11 Creative And Easy Story Ideas for Instagram

Illustration by QED42 via Dribbble

Instagram stories are a great way to boost your Instagram account. It plays a very prominent role in promoting your brand online and getting more viewers on your business page. The importance of social media in businesses is mentioned, countless times, in the best online digital marketing courses, everywhere.

What is an Instagram story?

Instagram stories are posts on your Instagram account that can be uploaded for a certain period of time. The story pictures or videos do not display on your profile but stories column in the upper left corner of the account. The Instagram stories last only for 24 hours and are very influential.

To get the latest Instagram story ideas, read the tips mentioned below:

#1. Use GIFs in your stories

Adding GIFs in your stories and posts makes it more interesting and eye-catching. It is a great way to relate with the people to be familiar with GIFs more. So include more GIFs images in your stories for more likes and Instagram comments.

#2. Utilize live video

Organizing live videos helps in creating a personal relationship with your users by showing them what you are doing on and off your business.

You can also see who is viewing your videos and you can simultaneously respond to the comments you received on them.

#3. Use boomerang feature in stories

Instagram offers several amazing features for brands to advertise your products. One of such feature is known as ‘boomerang’.

It allows you to create a film for a few seconds and play it after capturing. It seems very interesting and fun to watch it again and again.

#4. Include some text in stories

When you upload any picture or video on your stories, there is an option to add filters or layers in it. One layer is to add some text in your stories as per your choice.

You can add different color and style combinations to make it look captivating. You can additionally add hashtags or geotag in your stories for driving more traffic to your profile.

#5. Add a location

Using locations in your stories helps your users identifying where you are exactly recording your videos and pictures.

There is a long list of places from which you can insert any location on your posts. In case you didn’t find your preferred location in the search bar, you can simply enter and put it. Now your followers can know where you exactly are.

#6. Ask Questions from your audience

It is very relevant to stay in touch with your followers by asking questions and solving their queries.

Questions are a simple and interesting way to interact with your audience and collect their feedback, queries, suggestions, and preferences of your users.

Analyze how your users are performing on that and based on that, you can further improve your Instagram profile.

#7. Use an application to create impeccable stories

To bring something exciting for your users, you need to come up with interesting ways to promote your stories. There are many apps out there that allow you to create amazing stories by adding various layouts, colors, text, and filters to them.

You can also club your photos into a collage, add background and edit multiple photos at one time too. These apps enable you to include all the essential details in your stories for encouraging more engagement.

#8. Add links to promote

If you have at least 10000 followers on your profile, you get an advantage to add links to your Instagram Stories. When you add a link to your stories, the users can just swipe up to get redirected to the supposed page.

Links could be to your blog or website. This is a great way to promote your blog or your products or services among larger audiences.

#9. Use a countdown in your stories

If any big event or date is coming for your product launch, you can add a countdown for the same. The countdown is a nice option to create buzz around people regarding your event or product release for your followers. It creates more brand awareness and gets more people on your profile.

#10. Share tagged stories

By sharing stories in which someone has tagged you help in reaching more people. This will help you get more followers on the account as well as getting followers for the account you are tagged in.

This is very effective in personal profiles but works well for business ones too. For this, you need to go to your direct messages where you will receive a notification stating that you are being tagged by this profile. Then you will notice an option for sharing this with your story.

#11. Utilize a call to action

You can use a call to action in your stories for getting people to your blog or website. It is a purpose to move people to take action from your profile. The action could be buying a product, participating in a contest or anything.

So these are the 11 creative and easy story ideas for Instagram.

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  1. Stefan Jolly @Vacation Saga says

    Thank you for sharing creative ideas. I am very active on Instagram, this will help to explore more on that platform.

  2. Florian Junior says

    Here are 20 Story Ideas I put together:
    – Before/after edits
    – Left/right polls
    – Do a tutorial series
    – Ask a question
    – Behind the scenes of a post
    – Alternative shots you didn’t post
    – Time-lapse of you editing/creating
    – Vlog what you are doing today
    – Take a mirror selfie
    – Repost a funny meme that’s related
    – Complain about something thats bothering you
    – Ask your friend something on camera
    – Post a song your listening to on repeat
    – Post a related news article
    – Post a preview of your YouTube video
    – Post a review of a cool page you found
    – Post a review of something you just bough
    – Ask for advice/recommendations
    – Screenshot a DMs convo
    – Answers questions about yourself

  3. […] to attract authentic Instagram followers, you need to get authentic yourself. Go ahead and add the social media thumbnails to link to your blog and website. It would enhance your online brand reputation. Once […]

  4. jobshost says

    Thank you for sharing creative ideas. I am very active on Instagram, this will help to explore more on that platform.

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