55 Examples of Light and Clean Resume / CV Designs


Have a creative resume is important, because it will speaks your capability and cretivity. And clean design it will give a professional, clean impression to employer.

In this showcase article we have collected 55 examples of creative resume with clean design style, I hope they will inspire you in designing your own creative resume that represent yourself.

Joshua Taylor CV

Examples of Professional Resumes

SuperMaryAnn Resume

Examples of Professional Resumes

Loubna Aggoun CV

Examples of Professional Resumes

Curriculum Vitae by Verine

Examples of Professional Resumes

Personal Resume Draft by Steven Duncan

Examples of Professional Resumes

Curriculum Vitae by AkiDesign

Examples of Professional Resumes

Curriculum Vitae by 802.11

Examples of Professional Resumes

Timeline Resume by Robert Berg

Examples of Professional Resumes

Work Resume by Yingzhy Luqiu

Examples of Professional Resumes

TLS Resume 2008

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by xiruxiru

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by zxcxvxc

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by brazilnut

Examples of Professional Resumes

Typographic Resume by mac1388

Examples of Professional Resumes

My Resume by darthkix

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by KevinPire

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by Kyuzengi

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by heydani

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by twolapdesigns

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by Akashrine

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume Espanol by rogaziano

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by bdechantal

Examples of Professional Resumes

Curriculum Resume by toromuco

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume W.I.P. by AchisutoShinzo

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by LordGabsta

Examples of Professional Resumes

My Resume by littlearashi

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by Giemax

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by Johnnywall

Examples of Professional Resumes

Curriculum Vitae by Uito2

Examples of Professional Resumes

My curriculum vitae by flaterie

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by Balazy

Examples of Professional Resumes

Latest CV by xchingx

Examples of Professional Resumes

Hello my name is C.V. by RichardTheRough

Examples of Professional Resumes

CV 2010 by waelthepro

Examples of Professional Resumes

My CV by ChellyTots

Examples of Professional Resumes

Portfolio 2010 Concept by ardcor

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by naveenmamgain

Examples of Professional Resumes

My Resume by montia

Examples of Professional Resumes

A Resume by duhkine

Examples of Professional Resumes

My Resume by L Hollis

Examples of Professional Resumes

KenjiBoy Resume by kenji2030

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by srtcynthia

Examples of Professional Resumes

CV 2009 by faratiana

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume 2010 by DragonLadyCels

Examples of Professional Resumes

My Resume by JuDesIgnEr

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by starbeams

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by zakovska

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by Valmont-Design

Examples of Professional Resumes

Chevaughn Resume

Examples of Professional Resumes

My Resume by Pau Morgan

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume the Creative Dork by pyrotensive

Examples of Professional Resumes

Newest Resume by pixelprop

Examples of Professional Resumes

Nice Resume by Exeivier

Examples of Professional Resumes

My Resume by eshriner

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume Design by MegaBoneDesigns

Examples of Professional Resumes

Resume by s1206

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  1. […] 55 examples of creative resume with clean design style. View them all here […]

  2. […] 55 Examples of Light and Clean Resume Designs […]

  3. Kevin says

    I always see these resumes, mine never makes the list.

  4. interrobang says

    all of these very clever designers will be terribly disappointed when they actually go to a job board site and find that the acceptable format is a Word document, or other text based file that the employment bot can scrape for key-words. You don’t think people actually read resumes anymore do you? No wonder so many college grads can’t find work…

  5. Watson says

    Most of these resumes would end up in my round file.

  6. Rahul Parekh says

    Most of these are very hard to read. I don’t get the point of designing such clever resumes when the guy on the other end can’t read them!

  7. […] 55 Examples of Light and Clean Resume Designs | iBrandStudio […]

  8. Heather says

    Alot of those weren’t exactly “clean” or “light”. Most were all very detailed and busy looking, something most employers don’t exactly want to read because its just too hard.

    My resume design is rather subdued compared to the ones listed above. I also have a word document version of my resume that has keywords and such for job boards.

    These examples are nicely designed, but some are just too busy or cheesy for my tastes.

  9. […] 55 Examples of Light and Clean Resume Designs | iBrandStudio – StumbleUpon Have a creative resume is important, because it will speaks your capability and cretivity. And clean design it will give a professional, clean impression to employer. In this showcase article we have collected 55 examples of creative resume with clean design style , I hope they will inspire you in designing your own creative resume that represent yourself. […]

  10. […] 55 Examples of Light and Clean Resume Designs | iBrandStudio […]

  11. Loubna says

    Thanks for featuring mine (number 3).

  12. oberst says

    All but a few of these scream, “I lack creativity, taste, and originality!” Let’s not forget that a resume is a formal document. I know that sounds boring, but a designer truly shows his/her worth when working within certain parameters/limitations. Looks like a bunch of Full Sail grads.

  13. Jimbob says

    An employer wants a CV/resume to be clear, simple and concise. The vast majority of these would go straight in the bin. If you have to tilt your head to read it or figure out what to read first you can bet it will be rejected. Leave the creativity to your portfolio.

  14. yark says

    As someone who looks at a lot of resumes for designers and UX experts there is one thing I notice about the majority of these that will send them straight into the trash.

    They do not respect the reader in terms of getting them information quickly and with ease. There is too much form over function in many of these examples.

    Make your resume legible and usable. If you can’t do that you’re just a decorator, not a UX professional. All it tells me when your resume is overly fancy to the point of being annoying to read is that you’re more concerned with “looks” than “works.” Unless you’re a fine artist, this is not an attractive quality in a designer.

  15. Crystal says

    I don’t get the fascination behind my CV that you feature here (33). It’s alright as a bit of design (maybe), but it does not suit the purpose of what a CV should do – to be informative, detailed and show your skill. My latest CV has proved very successful and has been received very well, because it is precise and to the point. Sure, it’s important to show creativity and personality, but should also show attention to detail, and should be very user friendly and legible. This is my latest CV – http://www.crystalnunn.com/nunn.pdf

  16. […] 55 Examples of Light and Clean Resume Designs | iBrandStudio […]

  17. […] 55 Examples of Light and Clean Resume Designs | iBrandStudio […]

  18. Eleanor Rigby says

    I mean they’re all nifty looking and all on their own BUT imagine a hiring manager with ALL of these (and a hundred OTHERS) in a stack trying to read them! After a minute all their experience WOULD start REALLY reading like Lorem Ipsum! If I can’t easily skim it at a glance without being distracted by weird fonts, bright colors, weird angles and if I have to squint or turn the page at an angle , it’d get TOSSED. MOST of this stuff is WAY over the top and too much. (Much like a juvenile skunk not knowing how much to spray and letting it all go at once.) Remember, simplicity and WHITE space are your friends. UGh… >.<

  19. Eleanor Rigby says

    Also…one may have to keep in mind that often they are put into an automated database by scanning. Most of these will not scan well.

  20. Barreto says

    I agree with what Jimbob says, leave all your creativity to your portfolio, not your resume.

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  21. […] the meantime, these resumes are good ideas for inspirations for […]

  22. Alex says

    Working as a creative director at a smaller company I’m the guy who interviews our new designers and honestly, the first thing I do when getting resumes is throw out the ones who create stuff like this. It’s the first indication I have of them not being capable of doing research or following directions and my company doesn’t have the resources to pay my hourly rate for me to spend 20 minutes decoding your resume. Plain and simple, after four years of school, you should be able to figure out what your resume is for and design to that. Get creative, by making yourself a custom letterhead and leaving it at that.

  23. Tim says

    There are only one or two clever ones in this list. My advice for anyone thinking of doing this is don’t do it. It won’t help you.
    Is so difficult selling yourself graphically, keep your resume clean, simple and easy to read.
    Leave the talent in your portfolio.

  24. […] yang sedikit berbeda. Sedikit aja lho, gak usah sampe radikal kayak contoh-contoh super-kreatif di sini. Gue coba buat 1 nih yang simpel, catchy, dan 1 halaman aja, tapi nggak meninggalkan kesan resmi […]

  25. keywordspy organic keyword says

    Any lawyer searching for work will usually search for attorney resume example from the internet or from handbook guides with titles such as “job seeking tips” and “the road to landing a work” and stuff like that. However beneficial they might be in informing you the do’s and the don’ts in resume writing, let us admit the fact that there is practically no printed rule about what is good and what does not make a good resume. Employers and human resource employees alike would declare that they do not simply heed what your resume appear like, as long as it’s legible and passable, then it could merit a double-look.

  26. Deva says

    These are actually terrible – all of them, even on the rare occasion that any of these CVs are “Light and Clean” they still have such a flagrant disregard for the most basic understanding of typography that it renders them completely horrific… Who compiled this list and why?

  27. ronarscorruption says

    The title of this page is extremely misleading. These are neither light or clean, nor are they CVs. What do I mean? They’re art portfolios with personal information within them. And most of them are pretty heavy on the design, too.

    Nearly all of these are for graphic designers, whose resumes must contain a portfolio of artistic work to be taken seriously. These things do that in interesting ways.

    Now, of course, half of them are only marginally readable (which to me is a failure in what this exercise is about), but some of them are pretty cool. If I needed designers, I’d probably only hire a half dozen out of this bunch.

  28. Brent says

    I only found one resume that was nicely designed, the rest are terrible designs. As a graphic designer I am embarrassed that you post this crap. The worst part is these same resumes show up on all these blogs assuming no designing can come up with something new. The second infographic resume is an excellent example if you are looking for a job that deals with that style. Everything else looks like throw up and I’d never hire a single one. Light and Clean haha. Sure as a designer we can spice up our resume but don’t over do it. subtle design aspect will be enough and to make it truly light and clean.

  29. Fabian says

    I like most of these designs. But i think some of them are too light.

  30. curriculum vitae completat says

    really like the examples u gave here. We are also a design company of professional looking CVs. We are from Romania, but we welcome people from around the world to visit us and get informed.

  31. ITFace says

    I like your resumes./// awesome///

    i am a freelancer i designed few resumes please have a look luckyresume.blogspot.in

  32. Zakos says

    people are you blind? THIS IS ART ! ( KATZ !! HMM !!! )

    this is clear for those who see it!

  33. […] 50+ Impressive CV Designs […]

  34. […] can also be used as a great tool to assert whatever you have inscribed on your cover letter and curriculum vitae. So you never really knew about it, did […]

  35. sripani says

    Hi, all the resumes are fantastic, i wish if there were few more designs related to school teachers

  36. Tomas says

    I tried Kickresume.com
    It is online resume builder with pretty minimalistic designs and it is free!

  37. Rahul says

    Thanks for the great designs.I am a front end web developer and these designs will definitely help me to create a nice resume.

  38. Steven Duncan says

    It’s always fun to see your own resume being used all over the web like this 🙂

  39. Manon says

    Great post right there! I think you should check out http://www.urbanresume.co They have great resume templates in microsoft word format. I think they should be up there too! 🙂 cheers!!

  40. […] For the intermediate designer look here. […]

  41. […] 55 Examples of Light and Clean Resume / CV Designs […]

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