A Collection of Inspirational Branding & Identity Design of Creative Studios


Previously we have featured brilliant restaurant identity and clothing store identity designs.

And today we have inspirational creative studios brand identity design collection presented in a neat layout, often with clever complementary objects that reinforce the theme or style of the design work.

These branding attempts extend to company logos, pens, envelopes, writing pads, postcards, booklets, CDs, letterhead, business cards, ink stamps, and even mobile apps.

Let’s take a look the collection below and get the inspiration today!

Creative Studios Brand Identity Design

Studio Creosoul Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Kempeli Design e Comunicação Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Manor Studio Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Estúdio Vii Visual Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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kutia web agency Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Engler Studio Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Fieldwork Studio Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Gravy Creative Studio Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Kate Creative Studio Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Zdunkiewicz Studio Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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A Panzer – Büro für Architektur Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Coffee Type – Creative Studio Identity

Brand Identity Design

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Studio Aguzzi – Architecture Studio Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Tabarka Studio Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Studio Revolucija Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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MOTIFO – Interior Design Architect Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Revert Design – Studio Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Huisstijl Studio Maarten Deckers Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Value Studio Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Cursor Design Studio Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Milk Design Studio Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Geometric Studio Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Concreate Studio® Identity

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

Brand Identity Design

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Your Turn

How do you think about the brand identity design collection above? Do you have another great creative studios identity that should include in this collection?

Please share it in the comment below. I hope you found this post is useful, enjoy! 🙂

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