The Most Famous Fonts From Your Most Loved Brands


Fonts don’t just make it possible to read; they inspire a reaction. Some fonts feature a whimsical look that should be reserved for the cover of romance novels, while others have block lettering that is a definite statement maker.

In today’s age, we’ve created well over a thousand types of font, which can be any size, italicized, bolded, underlined, and any color of the rainbow.

Famous Brand Fonts

One of the most popular fonts in marketing in 2019 was Cooper BT. This was a classic font developed in the ’20s and is still popular today. When brands create their logos and look for the best font option, they want something that will stand the test of time and build beautifully crafted look customers, and prospective customers can recognize.

Take a look at some of the top brands and what font choice they’ve used, and has helped contribute to growing their brand recognition.

#1. American Eagle

American Eagle Brand Logo

Worldwide clothing brand, has a very recognizable trademark of using an eagle with a typeface underneath stating American Eagle Outfitters. Using the font Garamond and Newburgh, the brand had established a rugged look for their name without going overboard.

American eagle is a well known clothing brand so chances are you’ve worn an item of clothing with their font on it! Combining both fonts gives them an edgy feel which perfectly reflects who they are as a brand.

#2. DC Comics

DC Comics Brand Logo

This mega comic book publishing company has a fun and clever logo that most will recognize right away. Using the font Gotham Bold, one would expect no less from the publishers of the DC universe caped crusader, Batman.

DC is a mega player in the movie, animation and fantasy world. Their own font is something that is used across the world on their merch. And we all know there is a heap of merchandise out there!

Would you expect from the likes of DC? A strong, thick evenly spaced font. Probably to match their characters which are all full of life and brave to the core.

#3. eBay

ebay Brand Logo

One of the most popular destinations for online shopping and retail sales, eBay, is massive. They also have a logo that is understated but colorful and playful.

Using a custom font based on the classic arial, the significant online buying and selling community has made a logo all about brand recognition, and the font paved the wave. Arial is a neutral sans-serif font.

No doubt if you were to see these letters without all the colours you’d instantly recognise the brand. They font and name is their logo, a perfect example of how font can impact your branding.

#4. Facebook

Facebook Brand Logo

Social media giant, Facebook, may have had one of the most creative ideas for connecting people around the world and locally, but when it came to the font, they opted for something more easy on the eyes.

This sans-serif font was created in 2004 and released by the Process Type Foundry. Branding for something as massive as Facebook was important to get right. They change their font based on the different devices, there’s no major differences though.

Facebook love using the easy to read fonts. The actual fonts used is not known, at this stage it’s probably custom but apparently, Segeo UI for their windows interface and the Apple made San Francisco font for their Mac desktops. Roboto for android devices.

Will we ever find out the exact font…. Who knows!

#5. FedEx

FedEx Brand Logo

Companies using only their names as a logo is nothing new. But it takes a great deal of swag to create a lasting impression on consumers. Case in point, FedEx.

They use the charming font, Futura Bold (with a little bit of Univers 67 mixed in for fun), to create the purple/orange text we all know today as one of the largest postal carriers.

The font comes in many weights, using the bold gives it an extra kick to stand out. This logo and font is easily spotted across the States. Next time you see the van pulling up outside your property or work, remember Futura Bold and a little bit of Univers 67.

#6. Gillette

Gillette Brand Logo

Gillette is the top producer of razors and shave products in the world. Their name is synonymous with quality and a close shave. They have built their brand on being unique and while they market to both men and women their logo is much more masculine than it is feminine.

Their font of choice, Futura Extra Black Italic, is extremely well-known all over the world. Another sans-serif family member, it is sleek and versatile.

Although you may not be able to identify the brand straight away from the font, their black or blue logo will definitely be instantly recognisable.

Wth products sold around the world, this is one font and brand you know you can trust!

Finding A Font To Match Your Brand

After seeing some of the most recognizable fonts, you are likely wondering what your signature font might be. Unlike attending school in the ’90s where comic sans was the font of choice for projects, that undermined your teacher’s requirements for Times New Roman, picking a font that creates a statement for your brand can be a challenge.

One of the areas where a font is going to make huge ways is in your company logo. The best fonts for logos will need to match what you are trying to express to customers and be unique to you.

It isn’t just about the face type, but also about the details like size and color that will turn an ordinary font into your signature font, used on business cards, on your website, and everywhere else you are marketing. Building a brand identity is crucial, and the logo is one of the best places to start.

Line or No-Lines

One of the best ways to start the font search is by browsing available options. Look online at font style resources or play around on your word processing software. If you remember back to school, there are two types of fonts, serif, and sans serif.

Then each font is broken down into a series of customizable options. Users can play around with the weight or thickness of the letter, the spacing between each letter, and how big they want to go.


Take, for example, the font Helvetica. The auto manufacturer Jeep uses Helvetica Bold, while the electronics manufacturer LG uses Helvetica Black. While it is the same font, it is different due to the customization factor. You may not know it, but Subway also uses Helvetica Black.

It is essential to know that fonts can look much different when you start playing around with these customizations. A typeface you might like when it is blown-up might look cramped when sized to your specifications.

What Your Font Says About Who You Market To

When choosing a font for your brand, always consider what message you want to emphasis. Are you a company that markets to women or men? Do you want your company to be more playful and speak to the youth?

Gender, age, and target audience will play a massive role in finding the most effective font for your brand’s needs. Bold fonts are traditionally recognized as having a more masculine or strong presence.

Font Perception

Font selection has a lot to do with perception. We’ve seen fonts represent different niches and do it very well. Font should match the attitude of the industry. Another great example is companies that sell beauty products.

If you want your brand to be associated with beauty, you think luxury; this lends itself well to cursive fonts. Research suggests that it doesn’t matter too much which you choose, sans serif or serif, but choosing a serif font makes it easier for your customers to read.

Higher readability is never bad, as it takes less effort for a customer. Roman typefaces have been known to be the easiest to read and one of the most used. On-screen, sans-serif has the win for readability.


When selecting the appropriate font for your brand, you need to consider the major players. What niche are you in? Who are you marketing too? All of these factors make a huge difference in the font that would be suitable, that your audience will identify with.

When in doubt, using what has worked for industry giants like Facebook, Google, American Eagle, and FedEx are great places to start. Playing around with the design also never hurts.

If your brand is looking for something a little more unique, why don’t you take some time to find a designer to make a custom font just for you. Everything can be made unique to you!

About the Author!

Currently working as a Marketing Executive at Design Wizard, Claire is passionate about creating amazing content and bringing people together. Having recently graduated with her masters degree in Marketing she is keen to impact the digital world. Outside of work you can catch Claire taking photos of her rescue dog Storm and checking out social media.

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