How Mobile Apps Can Increase Your Brand Identity


We live in the world surrounded by businesses, and many of our daily activities are either directly or indirectly connected with some businesses be it purchasing food, or listening to a song or simply watching a YouTube video.

Businesses make revenue through their traffic and for this very purpose, a business apart from managing its operations has the responsibility to work on its brand.

Brand means a lot to a business. It is their identity by which people recognize them and derive opinions about them accordingly as their services and reputation is. Moreover, brand growth implies popularity which is a major factor that compels people to opt for the business.

Companies since time immemorial have indulged in several traditional marketing practices in order to increase customer engagement and brand growth be it.

Advertisements are a well-known marketing strategy which leads to popularity, and this has been done since the very inception of corporate culture. However, this is a classical way and more marketing channels are essential to cope up with competition.

The idea is to draw customer attention through the channels that a customer uses on a frequent basis. And nothing can be better than tapping into mobile phone channels that people constantly are connected to.

Smartphones have developed to provide interactive services, and the feature that make them increasingly popular are the Mobile Applications

Mobile applications make ordering of services or gathering information extremely easy and convenient. And therefore are the engagement hotspots between customers and the businesses.

This is the reason why businesses are switching to Mobile Apps in order to grow their brands. They help to target individual customers and develop personal engagement which entices customers and spreads the word of mouth.

Mobile apps also provide other ways to connect to a customer for example- creating interactive activities for customers to participate in or events for a certain target audience to make the brand more popular.

Like all the other companies who have well tapped mobile applications to increase their popularity, it is a time for everyone to develop a presence in the App store, to increase customer interaction and thereby the very brand.

Ways Mobile Apps Increase Your Brand

Here are some ways a mobile application can be utilized to augment a business’ brand:

#1. Increasing Brand Awareness

In order to increase awareness, businesses look for platforms where they can connect with the people. Traffic is an important factor, if frequent visitors for the platforms are less, the content present there to engage customers will be ineffective.

People use their mobile phones on a daily basis, and therefore developing an app for mobile phones will be very effective to spread brand awareness.

Mobile apps ensure that the customers remain aware of the brand at all times.
People install applications at their own will, and hence have an unconscious awareness regarding the presence of the particular applications on their phones at all times, even if the application remains dormant.
However, providing interactive features that compel consumers to use the application daily is the key to growth.

#2. Customer Engagement

Mobile Apps Increase Customer Engagement
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Engagement is a very important factor in order to get repeating visitors. Businesses stress upon this factor because revisiting customers is a big asset to the company.

If satisfied by the services, they will visit again, spread word, and lead to increased revenue and importantly growth in brand identity.

Before it was possible to develop applications for phones, due to the operating system not being open source, businesses used to run various campaigns to increase customer engagement.

For example, issuing scratch cards for prizes or abroad tours, for kids they provided goodies with chocolates and snacks and so on.

Mobile applications in turn have potential to be loaded with interactive features which can enhance customer engagement.

#3. Scaling

As discussed above, more the number of traffic or customers, more the growth in brand identity. Businesses can survive with a limited number of loyal customers but growth of business apart from earning revenues is one of the major goals in a business.

Businesses always lay tremendous effort to increase their customer reach. Before the widespread availability of the Internet, this task required a lot of capital, and human force due to obvious reasons.

It took huge investments to set up outlets across the geography, advertisement costs, and man force required to execute them were huge.

However, with the internet, growing traffic has become a little simpler as the costs and manpower requirement have reduced.

Mobile apps provide even more features like geo-targeted push notification, location based brands and so on which can bring in further more customers.

#4. Increase in sales

Mobile Apps Increase Sales
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A business might be dealing in products, services, or perhaps makes revenues out of advertisements on the site of its contents while providing recreational contents to its users.

As far as the organizations who earn their revenue through affiliate marketing is concerned, the brand awareness totally depends upon the traffic they generate. However, for service or product based businesses it may not be so.

For a service or a product based business, revenue is generated by fulfilling customer order and thereby shipping products.

One factor that made the mobile applications trending is the seamless usability of the applications. The application can be loaded with features each utilizing the information gathered through the hardware and therefore making the customer’s purchasing experience unique.

Also advertisements regarding new deals, discounts etc. can be sent through the user’s phone directly through push notifications. All of these contribute to an increased sale which in turn contributes to brand growth.

#5. Social Networking

Social networking has become a big thing these days. People are confined at their homes and many a time prefer to contact their friends using the Social Networking sites.

Social networking sites not only provide chatting and messaging features but essentially the features to let people know what is going on with one’s life using timeline posts, stories etc.

These timelines and wall posts have been effectively used by companies to advertise their businesses and products.

Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest however provide specific platforms for business with features that let business market their products using advertisement campaigns and monitoring the effects using their analytics.

The social networking companies have since recent times been laying emphasis on mobile applications. These features if used properly contribute directly to the growth of a brand identity.

These are some of the ways through which a mobile application helps brand identity growth.

Mistakes To Avoid

However, developing an application for a user base doesn’t necessarily ensure the success of the applications and care should be taken so that the application doesn’t remain dormant on the customers’ phones.

Here are some mistakes that should be avoided while using mobile applications to grow brand identity.

#1. Providing value to the user

Every application has a clear purpose to provide value to the user, and to solve a specific problem that a user might be facing. Failing to recognize the purpose of apps, and the applications just sitting there for the sake of advertisements on the phone will deteriorate customers’ outlook toward the brand’s reputation.

#2. Application Utility

A major thing that needs to be taken care of is to build an app that makes working convenient for the customers. After all, not every individual is tech savvy and they don’t want to go through the extra hassle of figuring out how to use the application. Applications must therefore be user friendly. A good user feedback regarding the utility may bring a lot of traffic.

#3. Lack of Updates

Mankind has the tendency to long for new things all the time, and for the same reason users grow tired of some application version after some time. If not for some feature that is very essential for the customers to go through their daily lives, there’s a high chance that users will opt for some other brand and the former application will be sidelined just out of sheer boredom.

Therefore, care must be taken to keep updating the application frequently. Bringing new interfaces and features in front of the customers and keeping them engaged.

Updates also ensure the elimination of bugs and shortcomings which can also irritate a customer in big deal. This needs to be checked and taken care of on a frequent basis.


Marketing is one of the biggest aspects of business development. Marketing brings the consumer and the business together, leads to popularity of business brands, bringing in more customers and thereby increasing business and revenue.

Every business has to lay emphasis on this aspect of business and use the latest technology to its best in order to leverage their cause.

About the Author!

Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, ChatBot & Blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz Technologies, A Mobile App Development Company. His 8+ experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on IoT and ChatBot.

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