6 Insider Tips for Branding Your Photo Products

Illustration by Татьяна Степанова via Dribbble

Photography is a much-needed skill not just for capturing wonderful moments but also the beauty of nature. A photographer’s duty doesn’t just consist of snapping photos but also formatting them to create amazing visuals.

Many artists are selling their masterpieces on the Internet, which is one of the main reasons for increased stock image usage. Hence, there’s greater demand for the use of printing services, giving such companies numerous opportunities.

For your photos to gain popularity, it’s essential to give them a unique symbol or name. How can you recognize a perfume of a brand you love from the rest of the competition? By remembering their style of branding.

Branding is a marketing strategy that consists of using a specific logo or a name that makes your products stand out from others. It also allows customers to view your brand from a different perspective.

A business that makes use of the right branding strategy gives it the image of a reputable brand, which clients can trust to rely on. This instils confidence in your customers to purchase your products, which leads to greater sales.

To make your art gain greater exposure to your target audience, here are some tips on branding graphic media.

#1. Choose a Suitable Logo

A logo is a symbol or tag that helps to distinguish your artwork from many others. It will help your target audience to remember that the product they liked belongs to a specific author. It makes it easier for people to identify your photographs anywhere.

Choose suitable logo
Logo by Tiamin via Dribbble

Your logo can be a mixture of both text and graphics. It helps people to know what’s the purpose of your company and also the company name. If you’re looking for an online education portal and you find one with a weird logo, you wouldn’t want to visit such a site.

If your logo is improper, it can leave a bad impression about your company on your clients. It can create doubts in them whether your company can do justice in their services. Therefore, create a professional logo that brings positive thoughts when one looks upon it. Logos can make it easier for your company to connect with your audience.

For example, if you are a Muslim pro photographer, a suitable logo would be something that respects the religion and shows a connection to the Islamic heritage so your consumers can establish a bond with you. You may choose a logo with an Arabic calligraphy font or an image of a mehrab (minaret, often used in mosque designs), etc.

A variety of logo designing tools are available. If your budget is tight, there are many free applications available. Tailor Brands and Wix Logo maker are just some examples. What’s important is that your logo should be a visual representation of your ambition and core values. It should also relate to your target audience. Whether you’re selling your work for decoration purposes or use at home, it’s crucial to create a logo.

 icon-bookmark Get Inspiration: Photographer Logo Design: 107 Ideas for You

#2. Use an Appropriate Brand Style and Font Format

Why would any of your photos require pieces of text? Well, they can enhance the beauty of your photos even further if they’re used correctly. Adding captions to your photos can help customers to view them from a better vantage point.

If you want your photos to be loved, then you need to find out which theme will suit them best and how that theme reflects your branding. This highly depends on the niche and audience you’re working for. For example, if your digital studio has been set up for audiences of older age groups, use a simple theme that will be relaxing for their eyesight.

#3. Typography

It is often said that a picture should tell a story on its own, which is true, but there are certain spaces where typography can play a role in elevating your brand’s overall message and voice. For instance, an event photographer would use a specific font style to convey their personality as well as stir up some feelings in people.

The use of typography for your photos also depends on the kind of use. Whether it’s for public usage, then the need for professional and formal styling is needed. Photo branding is incomplete without the use of text as it adds more value to the imagery and enhances the user experience.

#4. Select the Right Mix of Colors

The visuals of your online photo library also affect the way your target audience interacts with your company. The use of the right mix of colors can make it eye-pleasing for visitors, enticing them to stay longer at your online site.

You may think that sales generation has no relation with the kind of colors used for branding? However, colors help customers to build their assumptions about your brand. They display the personality that your brand portrays, hence giving it a unique identity.

A color study conducted by PUBMED consisting of 276 participants concluded that a significant number of females chose softer colors whereas men preferred brighter colors. The experts also displayed photographs of people and asked what the factor that makes them appealing is. The color was found a more common answer than the style of clothing and appearance.

Use appropriate colors for your e-mail signatures, contact cards, and your social media pages. When there’s a unique style of using coloring, it’ll help your stock photo library to stand out from the rest that is available online. Hence, more target audience members will be able to look for your photos easier.

For example, if your digital studio’s theme is related to mother nature, then choose the colors green and white.

#5. Choose a Suitable Filter for the Occasion

A photographer must know when to put the right filter at the right time. They enhance the overall quality and look of a photo. The key to establishing a good image of your photoshop is to look out for even the tiniest of details. It’s recommended to use good filters for the production of photos similar to ones displayed on your site.

You can take the help of WordPress gallery plugins for modifying photos. One example is the Envira Gallery which allows you to add unique shades to photos. So, your business can attract those customers interested in the application of filters to their photos.

It’s a good practice to apply similar designs and filters in your profile picture. This will help customers notice a consistent pattern in your work. So, it aids customers in remembering the style code of your brand. As there are several digital printing service providers, customers will find it easier to identify those brands which have a consistent theme and color code.

#6. Select the Right Photography Style

There are numerous photo studios available online, and only those are becoming successful which have their own unique style. Clients crave not only speciality but also quality in their photos.

Select the right photography style
Illustration by Tarikul Islam Topu via Dribbble

If you’re a beginner in the field, then you need to select the photography style which suits best for your photo products. It’s easier to get lost in the vast amount of information available. Your main focus should be to grow your style of photography. Here are some examples of photography styles:

  • Landscape
  • Portrait
  • Architecture
  • Abstract
  • Event

There are several types of photography styles, and it’s up to you to experiment with them. Each person has their own style of capturing photos.

If you love weather photography, then you can learn the basics of taking professional photos of different weather conditions. This will help you to take advantage of any moment when the weather presents a great opportunity for snapping photos.

#7. Invest in Website Design

Thanks to the Internet, more people are used to searching for information online, which makes it important to set up a website for your brand. If a website has already been set up, then the next crucial step is the site’s design.

Your website is the first point of interaction of your customers with your brand. So, all of the above-mentioned steps must be adhered to in the design process. If your website uses the wrong combination of colors, then it can cause an increase in bounce rates of your site.

The use of appropriate font styles can enhance the outlook of your website. Texts should be short and concise for the reader to easily understand what message your website is conveying. Photos displayed on your website should be relevant to the niche your photo studio serves.

Your website can only be accessed if it works on all kinds of digital devices. So, make sure that it’s mobile optimized. Overall, a well-designed website is what makes visitors stay longer and may entice them to convert into loyal prospects.

Wrapping Up

To reach out to your target audience, it’s essential that your company has its distinct branding trait. This is the key to giving your company a competitive edge amongst others. Your brand’s logo represents its aspirations and goals to your target audience.

The theme and combination of colors that your photography company uses speak about the personality your brand fosters. Through the power of branding, you can enhance the exposure of your photo products and boost sales.

About the Author!

Nouman provides ghostwriting and copywriting services. His educational background in the technical field and business studies helps him in tackling topics ranging from career and business productivity to web development and digital marketing. He occasionally writes articles for Muslim and Quran.

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  1. […] is why using the well-developed product branding will provide a consistent look that corresponds correctly to your overall message and gives you […]

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