5 Reasons Why Customers Leave Your Online Store


Online buying and selling have become the order of the day. During these trying moments when COVID-19 is hitting the world so hard, getting the best shopping solution is among the great opportunities you have to grow. However, even when you choose to venture into an online business, there are common mistakes many individuals make, and they turn out to be a thorn in their flesh later on.

Although some individuals will look at web performance as they desire to get better results, you need to be proactive and know when to drive more sales. To change your eCommerce business, you might need to ensure that you do a different logo design, among other things.

Rebranding your business might be an option if your clientele might have decreased, which could also not be a great idea. Keeping track of your clients boosts your business growth, and hence offering satisfactory sales services could serve as a starting point to getting the remedy to your needs.

Top 5 Reasons Customers Leave Your Store

If you notice that visitors are not placing orders on your online store, you are possibly doing the wrong thing, and this will demand that you need to check on some of the solutions that need to be implemented.

#1. Many Menu Options

Since there are numerous reasons why customers leave without placing the order, working towards maintaining your clients or even getting orders from prospective buyers by taking proper steps will be ideal. Getting the best website design solution could lead to more sales, which is an excellent step for any business.

We all agree that online shoppers are busy individuals meaning that they need to shop within the shortest time possible. Online buyers need to visit your site and get the products they need in a snap, and hence they should not be subjected to browsing.

Research has proved that over 29 per cent of online shoppers will go for the easiest way to shop whenever they visit online stores. Time is a critical aspect for any online shopper, you need to ensure that your online selling goals are well planned to ensure that you do not create any impatience to your clients as they place the order online.

Since you will need to provide information about the products you need online, ensure that you offer clear and direct information for each of your inventory products. Organizing your site and labelling it properly will allow your shoppers to place their orders with ease.

Having many menu options leads to guesswork, which will lead to impatience and lack of interest from your visitors despite having the right products. Ensuring that you have a standard and, more so, the well-structured website will let your visitors have their expectations meet. Ensure that you choose the right menu that is no crowded and which clearly shows the categories available.

To resolve the issues that could be attributed to many menus, ensure that you follow a few tips as highlighted here. Ensuring that you enhance the findability and discoverability of the items your clients need when they visit your website will see you retain them as they shop.

Besides, you are advised to have a clear website design that is well organized with the best menu choices by placing crucial choices for your clients who would like to shop online will be ideal. Besides reorganizing your menu, it is time to simplify it and ensure that you offer the best navigation solutions.

With so many designs available that could be used for your website, you need to ensure that you choose the simplest design but most suitable for your eCommerce business that meets users’ prospects. As your clients and other prospective buyers visit your website, they need to get a sitemap to make their shopping experience easy to find more information.

Your clients will only be able to start their shopping within seconds only when you offer them the right shopping menu and help button if they are stuck during their shopping experience.

#2. Weak/ Poor Search Engine

Weak/ Poor Search Engine
Image by rawpixel.com

While surfing the internet and choosing to browse, we all need to get fast results; thus, the website performance should be top-notch. Nothing will confuse and push your clients away than having a poor search engine. There is a need to ensure that you invest in great search engine optimizers for stores with large inventories.

Since your clients will be ready to search anything, including literals, plurals, and hyphens, you must ensure that the query term or system you have can handle this; otherwise, this will be useless.

Notably, some of the search engines required clients to search using the right jargon, such as ‘three-in-one printer’, and this might have been a hard task for many who didn’t know how to go about it.

With a multifunction search engine, you will get the results you need, hence exciting your clients and avoiding possible frustrations. However, when you have weak search engines, you will lose your clients since they might not find the products they need, yet they are in your inventory.

Whenever your search is limited to the filters that your clients use to search for the products they wish to order, then you can rest assured that you might be losing a lot of money.

You need to invest in a search engine that will offer conclusive results with the right details needed and what will help the shopper since the opposite of this will break their shopping desire on your site.

In case you would like to offer strong search results, you need to consider a few options, as they are noted here. One of the crucial things you must do is to have the search button/box in a visible position, easy to access as your clients visit this website.

Additionally, the search box that you include on your website should be an open text field box, which also considers the search suggestions. It is also paramount to ensure that you use proper filters that are placed strategically for your clients.

Getting an ideal web hosting service provider that offers cloud VPS services will also enhance your website search solutions.

#3. Broken Links

If you cannot fulfil your promise, then it is best if you do not promise it. Your clients will be frustrated when they try to access a link that does not have the results; hence you will be pushing them away.

While ordering items online, shoppers want to follow links that get them to the desired location or even checkout options to complete their order. Having broken on your website will be the sole contributor to chasing your shoppers.

Also, when you are faced with an internal search error as a shopper, the next move will be o move to other shopping sites that fulfil the promise they make in their links.

Although you might have some of these 404-page errors, you will need to ensure that you provide proper guidance to your client on how to go about these issues rather than leaving them frustrated.

While you want to overcome the issues related to broken links, you can follow some instructions on how to resolve this error. Taking time to do routine checks will be the right move to ensure that your store is on track.

In case you have loaded new content, you have the task to ensure that you update all the links, which will save you bad or broken links. Since you do not want to have your clients get a 404-page error, ensure that you do proper analysis to deliver the demand results.

Offering your clients an option to report such errors when they visit your store could help you improve your service and shopping solutions.

#4. Positive Recommendations/Reviews

Positive Recommendations / Reviews
Image by rawpixel.com

It is well known that when the deal is too good, then you must think twice. Running your online demands that you consider reviews from your clients.

In case the reviews that you allow your page only focuses on the positive side of the purchase, this could raise some eye-blows for potential buyers since the deal could seem too good to be true. Allowing both positive and negative reviews will be the stepping stone to clear the doubts, uncertainties, and fears which ravage online shoppers.

According to research, it has been established that many clients have trusted client reviews as opposed to the manufacturer’s reviews.

Despite having negative reviews for certain products, you might have a shopper ordering this product since the negative review will not bother them. It would be best to allow your shoppers to see the good and the ugly side of a certain product as reviewed by other clients.

#5. Hidden Costs

Shopping online is a great undertaking. Many businesses have thrived, with their online presence being felt in many areas. However, when you want to make your online store successful, being open on the prices per item without hidden cost will allow you to get more clients and retain them.

Many online stores fail since they have other hidden charges per item they offer, even at discounted prices.

Bottom Line

As technology is taking shape today, digital marketing and eCommerce are some of the gaining sectors you must consider.

Ensuring that your site is well designed and put into considerations on how to tackle the issues of clients leaving without buying will resolve major issues and boost sales.

Since customer retention is the primary goal for any online store, implementing measures that guarantee success will offer the solution needed.

About the Author!

Patrick Watt is a content writer, writing in several areas, primarily in business growth, value creation, M&A, and finance. He currently writes for VPS HiSpeed, a VPS cloud server company in Thailand. His other interests include content marketing and self-development. Say hi to Patrick on Twitter @patrickwattpat.

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