The Easy Ways To Create Your Own Business Logo – Photoshop Tutorial


Introduce The April Bundle by TheHungryJPEG – A ginormous bundle of fonts and design elements for you to have fun with!

In this photoshop logo design tutorial, we’ll show you the easy ways to create your own business logo with that bundle of design elements.

First, you should have a Photoshop itself on your device. Get Photoshop for free right now and start to create your logo.

Let’s begin!

Before we start, take a look what you’ll be create:

Logo Design Tutorial

And of course we also need to download some files. All the image and font I use to create this logo are from “The April Bundle” by TheHungryJPEG.

1. Create a Canvas

Step 1

Create a new file by click menu “File” -> “New”

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 2

Name your file and set the size to 1000×1000 pixels, then click “OK”

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 3

Now create a guide by click menu “View” -> “New Guide”

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 4

Set the position at 50% in “Horizontal” and “Vertical”

Logo Design Tutorial

2. Put an Image

Step 1

Open file by click menu “File” -> “Open”

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 2

Open folder “The Tribal Watercolor Pack” and choose file “41”

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 3

Select the image by click menu “Select” -> “All”

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 4

Duplicate image by click menu “Edit” -> “Copy”

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 5

Open your first file and paste image by click menu “Edit” -> “Paste”

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 6

Convert layer image silhouette of deer into smart object by click menu “Layer” -> “Smart Objects” -> “Convert to Smart Object”. We should convert the image to smart object so if we resize image later the image will not lose their real resolution.

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 7

Resize the image by click [ctrl]+[T] on keyboard. and put at the center of canvas

Logo Design Tutorial

3. Put all the Element and Reorganize

Step 1

Same process with Put an image step. Open file “54-01” from folder “The Tribal Watercolor Pack” and put the image like at the picture.

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 2

Put the image file “42” from folder “The Tribal Watercolor Pack” to our canvas.

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 3

Put the image file “52-01” from folder “The Tribal Watercolor Pack” to our canvas.

Logo Design Tutorial

4. Add some Text

Step 1

Write somethings at the ribbon with font type “Castellia” with size: 120pt, and color: white (#FFFFFF)

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 2

Add shadow behind the text by click menu “Layer” -> “Layer Style” -> “Drop Shadow”

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 3

Fill the Opacity to 50%, Angle: 120, and distance to 5px

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 4

Click menu “Type” -> “Warp Text”

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 5

Choose style: Arch, and Bend: +15%

Logo Design Tutorial

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 6

Write another text with font type “Broadkast”. size 30pt, and color: black (#000000)

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 7

Click menu “Type” -> “Warp Text”

Logo Design Tutorial

Step 8

Choose style: Arc, and Bend: +15%

Logo Design Tutorial

Great Job! Your logo is ready!

Here the result:

Logo Design Tutorial

You just learn the easy ways to create your own logo here. With the help of The April Bundle from TheHungryJPEG you also can build the other logos as personal or client projects.

As you can see below with the same techniques above you also can build these logos:

logo design tutorial

logo design tutorial

The possibilities are nearly endless. Good luck!

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