How To Avoid Copyright Strikes

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Everyone is aware of the copyright issues that are rampant on YouTube. But the problem is not just predominant to YouTube but on all other popular social media platforms. The difficulty in manually tracking copyright infringement in large social media platforms has made them install bots that can automatically detect possible copyright issues and give strikes for it.

This means that if you have an account on any popular social media platform, then it’s imperative that you’re aware of copyright. This is because receiving penalties and strikes on your account can make the knowledge you have on how to promote your brand ineffective in a flash.

Copyright Penalties and Strikes

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube all have similar copyright strike systems. And except you’re notified, you can’t possibly tell the number of strikes you have.

Also, the penalty that’s attached to your strike depends on the offense, and even with the same offense, the penalty varies.

What are the penalties for Copyright Violation?

When you’re found guilty of violating a trademark or copyright law, the penalty on most social media sites is to have the content removed. You will then be issued a link for filing a dispute on the case if you believe that the site’s decision to flag your post is unfair.

The matter may lead to a lawsuit, as such, you must be careful about the content you post on social media.

Ways to Prevent Copyright Strikes

How To Prevent Copyright Strikes
Illustration by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

#1. Know About Copyright Laws

Laws guiding intellectual property are a labyrinthine mess that’s created by a host of vague precedent predatory judges and lawyers over 40 years ago.

This is not to be interpreted as going into the crux of copyright laws, but you should be acquainted with the laws enough to be able to differentiate what content can be termed as copyright violation and which is not.

You should try and understand that the presence of an item on the internet does not mean that you’re permitted to share or post it. Most of the images that appear when you make a search on Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, etc., are copyrighted.

Here are the conditions for posting content on social media

  • You must have created the content
  • You must have gotten permission to post the content on a social media platform or for whatever purpose you plan to use the content for.
  • If you like to share content, then you should use the default sharing button that’s on the social media platform.
  • Ensure that you’re using the content as it’s permitted by the owner and the social media platform.

#2. Read the copyright policy of the website

Apart from knowing the laws guiding the use of intellectual property, you should go through the policies that guide the platform. Every site has its terms of use, so you shouldn’t be overly invested in one without going through the nitty-gritty of the laws that guide the platform.

#3. Don’t post content you did not create

This is the ultimate rule for avoiding copyright strikes on any social media platform. Didn’t create it, then don’t post it.

Focus on quality over quantity in your content marketing strategy, as that will save you from a lot of stress.

The uniqueness of copyright is that you don’t apply to copyright an item; it automatically applies to an item you create.

#4. Don’t share audio files you don’t have a license to

One of the most common causes of copyright strike is audio files, and this is mostly because it’s pretty easy to identify.

Even in an instance where you made a cover song to a popular track, a platform like Facebook can still get you banned for it. Thus, you may want to exercise extreme caution when it comes to music.

#5. Give attribution when you’re in doubt

Attribution does not erase the fact that you may be violating copyright. The owner of the file can still ask you to remove an item even if you’re linking it to the profile or website.

Give Attribution When You're in Doubt
Photo by Umberto on Unsplash

However, attribution will limit the chances of getting a lawsuit as you’ve already given credit to the owners of the content. If you don’t attribute the content to them, the chances are high that they will report your content and may even pursue legal action.

An attribute is a social settlement that’s not legally binding; that’s why you shouldn’t raise your hopes on it.

#6. Seek consent and be prepared for the price

If you’re keen on using another person’s content, then do it in the right way. The right way to do things is by drafting a contract with terms that’ll favor the artist. In some instances, you may pay a huge sum of money to obtain a license to use copyrighted content.

#7. Apply caution when it comes to visuals

If you plan to record a live event or Livestream one via social media, then you have to exercise extreme caution with that. In some instances, people have been forced to take down their content for the mere fact that a nearby supermarket was playing a piece of music during the live stream.

Social media platforms respond very vigorously to claims of copyright infringement—especially when it comes to streaming. As such, you should ensure that you take proper precautionary steps to avoid this.

#8. Don’t Manipulate your Posts to Avoid Bots

You can modify an audio enough to prevent a bot from detecting it, but that will still be a copyright infringement, and you can still be sued for that. In fact, slightly editing a copyrighted item shows that you’re aware of the consequence of your action.

Actions like cropping images, pitching an audio file up or down, adding fuzz to video, and other actions that show an intent to steal intellectual property should be avoided.

If you manipulate a post, it’s a strong exhibit that’ll count against you in a law court as you cannot feign ignorance.

#9. Ignore advice from non-professionals

Quite often, most advice on copyrights from the public will make you lose in a lawsuit. For example, most people believe that you’re protected when you give attribution; this is a false presumption.

#10. Learn the Names of Copyright Trolls

A copyright troll is an organization that enforces copyrights with the sole aim of making a profit via litigation. They usually do this in an opportunistic manner as they are not hired by any individual or organization that’s invested in the content. Acquaint yourself with the names of the common trolls so that you can distinguish between a bad and a real report.


Do you want a vibrant social media presence? Then you should avoid getting copyright strikes as that can result in yanking off your account on the platform. But if you adhere to the content of this article, then you can avoid strikes and build the social media platform you desire.

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