50+ Step by Step Photoshop Tutorials in Designing a Logo


As a business owner have a logo for your business is very important, especially to build your brand identity.

But you should be careful in selecting one. and one of the considerations when designing a logo is that of a logo must be appropriate, aesthetically pleasing and a reflection of the company’s credibility.

Today, we have collected 55 very useful photoshop tutorials that will help you creating an amazing logo for your own business.

Best Logo Design Tutorials in Photoshop

Firefish Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Jonathan Olsen
In this Photoshop Tutorial, you’ll learn how to design a mascot based on the Firefox logo, and mimic the fire effect using the pen tool and gradients.

Create an amazing Ad in Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Abduzeedo
This tutorial is just an exercise I did with my friend Cameron trying to create a Nike ad, it’s not commercial, it’s just because we love some of their ads and we’d love to be able to design one, maybe someday. So in this tutorial we will use some images and play with Blend Modes and Color Adjustments to create a really cool Nike Ad in Photoshop.

Green Apple Style Design

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by ART-D
Learn in this tutorial how to create interesting and modern wallpaper.

Create a Cool Music Logo on a Grunge Background

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Kyle Pero
I really like the artwork that is used in Pitchfork’s Web site, so I decided to recreate something similar in Photoshop and make a tutorial on how I did it. These techniques can be used to make a logo and background for a cool grunge-style Web site.

Photoshop Football Logo Stock Photo

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Fun Tutorials
Hi Friends! Today I am telling you about How to Create Photoshop Football Logo Stock Photo

How to Make a Badass WordPress Logo

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Jon
I was in a store the other day and walked by a sign with a logo that had an amazing shiny/metallic look to it. So, I whipped out my cellphone and took a picture of it. I spent a while trying to recreate the look but came up with something a little different. I applied that look to a WordPress Logo. This is how I did it…

Google Chrome Logo Design

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by ART-D
A detailed tutorial on how to create this awesome Google Chrome logo.

Photoshop Logo Jelly Remake

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Renyn
A new way…. MY way to make everything “jelly” ~ Enjoy and have fun.

Create a 3D Glossy Box Logo in Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Tyler Bramer
Create a 3-D glossy box logo in this amazing Photoshop tutorial.

Create Flash Logo

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
Duplicate the logo of Macromedia’s Flash, which I I have to use for school a lot. The logo is kinda simple to make and I will teach you how to make it.

Adobe software logo design effect

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by adobeperson
We use adobe photoshop and other software so much that I thought I will create the famous Adobe image or text logo, so enjoy!

Create 3D Logo with Polygonal Lasso Tool

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Vigan Tafili
Today I have a great tutorial, brought to you by nagiViTy, a designer who has brought us a lot of inspiration. In this tutorial he’ll show you how you can make a 3D logo in Photoshop with the Polygonal Lasso Tool.

Aurora Logo Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Good Looking Design
In this tutorial Good Looking Design is going to show you how to design an Aurora logo.

Skype Logo Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by ART-D
A useful photoshop tutorial to create Skype Logo

Create Web 2.0 Style Logo with Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Photoshop Star
In this tutorial i am going to show you how you can create one logo with web 2.0 style.

Learn how to create a Futuristic Logo in photoshop

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Anum
This tutorial will help you create a futuristic logo that you can play with and change to make your very own.

Photoshop Tutorial For E-Commerce logo

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Fun Photo Art
In today’s tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a realistic cool E Commerce logo using layer styles, dodge and burn Tool. Let’s get started!

a1m.at Logo Design Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by eccemedia
We have recently given our a1m.at logo a fresh look with a needed makeover. So we’ve decided to show you guys the design process behind the new design.

3D Logo Design Tutorial in Illustrator & Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
Today we are going to make a 3D futuristic logo in Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop. We’ll use adobe illustrator for the whole shape and color textures and then for finishing touches we’ll use a bit of Photoshop.

Business Solutions Logo

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by ART-D
This tutorial will show you how to create a modern logo for your company or for web site.

Fitness Logo Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Dimitris
This tutorial explains a simple way of creating a fitness related logo using mostly shapes.

Planet Logo Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Mopacity
This tutorial will show you the steps to create an effecive logo that has ribbons appear in a planet shape.

Design a Concept Web Logo in Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by OriginMaker
Having your company logo design done by a professional can be an expensive process. In this tutorial you will learn how to design an effective web logo in photoshop.

Professional Logo Design Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by ART-D
Heres a great way for creating a logo, that we can use with or for any site or business.

Professional Web Design Studio Logo Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Mark
Learn how to create a professional web design logo. We’ll show you several ways of working with text in this tutorial.

Create a Logo Identity

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Alan Wardle
This tutorial is inspired for our fictional freelancer, who had studied in Japan, we chose the name ‘Juritsu’ for this project, which is the Japanese word for ‘create’.

Create an Origami Logo

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by zenelements
Create an Origami Logo in Photoshop with this tutorial, getting a little taste towards one of the predicted trends for 2009 Logo Design.

Umbrella Corporation Logo Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by ART-D
The Umbrella Corporation is a fictional bioengineering pharmaceutical company appearing in the Resident Evil series of survival horror games by Capcom and in its film adaptions. In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial we will create Umbrella Corporation logo.

Wooden Text Effect in Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Johnson Koh
A photoshop tutorial to create a beautiful wooden text effect.

Papercraft Text Effect

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by PhotoshopRoadmap
Wired Magazine introduced on the September 2008 issue a new headline design created by Mario Hugo. This cool headline design struck me with its beauty and simplicity. So I decided to turn this effect into a Photoshop tutorial.

Watercolor Text Painted on a Wet Paper

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by PhotoshopRoadmap
This is a nice and easy effect with great looking results. We are going to learn how to create a watercolor text effect painted over a wet paper.

Windows Vista Logo Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by PSD Graphics
Simple step by step tutorial – how to make Windows Vista Logo – Photoshop Tutorial. Learn how to make a mirror and glossy effects, and how to use Photoshop tools – gradient, pen tool, bevel and emboss, eraser tool etc.

Making the ATI LOGO Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Jeka!
Hallo and welcome in making the ATI LOGO tutorial. For this one we will use Photoshop and a mere mouse. We will use basic PS techniques and a little bit of layer styling.

Photoshop Create Crest Logo Tutorial in Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by gnews
Hi friends . . . you know how to create the Photoshop create crest logo tutorial in Photoshop? Let’s see, how to create.

Making of Metallic Transformers Logo

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Johnson Koh
An amazing tutorial to create metalic transformer logo.

The Amazing Spiderman Logo Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by ART-D
Decorate your desktop with this amazing spiderman logo wallpaper concept.

EURO 2008 Logo design

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Jeka!
Hallo and welcome in making of the EURO 2008 Logo design. I thought it will a great idea to create this tutorial during the EURO Championship. So I hope I will be a nice one.

Drawing the Volkswagen Logo

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Dr Diablo
This tutorial is going to show you how to draw the legendary Volkswagen emblem logo by using Layer Styles, Radial Gradients, and the Polygonal Lasso selection tool in order to do the tracing part.

Creating a Retro Logo

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Aviva Directory
Hi all, and welcome! In this tuturial I will try to show you how I normally make my pics look retro!

Glowing and Sparkling Intense Light 3D Logo

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by marco folio
I’m now going to teach you how to create a glowing and sparkling intense light 3D glow logo. This tutorial shows different techniques that I learned in the past couple of weeks and it’ll surely blow others away.

Versus Inspired Photoshop Logo Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by John Ward
This Adobe Photoshop tutorial will show you how to create a rounded logo, inspired by the Versus cable network.

Create Rainbow Logos with Warped Grids

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Fabio
This tutorial is another user’s request. It’s an easy technique, but I’m sure you will be able to use it in all sorts of designs. It’s very versatile. In this case, I used this technique for a logo, but I could use it to create grids with light effects as well.

Sony Ericsson Logo

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Jeka!
In this tutorial we will make Sony Ericsson logo in about 20 minutes. Besides this you will understand how to save your time, changing layer styles and using the copies of your initial effect or form. So let’s go.

Make your Logo a 3D Look with Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Yahya
In this tutorial, we didn’t explain how to creata a logo but how to change your logo into a 3D form by using Photoshop.

Create a Frog Logo in Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by marco folio
In this tutorial I’ll try to teach you the basics of the ‘Pen Tool’, since many people will find it hard to use it for the first time. Of course you can use this technique with other animals to create logos or icons.

3D Encide Logo Tutorial (PSD Included!)

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Axertion
A full length video of a 3D logo being created in Photoshop. There is no sound or voice instruction, but the entire video is directed with captions below. Enjoy

Create a Watercolor Logo in Photoshop

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Drawing Clouds
Create a Watercolor Logo, using different watercolor and paper textures learning different techniques on brushes and layer mask. A few weeks ago I created a wallpaper for the site, I thought it could make an interesting tutorial for every level designers, I hope you’ll appreciate the creation.

Vector Style Flame Logo design

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by ART-D
This simple tutorial shows you how to make a cool Vector Style Flame Logo design!

Use Photoshop CS5 Extended to Create a Simple 3D Logo – Screencast

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Zorana Gee
In this tutorial you will receive a brief introduction to the 3D workspace in Photoshop and receive some great tips on how to incorporate 3D into your Photoshop workflow.

Logo Design (video Tutorial)

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Corey
Corey recreates a video game logo by building a grid background and circular target using the define pattern and polar coordinate distort commands.

Creating the Sky Logo

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Designer Tuts
In this tutorial, I will be explaining a very simple and straightforward way of creating Sky’s latest logo. We will be using layer styles and adjustment layers to achieve a transparent glass effect, which will come in handy for many other graphics too.

Rectangular Glassy Logo

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Photoshop Tutor
I was lurking around the web for graphic design inspiration, and saw a rectangular glassy logo web design concept on Monster Templates, so I decided, “Hey, why not make a Photoshop tutorial?” So basically, we will learn in this Photoshop tutorial how to use our airbrush to achieve a very cool glass effect.

Dezining the Dezinerfolio’s Logo – Web 2.0’ish

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by deziner folio
One of our reader here put up a question on How we had designed our logo. Instead of explaining how we created our logo, we put up a full tutorial on Creating Web 2.0 Style Logos (taking our logo as an example).

Modern Green Logo

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by PSFreak
A great tutorial to create an amazing green logo.

Professional Logo Design Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial for Logo Design
by Photoshop Force
In this tutorial you will learn how to create an elegant logo that would fit in nicely with most any design company.

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  1. […] this article we’ve collected 55 very useful photoshop tutorials that will help you creating an amazing logo for your own […]

  2. […] 50+ Step by Step Photoshop Tutorials in Designing a Logo […]

  3. Melanie Shellito says

    This collection of tutorials does indeed have some cool techniques and could be very helpful when looking for a specific effect to add punch to collateral materials. But I think it’s dangerous to present these as LOGO tutorials, since Photoshop should never be the go-to software for creating a logo. Building a raster-based file for a company’s brand will only cause problems down the road and it’s very short-sighted to stick a client with a logo that can’t be used in EVERY possible application. In addition, most of the examples I see here would be far better if built appropriately in a vector program such as Illustrator. Many of the end results shown that tout the power of Photoshop could have been done beautifully as vector artwork (including all the fancy blends, gradients and dimensional stuff) while maintaining total scalability and function for print media as well as online. In short, these can be very useful tutorials, but you do a disservice to both clients and designers by presenting them as logo building tools.

  4. Molly Eckler says

    I agree…How does a client blow these up for signage? These are beautiful but can and need to be done in vector in Illustrator for logo clients.

  5. […] scalability and function for print media as well as online. As Melanie Shellito said on our “50+ Step by step photoshop tutorials in designing a logo” […]

  6. shoplogo says

    aurora is my favourite. thanks for postings this amazing list of logos!

  7. feathersdesigns says

    thanks for your postings!!!

  8. foo says

    really nice….thanks

  9. sukhjinder singh says

    great job …keepit up!!!

  10. dallas commercial photographer says

    Molly, These can be done in illustrator too.

  11. proothisi istoselidon says

    great job! thanks for info.
    i love photoshop

  12. Eric says

    yeah.. I love photoshop

  13. Mitrakom says

    Nice………ill try….asap

  14. […] 50+ Step by Step Photoshop Logo Tutorials […]

  15. www.destinycontest.com says

    Thanks for share i like to visit and read about everyone


  16. Jason says

    Thanks! Have a quick question, I am wanting to design a logo and also use Photoshop to edit photos. I do not have Photo shop yet and am wondering what version to purchase.

  17. Aditya says

    Jason use Adobe Photoshop CS5, as I am using it atm and its the best software as of now!

  18. Stacey Devine says

    Good tutorials I like all of them and wanted to recommend all to see and read this article.

  19. Bizit says

    this is awsome tuts!! i like it…thanks for sharing…. 🙂

  20. Awesome stuff i have been looking for this kind of post, thanks for sharing…

  21. san says

    Very nice tutorials. i was looking these types for a long time. thanks

  22. Anuraag says

    Amazing stuff. searched in google and landed to the best place. Will be coming often here.

  23. Janitha says
  24. Alek says

    Anyone who hasn’t slept through the first hour of the first class of graphic design should be very well aware of the fact that Photoshop is NOT the tool for creating a logo. It is just as useful as Word or PowerPoint when it comes to creating a logo. You can create logos in those as well for that matter. Anyone who even consider Photoshop as a tool for that obviously doesn’t understand what a logo is and should be and I would recommend some reading on the subject of logo. It is graphic design 101, really.

  25. BeringinMulia says

    yes, Let’s proceed with some mind blowing logo design tutorials in Photoshop that can make you a professional designer

  26. Dwi Sasae says

    Very nice tutorials. I was looking these types for a long time. thanks!

  27. Eko S says

    @Dwi: Hi, salam kenal 🙂
    Makasih mas dah mampir dan komen, kami juga senang klo tulisan ini bermanfaat.

  28. ucan says

    it’s a great tutorial

  29. سجاده فرش says

    nice post

  30. گلیم فرش ماشینی says

    Very nice tutorials. I was looking these types for a long time. thanks!

  31. […] 50+ Photoshop Tutorials in Designing a Logo […]

  32. […] 50+ Photoshop Tutorials in Designing a Logo […]

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