Infographic: What’s Working, What’s Not, and What are Marketers Planning for 2014


Every year the marketer needs to change in accordance with the consumer behavior changing. It takes a mature survey to guide marketers run strategies what working, what’s not and what are marketers will plan in 2014. The results belong to webmarketing survey 500 + marketers said that as many as 41% of leads generated will be very influential for the B2B market and drive sales as much as 40% will be appropriate for B2C.

Compared to the last year’s quite surprising that survey reveals as much as 25% will spent investing online, lower than we expected earlier, this is most likely due to unexpected changes in consumer behaviour. A great study by suggests that: ”changes in consumer behavior is due to the consumers will begin rebelling against the excess of electronic connection in their lives, and marketers will begin dealing with the deluge of data without human connection that has accumulated in recent years. The result will lead to a focus on personal interactions, qualitative research, and a pushback against regulations that hinder progress”.

In these studies even say that the consumers will leave the desktop for more mobile, so it is not surprising that e-commerce will grow rapidly as much as 75% in 2014 is a mobile business. It seems in 2014 marketers still struggle to measure ROI and there are still about 26% of marketers who do not know which channel delivers the best leads.

The infographic below, that originally published by breakdowns trend in digital marketer, who will describe in detail the results of a survey of top challenges for B2B and B2C marketers in 2014, and the most important are the words that became the most hated marketer so you can Drop it in your vocab. Despite the entire marketing trend will be adjusted again with your marketing content, but this survey can become your guide in 2014.

[Click on the image to enlarge]

State of Digital Marketing 2014

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