30 Impressive Logos for Travelling Projects


We work hard and stay for days in offices to finish our clients’ projects, but from time to time we all need a small pause. There is no better way in which you could relax and refuel your creativity level than traveling. It’s great to relax into a wonderful and unvisited landscape isn’t it? No matter where you travel, don’t forget to have in your proximity a moleskin or a simple paper on which you could draw sketches; you never know when a great idea will come into your mind.

People may travel by themselves, but another option is to choose the services of a travel agency. Of course, each travel agency has its visual identity, including a logo. As a result, the designers have on their plateau creating logos for travelling agencies.

Designing such logos isn’t a simple task, but in the same time it’s interesting and sometimes really enchanting. In fact, it’s required to create a logo that has as its main purpose the relaxation of the viewer. I consider that any logo designer is happy to be assigned for this kind of project. Furthermore, here is a great help in making a clearer idea about travelling logos. We collected 30 amazing logos that are suitable for travelling projects for your inspiration.

Traveler Junction

Travelling Logos

Bookings Tanzania

Travelling Logos

tip-top tour

Travelling Logos


Travelling Logos

Destination Philippines

Travelling Logos

Travel Advisor

Travelling Logos


Travelling Logos

Travel Point

Travelling Logos

African Tourism Association

Travelling Logos


Travelling Logos

Travel Directory

Travelling Logos


Travelling Logos


Travelling Logos


Travelling Logos

Travel Advento

Travelling Logos


Travelling Logos

Cloud Travel

Travelling Logos

Travel Planet

Travelling Logos


Travelling Logos

Travell Community

Travelling Logos

Mediterranean Cruises

Travelling Logos

On the way

Travelling Logos


Travelling Logos

Hello World Travel

Travelling Logos

TravelTime Logo

Travelling Logos

Safari Travel

Travelling Logos

Travel Pearls

Travelling Logos

Travel World

Travelling Logos

Sun Travel Agency

Travelling Logos

I honestly believe that all the above logos are well-designed and these may work as a source of inspiration. As usual, we strongly recommend sharing with us the latest logos that you have created or your favourite ones. Also, it will be great to share the post with your friends and for more inspirational posts or quality articles don’t forget to follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

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  1. Logo Design says

    Eko these all logo’s are really too inspired me, also so beautiful logo’s you shared.

  2. Eko S says

    Hi, you’re welcome 🙂
    I’m glad you like this collection.

  3. […] 30 Impressive Logos for Travelling Projects […]

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