23 Useful Articles on Brand & Marketing of February 2012


This is our monthly series were we share useful brand and business tips articles all from the previous month. We hope this series can help you to strengthen your brand identity and growing your business.

Do you have another great Brand & Marketing Articles? Please share with us in the comment below. If you would like to be kept up to date with brand and business resources, you can follow us on Twitter or by subscribing to our RSS feed.

8 Brands That Benefit From Guest Blogging

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Ann Smarty
This post answers one of the most frequently asked questions: Is guest blogging good for “big guys?” Here are eight familiar brands that are benefiting from guest blogging.

5 Ways to Market Your Brand on LinkedIn

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Linda Coles
Whether you’re looking to raise marketing awareness or drive sales, look for guidance from the LinkedIn team. Where else can you specify your target audience based on job title, industry, functional area and much more?
Try these five LinkedIn tools for better marketing.

8 Strategies for Launching a Brand Presence on Pinterest

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Charles Nicholls
In this article, we’ll look at why Pinterest is important to brands and provide seven simple steps for leveraging brand presence on Pinterest.

Timeline for Brands: How to Prepare for Your Company’s New Facebook Page

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Jim Belosic
Here are some ways that businesses can prepare for Timeline without throwing away everything we’ve come to learn and love about brand pages thus far.

7 Marketing Lessons From RIM’s Failures

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Alex Goldfayn
Here are seven marketing lessons from RIM’s dark and difficult journey.

5 Clever Social Media Campaigns To Learn From

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Todd Wasserman
The following social media campaigns from marketers big and small are designed to be idea generators. This isn’t a ranking of the most effective social media campaigns of the year, but rather the ones that have the most to offer an entrepreneur with big ideas and a not-so-big marketing budget.

Why Your Business Must Go Social [Infographic]

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Rean John Uehara
Read on for some cold hard facts about why social networking is a must for you and your company.

The Power of the Social Consumer [INFOGRAPHIC]

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Matt Silverman
Below, in an infographic from Frugal Dad, are some compelling examples that illustrate the power of the social media consumer.

10 Social Media Tips for Bloggers

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Liz Borod Wright
Here are 10 tips to help bloggers navigate the increasingly complex world of social media — while still making time to write content.

The Marketer’s Guide to Pinterest

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Neil Patel
HGTV. Nordstrom. West Elm. ModCloth. Those are some of the big name retailers who are using Pinterest to drive significant traffic to their retail websites. But what exactly is Pinterest? And how do you use it to promote your business or brand?
Well, this guide will help you get started.

Pinterest: Everything You Need To Know Is In This Massive Post

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Francisco
In this article, I’ll give you everything you need to know about Pinterest and a bunch of resources so you can decide if you or your business are ready to join the hottest trend online.

26 Tips for Using Pinterest for Business

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Debbie Hemley
Are you wondering how your business could use Pinterest? What follows are 26 tips, an A-Z guide for creating a business presence on Pinterest.

The Marketer’s Guide to Pinterest [INFOGRAPHIC]

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Zoe Fox
This infographic explains some Pinterest basics, such as explaining what a Pin, Repin and Board are, and provides five tips.

Can Pinterest Help Your Freelancing Business?

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Laura Spencer
In this post, I’ll take a look at Pinterest from a freelancer’s perspective. I’ll explain what it is and also take a look at some benefits and drawbacks of the site for freelancers.

6 Google+ Tips for Businesses

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Marc Pitman
Google+ is growing at an impressive rate. In less than one year, Google has reached over 90 million registered users—far exceeding expected growth rates. Here are six steps to help your business grow in Google+ influence and in search engine results.

Leveraging Twitter for Your Freelance Business

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Michael
Social media applications such as Twitter can be effectively utilized as a tool for freelancers like yourself to promote your services. Here are five possible ways to make good use of Twitter for your freelance business:

7 Winning Facebook Page Strategies Every Company Should Know

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by JellyBone
In this great article, we take a look at 7 strategies to point your brand’s Facebook page in the right direction. Social media can be the powerful tool for your business everyone says it can be. You just have to work for it if you’d like it to work for you.

9 Hot Tips for Small Business Marketing on Facebook

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Christine Erickson
Ready for your brand to get in front of the 845 million? Majestic Media, a global Facebook marketing agency, has come up with nine time-saving tips for marketing on Facebook.

5 Ways to Increase Your Facebook Fan Engagement

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Jim Belosic
Many Facebook page admins aren’t quite sure how to foster an active fanbase, so here are five effective ways to call your fans to action.

LinkedIn Or Facebook For Better B2B Marketing Results? [Includes Infographic]

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Francisco
LinkedIn is better for B2B marketing and Facebook for B2C.
But wait, that is not necessarily the case. I have to admit I’m not as active on LinkedIn as I am on Facebook, or even Google+. That’s probably because my focus on this blog is to talk to entrepreneurs and small business.

4 Unique Ways to Increase Email Marketing Conversion Rates

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Sherice Jacob
When it comes to email marketing, it’s all about open rates and more importantly, conversion rates. Here are four ways some of your favorite brands have done just that.

9 Ways to Integrate Email and Social Media Marketing

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by DJ Waldow
Below are 9 ways to integrate email marketing and social media for maximum effectiveness.

6 Tips for Designing a Promotion Worthy Business Card

Useful Business and Marketing Articles
by Tara Hornor
There are many options when considering what information should be included on your business card. The choices you select should clearly represent your brand or business, but there are many different techniques available.

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