with an original presentation of information so that his channel can not only attract the attention of viewers but also keep them on your channel in the future.

You need to learn how to properly write headers so that they are “catchy” and follow all the rules of hosting.

Profit basically comes from advertising. Don’t expect high earnings for the first time, since the channel needs at least a month to promote.


Summing up, we can safely say that student years are the best time to start a business. There are many ideas for businesses that do not require a lot of financial investments or do not require them at all. But you need a lot of free time, which students have enough.

We gave an example of several such business ideas, but there are still a great many of them. Therefore, if you are a student who wants to start their own business, do not be afraid to start, work hard on your idea and then you will succeed. Good luck!

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