4 Tips for Creative Brand Name from Top Brands


Today, the internet can’t be separated in life. Of course, with more dependence on the Internet makes people change reading habits. As said by InsideTechnology360.c0m, will explain to you that people now more like reading less than ever in the internet.

Change in reading habits makes the internet marketers do creative ways to entice consumers. This is include when making the brand name, how one word can make the consumers become interested and remember the brand on the Internet. Previously I have share the Facebook strategies to remember your brand name while have hard pronounce name, now I will discuss the top brand in the internet that they do creativity when make their brand name. Here is the top 4 internet creative brand names:

1. Amazon

Creative Brand Name Tips

Amazon is an international company electronic commerce in America, it is the world’s Instant online retailers. For the first Amazon is a bookstore that later turned into selling DVDs, VHSs, CDs, videos and MP3 downloads/streaming, software, video games, electronics, apparel, furniture, food, toys, and jewelry.

The selection of brand name have argued to match the name of the Amazon river who is the second longest river in the world and which has a much volume of water. The Amazon name expected to emulate the river volume so the sales will also get a lot of volume as well.

In my opinion, let’s take a look at the Amazon logo below. There are arrows pointing from the letter A to letter Z, it indicates that the Amazon as a retail company would like to express that this company sells all consumer goods ranging from A to Z. Interesting right? the selection of the name of Amazon will make cconsumer easily remember the brand name, this name has also a significant meaning for the consumer.

Lesson learned: Choose a name that is simple but has a significant meaning for the consumer.

2. Twitter

Creative Brand Name Tips

Who don’t have twitter account than rise your hand 😀 It seems I do not need to explain much about twitter, because I’m sure you already know twitter with better. But how twitter name including creative brand name?

History making twitter brand name is when Jack Dorsey introduced individually sms service to communicate in a small group. At first the project was renamed with TWTR inspired the five character length of American SMS short code. Then the developers bring up the twitter name which means short burst of inconsequential information, ‘and’ chirps from.

What makes it into a famous brand name is because consumers unwittingly invited repeat this name at many times. This is what makes twitter is a creative brand name, as you know the existence the term tweet to post news and term Retweet to reply post news make consumer will repeat twitter brand name. All terms word in twitter not much different from the twitter name.

Lesson learned: Use the terms in your brand is not much different from your brand name. This will help consumers remember your brand.

3. Google

Inventors google will initially give the brand name as “Back Rub”, because the system checked backlinks to estimate the importance of a site. Eventually, they changed the name to Google, originating from a misspelling of the word “googol”.

As you know that google will get longer name “o” when this search engine asked to find a word. This shows that Google as a search engine wants to provide large quantities information for people. What makes the Google brand become more unique because it can be very different from the google logo display is made as attractive as possible to commemorate an event. One of the interesting logo views you can see in the example image below.

Original google logo
Creative Brand Name Tips

Google logo Wallace and grommet
Creative Brand Name Tips

Google happy earth day
Creative Brand Name Tips

Royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton
Creative Brand Name Tips

Lesson learned: Do creative way, to create the look of your brand become more different and unique.

4. Vimeo

Vimeo discovered by Jack Lodwick and zach klein in 2004. Name brand Vimeo creations of Jack Lodwick which stands for Video Me. Vimeo is also an anagram of the word movie. IAC/InterActiveCorp Vimeo purchased in August 2006, as part of its acquisition of Connected Ventures.

Creative Brand Name Tips

With these brand names Vimeo wants to show consumers that the brand’s focus to user-made videos. In this way the consumer can immediately understand the meaning to be conveyed by Vimeo.

Lesson learned: Make the brand name are able to explain the purpose of your brand products.


A brand name is very important to consider first before get launched, many factors should be taken into consideration to help consumers remember. This is because reading habits on the Internet is different from reading books. The top brands mentioned above creatively make brand name that can explain their products with just one word. I hope with this article you can get inspiration when starting make your brand name on internet?

What do you think? Have you optimized your brand name in internet? Please share in the comments.

– Written by Ratih –

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