How Big Brands do Viral Marketing on Facebook


Today many business people are talking about viral marketing, because this marketing strategy is a type of booster popularity that spread rapidly with a short time. Social media is one medium that provides an opportunity for marketer to more develop they viral marketing.

Social media is the most widely shared in 2013 and the first ranks still belongs to Facebook, did you know based on the data of The Landscape of Social Login and Sharing Infographic on MediaBistro as much as 50% of Facebook is one of the objectives for the content shared among social networks, such as can you see in the infographic blow, Facebook is still number one destination for shared content.

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Facebook Viral Marketing Tips

From the infographic above Facebook is a pretty good medium to do viral marketing, but for marketer sometimes difficult to apply viral marketing on their own Facebook page, this is because the popularity of Facebook is unpredictable, which makes it difficult is not the most posts issued in Facebook will be liked or shared by fans. Ranks on Facebook is, if brands get a positive response from fans when do post on Facebook of course the popularity of the company will increase.

And now in this article you will discover 5 branding lessons from the top brands, that get the most likes and the most shares when they do viral marketing strategy:

#1. BMW

Facebook Viral Marketing Tips

Design of BMW is always highly anticipated for its customers, it seems recognized by BMW very well and it proven when he always posting exclusive picture new products on Facebook. By providing exclusive photo at the launch of the latest model in Facebook would be very fun for the fans that’ve been waiting for the BMW’s latest design. It can be seen from the number of like, share also comments in response to this latest design picture when post in his Facebook page.

Facebook Viral Marketing Tips

Facebook Viral Marketing Tips

Lesson learned: Use the moment launch product to share the latest model in your Facebook page. Give your fans photos with good quality and the words that invite fans to visit your website to get more info.

#2. Intel

Facebook Viral Marketing Tips

When you see Intel, what is in your mind about this product? Basically what Intel sold is the brain of the computer; it is the intelligence that Intel would be submitted in every posting on his Facebook page that became viral. Let’s take a look example picture below that I took from Intel’s Facebook page. Intel presents a very interesting picture to remind the fans that intelligence is a powerful product. With these pretty simple words and supported good quality picture has attracted the attention of fans with a number like 296 276 and share as much as 5,118.

Facebook Viral Marketing Tips

Facebook Viral Marketing Tips

Lesson learned: Make a posts with simple words and pictures that describe the quality of your product.

#3. Starbucks

Facebook Viral Marketing Tips

It’s always interesting when discussing Starbucks. So many marketing strategies that have been successfully attract the attention of the fans to always visit his Facebook fan page. As performed by Starbucks this time, I took two examples of unique packaging images from Starbucks.

In the first picture he showed the work of customers who enjoy Starbucks coffee and draw a pretty interesting ornaments to make coffee cup become different and unique. This makes Starbucks take the initiative to appreciate the work of the consumer to put the picture in the official fan page Facebook, and take a look so many of the fans who responded with positive this photo and what make it more interesting is the design owner thanked directly in the comment column.

In the second picture shows the presentation Starbucks drink in a different way with the cup as not usual but with orange skin that can certainly provide a different sensation for the consumer, this very unique way of presenting that many consumers very like it.

Facebook Viral Marketing Tips

Facebook Viral Marketing Tips

Lesson learned: Show unique photos in your post so that your consumers can enjoying your product in other ways.

#4. Disney

Facebook Viral Marketing Tips

Disney is expert in cartoon world, it is proved by its brand is able to survive and always maintain the quality of products they create. As we know cartoons produced by Disney has tucked education in every story. It is also enforced by Disney in every post on his Facebook page, with the words quite simple can be stuck on the hearts of his fans, the words are an advisory issued by Disney it become a brief reminds for fans to live with better life. As you can see in the example image below, I took it from the Facebook fan page owned by Disney, there can be seen with picture belle in beauty and the beast walked to the accompaniment of the words follow your own path.

Facebook Viral Marketing Tips

Lesson learned: Give brief advice that could remind the fans to live with better life.

#5. Walmart

Facebook Viral Marketing Tips

There is nothing more attractive in the eyes of the fans besides provocative post on Facebook, it is well recognized by WalMart in his post this time by presenting compare a chocolate that craze everyone.

And now let’s take a look at the sample image below, WalMart compare Kit Kat and Reese’s to determine the extent to which both the chocolate loved by the fans. Deliberately Wal-Mart compare two well-known brand of chocolate is to invite reactions from customers. This type of this post is provocative that openly wants a reaction from the fans that saw it.

Facebook Viral Marketing Tips

Lesson learned: Use a provocative post by asking your fans to like or share.


Viral marketing on Facebook it implies that maximize web traffic through social media, with a viral you will get a lot of attention from the fans. Specific strategy is needed to do viral marketing, the core content is a king, people love great content and they will take a time to read it, if you are a good writer certainly will not find it difficult to do viral marketing on Facebook but that’s not easy to find and learn the right strategy for your brand, therefore, this article helps you to learn directly from top brands that has been successfully do viral marketing and have been getting super attention from their fans.

What do you think? Can you think of ways your viral marketing strategy that can connect with customers on Facebook? Include your comments and questions below or you also can find us on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.

– Written by Ratih –

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