20 Tips On How To Be A Productive Author


It doesn’t matter if you’re a professional book author, an academic writer, or an amateur blogger. We all know what is the writer’s block state when you can’t write a line. If you just decide to wait it out, you can’t tell exactly when you’ll get out of it.

So you better try these 20 methods to improve your writing productivity.

#1. Tidy Up Your Workplace

In the romantic notion, a writer is a creative person, and creative persons are notoriously disorderly. That is why many people think that while they are writing their next masterpiece, they can be surrounded by chaos and in the flow of inspiration. In fact, it is very difficult to tune in to work when there is a mess around.

In addition, clutter is very uncomfortable in the process. Imagine this situation: you’re typing an essay on your laptop and suddenly realize that it’s almost dead. So how do you find a charger if you don’t have a permanent place to store it?

Pro Tip: Check out these Top 10 Workplaces for Starting Entrepreneurs.

#2. Define Your Most Productive Working Hours

Define Your Most Productive Working Hours

Each of us has the most comfortable time of day to work. For example, someone writes for a couple of hours before breakfast. Another starts academic papers in the evening after work. And a third doesn’t understand how someone can work without breakfast and at the end of the day and prefers to do it at lunchtime because only then he feels enough energy. Determine which one of them you are.

#3. Do Not Write Only at the Same Topics

It’s very hard not to get bored if you write the same thing every day. But even if that is your job, you can still write something completely out of character for no reason at all. It will distract you and bring you new ideas. You can also just take on a few different projects so that you will always be on top of things. And you can delegate the most boring tasks to write essay for money service by Write Essay for Me.

#4. Write All Your Ideas Down

Writing is a very creative activity, and we don’t have much control over such things. When you have to come up with a new idea, it doesn’t arise, but when you’re busy doing something else, it suddenly comes. Aren’t you familiar with the situation when a new plot twist in a book or an argument for an essay appears when you are about to fall asleep? In order not to miss such moments, always make notes about them at least somewhere: in your notebook, in an app on your smartphone, in personal messages to your friend.

It’s handy if you can synchronize these notes. For example, install the same app on your phone, computer, and tablet. Then you will have all your creative ideas in one place.

#5. When You Write, Be Focus On Writing

The best time to write is when you are in a state of flux: thought flows like a river, and all you have to do is formulate it into words and sentences. But this state of mind doesn’t happen as soon as you sit down to work. No, at first, you slowly get into the essence, then you start thinking and doing something little by little.

But unfortunately, if you are constantly distracted, you will never write anything worthwhile because it takes effort. But if you’re on Facebook, you can sit there for an hour or two without even noticing it.

To combat these temptations, make a list of the things that distract you most often: social media, food, kids. And then try to minimize them. For example, put your phone away during work and ask your loved ones not to come into your room for the next hour.

#6. Measure How Much Work You Have Done

Measure How Much Work You Have Done

Units of measure help us understand how much we have done. Of course, we can also use our feelings (tired/not tired), but it isn’t easy, and the results of such an assessment are subjective. That is why it is easier to choose what you will measure the amount of work: for text, it can be the number of words, characters, or pages (with the same font and text size). You can also measure the time spent on work. For example, today, you spent 1 hour and 20 minutes of writing.

It is convenient to count the time through an application on your smartphone or programs on your computer. By the way, try to account for “clean” work, i.e., you should be writing, not distracted by watching YouTube.

#7. Define The Structure of Your Writing

In the movies, authors write novels in a couple of days, catching a wave of inspiration. In real life, this is rarely the case. And the movies don’t show how long it takes to proofread and rewrite the final text. Because if you write without a plan, there is a huge chance of ending up with a lot of logical inconsistencies or at some point coming to a dead-end and not reaching the finale.

The bottom line is this: you should always know what you’re going to write before you start writing it.

But it’s up to you to choose the details of the structure. For example, some of the Assignment Partner writing help service authors prefer to describe each paragraph specifically and then straighten out the resulting framework and add details. And other writers only roughly sketch out the points they want to cover in the text.

Well, of course, determine in advance what conclusion you want to draw from what is written. Otherwise, is there any point in writing it at all?

#8. First Write, Then Edit

You won’t write a perfect text the first time. Face it, but it’s true. You’re bound to have flaws and errors in the first version. But that’s okay; you can fix them during editing – the important thing is to separate the two processes.

When you write, write. Don’t think about what you’re getting, and don’t try to evaluate what you’ve written as you’re writing. Otherwise, you’ll constantly feel like it’s bad, and you’ll stop and get distracted. When the text is finished, you’ll be able to let your inner critic out – that’s when you won’t have to give yourself any leeway and evaluate your writing as honestly and rigorously as possible.

#9. Set a Schedule and Stick to It

It’s easy to set a goal to write something but hard to accomplish. After all, such a goal is big and unspecific, and to achieve it, you need to define specific steps and do them every day, or every week, depending on what kind of schedule you come up with for yourself.

Once you have a schedule, use your best efforts to stick to it. Don’t make excuses. Pretend it’s your responsibility. You went to school even when you were lazy, didn’t you? It should be the same as writing.

#10. Define Your Target Audience

Audience Targeting Tips

Every writer must understand for whom he writes. These potential readers are called the target audience.

For example, you run a recipe blog. It is likely to be read by housewives, students, perhaps chefs. Narrowing down your audience will help in what style you write, what words you use. For example, professional slang will understand only by professional chefs.

Determine your readers based on what you’re already creating, or create something that will be of interest to the audience you want to attract. When you write, draw a portrait of your future reader in your head, so it’s easier to understand.

#11. Be Honest With Yourself

Write only if you have an interest in the topic and this activity. If you don’t understand the appeal of comics at all, you won’t make a good geek author. Unfortunately, this approach doesn’t work if you’re a student, and you need to write an essay to get a good grade. But in that case, at least try to find a topic that hooks you or just order the essay on SharpEssay buy college essays service.

#12. Change The Way and Place You Work

In the short term, a new workplace will help set the mood for work. If you usually write at home at your desk, you can try taking your laptop to a local café, or you can turn off your computer altogether and try writing by hand on plain paper. Just keep in mind that this method helps in the short term; if you change your workplace every day, focusing on writing, on the contrary, will be hard.

#13. Do Not Try to Cover Everything At Once

If you have a big task ahead of you, like writing a dissertation, you won’t do it in one night. So don’t concentrate on that goal. It’s better to write a page, but every day, and already in a month, you’ll see that you have 30 pages.

#14. Write The Way You Want

Every text has an introduction, the main part, and an end. But who says you have to write them in that order, too? No one will know that you made a conclusion first and only then brought the rest of the text to it. If it’s easier for you to write separate chunks and then combine them into a whole, do so, especially if that’s the part of the text you have inspiration for right now.

#15. Forget About Grammar

Forget About Grammar

Two different hemispheres of the brain are responsible for creativity and correct spelling. If you automatically spell words correctly, that’s a good thing. But you don’t have to think about it on purpose yet. If you concentrate on what letter should be in that particular word, you probably won’t be able to get back to the story. But you can always correct your grammar at the editing stage.

#16. Choose a Niche

If you find an area that interests you, you can dig into it almost indefinitely, and you will always have the desire to write about it. Look into niches that are currently developing and for which there will always be some news.

#17. Install a Productivity App

Now there are apps that help with any query. We have alarm clocks, organizers, timers, and trackers. So why not then install an app that will encourage us to write more and better?

You can choose an app that will send you reminders that you have to write five pages today. You can install a utility where you will record your results and see your progress as a percentage. You can also just use an app where you have to record and mark the tasks you’ve done. Or you can find a program designed specifically for writers in general. All in all, study the market and choose what you like best.

#18. Create A Writing Atmosphere

Everyone has an ideal atmosphere for writing. Perhaps yours is candles and classical music? Or maybe sunlight through open windows and complete silence? Find your mood and know-how to create it.

#19. Write Anything

Sometimes there are so many thoughts in your head that it’s no longer a question of structure and a plan. Then, instead of trying to limit yourself, write it as fast as you can and don’t think about anything at all. It may not even be relevant to your task and will go in the trash, but your brain will be cleared, focused, and set up for productive work.

#20. Describe Clearly

Do you have ideas, but you don’t know how to describe them more beautifully? Then don’t. Readers like it simply because they understand the simplicity. No one wants to wade through the maze of complicated sentences, so don’t set yourself new goals. Just write as you know and understand yourself.

That’s all 20 tips. We hope they help you. There’s a chance that even reading will get you inspired!

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