19 Creative CV/Resume Website Examples You Need To See


Need the inspiration for your personal resume website?

There are tons of aspects should be take into account, especially when it comes to a resume websites. Like choosing the right color scheme, picking perfect portfolio pieces, and crafting copy that’ll give your pages personality.

Since it the prime piece of real estate that you’ll present to the entire internet.

Also the creative and interactive resume website can attract an employer’s attention.

So how to build your creative resume websites? Well, the best way out of that is to get some mega inspiration from people who have done it before you.

To get you started, today I’ve put together 19 Very Creative and Interactive Resume Websites from the simply design to seriously impressive ones to help you get the ideas and make your website even better.

Creative Resume Websites

Joscelyn Gainié’s CV

A clean and minimal one page resume of Joscelyn Gainié with unique interactive and lovely transitions and animations when keyboard browsing between sections.

Resume Websites

Pascal van Gemert

One page resume website of Pascal van Gemert with nice scrolling effect persection and nice menu use.

Resume Websites

Robby Leonardi

The amazing interactive resume of Robby Leonardi. Scroll down mouse or press keyboard’s down-arrow to move forwardSwipe from right to left to move forward.

Resume Websites

Nik Papic

Dark-schemed personal page for NY based digital marketer, Nik Papic. A nice, responsive and sermi-resume page style with serif fonts.

Resume Websites

Tiffany Tee

Hire Me Berlin is the title of Tiffany site, a pitch for Berlin companies in an attempt to hire California-based designer & illustrator Tiffany Tee Tran. With story telling web style make her website is standing out from other applicants.

Resume Websites

Angela Axworthy

A smart and minimal one page resume with no image and graphic but with nice touch and transition.

Resume Websites

Anthony Wiktor

A CV web page of creative director, Anthony wictor. The design in fully responsive with smooth scrolling designed as a unique online-resume that includes; bio, portfolio, accolades, experience and more.

Resume Websites

Valerio Pierbattista

The Italian front-end developer, Valerio Pierbattista online Resume with advanced paralling scrolling to create unique effect where the CV gets “printed out” as you scroll down.

Resume Websites

Kurt Gröner

Multipage resume website of Kurt Gröner, very clean with modern design.

Resume Websites

Atakan OZ

The personal website of UI Designer and Front-End Developer, Atakan OZ. The design is very minimalist and focus with typography.

Resume Websites

Enora Josse

One page resume website of web designer, Enora Josse. With minimal and vintage style design.

Resume Websites

Adolfo Melo

One page resume website with sidebar style, fully responsive and attention to small details.

Resume Websites

Deidre “Deda” Bain

A full illustration website to show us, she is a designer and a person. Let’s take a look!

Resume Websites

Martin Ringlein

Very interactive website, you can use arrow keys to scroll through Ringlein’s different experiences and learn more or less about them.

Resume Websites

Adam Hartwig

Not only fully illustration but Adam Hartwig’s website is very interactive. It makes you want to explore the whole site just to see what other surprises are in store.

Resume Websites

Joshua McCartney

Try explore McCartney’s website, the rest of the site will seriously impress you with his work examples and simple summaries of projects he’s done.

Resume Websites

Nicolas Borreil

Futuristic website design of French interactive & front-end developer, Nicolas Borreil. The design is very interactive with smoth scrolling.

Resume Websites

Ali Pordeli

The resume page of Pordeli’s website is minimalist but very elegant.

Resume Websites

Juli Sudi

Scroll the about section of Juli’s website. She will show a brief description about Juli, the skills and the experience. Very simple!

Resume Websites

Your Turn

I hope you found this showcase of resume websites is useful and keep yourself get inspiration.

Which resume website do you like the most and why? Don’t hesitate to give your comments below.

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  1. Pierre-Baptiste says

    Amazing showcase of personal websites.
    A very good source of inspiration.

    Check my personal website at http://www.pierrebaptistebouillon.com !

  2. Kurt Gröner says

    Thank´s a lot for mention! 🙂

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