How many times a year do you have to congratulate something to someone? I have now got you thinking, haven’t I? It’s okay, you don’t have to count every single birthday, anniversary and other special days in the lives of you and your loved ones. I just wanted to make a point. You offer your congratulations more often than you thought.
I believe a point was successfully made. Now, there’s another thing I wanted to talk to you about. When you want to congratulate someone, you usually buy a gift and then you add a card to complement the gift and the occasion. When you enter any gift shop, you get to choose from a wide variety of cards, but those all seem so generic, don’t they?
The Personal Touch
The best gifts are always the ones that are personal. You remember something about someone and you use it when getting the present so that you remind the person that you are listening to what they are saying and that you are generally interested in what’s going on in their lives.
The problem is the generic cards almost never work well with those personal presents. That means that you need the cards to be more personal as well, such as the ones you can see at Up With Paper and similar places that can give you a lot of nice ideas.
Here’s an idea. Instead of buying those pieces of paper, plastic, or whatever, which aren’t able to convey the message you want them to convey, why don’t you try to make your own cards for all the different occasions? Can it get any more personal than that? Why don’t you just imagine the face of a friend or a family member upon receiving something like this?
If you are about to tell me that you don’t know how to do this on your own, I am going to stop you right there. Sure, you need to be imaginative and creative in order to think of the perfect idea, but once you have it, the execution part is pretty simple.
I understand that it might be difficult for you to think of the perfect card to design and if you really don’t have the imagination to do this, then you should definitely look to buy those cards that have a more personal touch to it, like the ones I have mentioned above.
In the event that you are creative and imaginative enough, you shouldn’t let the practical part of the process stop you. As I have already said, it’s not that complicated. You simply need a few tips and you’ll turn into a pro in no time.
I’ll share a couple of tips below and I expect you to let your imagination go wild and give this a try. You’ll be happy to create something like this and the person that receives your gift will be over the moon because of the effort you put into it.
If you don’t know how a meaningful gift looks like, here are some ideas for you:

Tip #1: Get The Right Materials
Once you have the idea, getting the right material is the most important thing to do. Half of your work will be done after you buy all the things you need. Depending on what you are trying to create, you might want to get a smaller or a bigger paper, a flat or folded card. Don’t forget to get a glue if you want to add certain items to the design or design everything yourself.
What I recommend the most is that you, once again, visit Up With Paper and similar places in order to get an idea about both the design and the materials. If you want things to be a bit easier, you can even look for and order a card that might appeal to the person receiving it and then add your own personal touch to it afterwards. This counts as DIY too and you’re still putting an effort to create something meaningful.
Tip #2: Don’t Overdo It
I know that you might be all excited and might have all kinds of ideas, but it really isn’t smart to add all of those to one card. Save something for a different occasion. If you overdo it, the whole present might look tacky and even though you have put in a significant amount of effort, the person receiving the card will have a hard time liking what you have done. Keep it simple and try not to do anything like this.
Tip #3: Don’t Forget The Envelope
In order to complete the whole look, you will need to get an envelope that goes with the card perfectly. Once again, you will need to consider the whole design and make sure not to exaggerate with too many details. Beauty most often lies in simplicity, so make sure to remember that whether you are buying or creating a card for someone.
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