How Can StoryBrand Framework Support Your Business Growth

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How much money are you going to waste in marketing that doesn’t work?

Most marketing messaging is wordy, distracting, and self-centered.

As a result, your marketing dollars are wasted. You continue to throw away good money on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, a new website, and new email campaigns, with little return on your spend.

Why is most marketing broken?

It’s not that marketing is broken, it’s the way most businesses approach marketing that is broken.

Most businesses get excited about tactics without a true understanding of who their ideal customers are, what they want, who they want to become, what success looks to them, or how they should do business with you.

Every business leader has a choice when it comes to marketing their business.

  1. Guess work – this is where you throw money at different channels just to see what could work. The result, you end up wasting money and opportunity.
  2. Framework – the effective way of fixing your marketing is by using a proven framework, that systematically and repeatably gets you results. This framework is called the StoryBrand Marketing Framework.

With the help of the StoryBrand framework, you can finally break that cycle of bad marketing. This simple but powerful framework will help you stop playing the hero in the story, and instead, invite customers INTO a story.

StoryBrand and Its Origin

 icon-angle-right What is the StoryBrand Framework?

The StoryBrand Framework is a marketing strategy that focuses on meeting your client’s needs and placing clients as the central priority.

This framework provides actionable steps for business owners to follow to successfully implement it and gain the benefits from structuring their marketing to be centered around their customers or clients.

 icon-angle-right Who Created It?

Donald Miller, a New York Times best-selling author and the founder of Business Made Simple created StoryBrand. He credits Aristotle for inspiring the framework, drawing many of the foundations of StoryBrand from the story formula described in Aristotle’s book Poetics.

Donald Miller believes that the core principle and takeaway from the StoryBrand Framework is that “if you confuse, you lose,” placing the focus not only on the client but on the clarity of the message as well.

 icon-angle-right How Does It Work?

StoryBrand takes its foundations from the classic story arc of the hero, placing the client or customer within the role of hero and the business owner in the role of the guide. The goal of StoryBrand is to provide clear messaging that presents the hero with an obvious solution and call to action.

“People are not drawn to the best products and services. They are drawn to the ones they can understand the fastest,” Donald Miller says. “The human mind is attracted to clarity, and when the words on our websites or the images that we use and the emails we send are not clear, people tune us out.”

As for how business owners can implement this framework, StoryBrand provides a series of actionable elements to follow that – when properly applied – can transform a marketing strategy to be much more successful.

All You Need to Know About Brandscript & Its Benefits

One Page BrandScript
Image from 1-Page Storybrand by Genie Jar Digital

 icon-angle-right What is Brandscript?

Brandscript is the seven-part framework crafted by StoryBrand that enables business owners to provide much greater clarity through their messaging. It breakdowns the narrative by defining the hero and his problem, after which a clear solution and plan for action is presented.

 icon-angle-right Why Does Your Business Need One?

By using and applying Brandscript to your business, you are enabling yourself or your marketing team to identify the wants and needs of your consumer base with much greater ease and efficiency. Moreover, Brandscript places the focus on the customers themselves, and this focus on them in your messaging is likely to draw in more attention and generate new leads as well.

 icon-angle-right Clear Communication with Your Audience

The focus and priority of a Brandscript is clarifying your message so that it is more easily understood by your audience. Implementation of this framework and strategy, in turn, greatly widens the channel of communication between you and your audience and ensures they are receiving the exact message you are trying to send.

 icon-angle-right Increase in Sales

By communicating more clearly with your audience, you are ultimately encouraging more confidence in your business or brand from your audience. This leads to improved lead generation and increased sales, with more customers embracing what you have to offer thanks to your clear messaging about how your products or services can directly help your customers.

7 Elements of StoryBrand Framework

Below are the 7 elements that makeup the StoryBrand Framework and can help to set your business up for growth and continued success.

7 Elements of StoryBrand Framework
Image from Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller

#1. Make Your Audience the Hero

The first and foremost step in this framework is identifying who your audience are and immediately making them the primary focus – or hero – of the Brandscript you are crafting. Analyzing your audience’s interests, characteristics, and demographics is essential for having a true and full understanding of your hero.

#2. Define Your Audience’s Problems

Once you know who your hero is, you must then work to clearly define their specific and unique problems. When a person is searching around and comes across your brand, you want them to immediately relate to your content and recognize that their exact problems are being clearly described.

#3. Be a Guide with a Solution

After defining your audience’s problems, you can then insert your brand or business into the story in the role of the guide. In classic story arcs, the guide presents the hero with the solution they are seeking, as well as an explanation on how to achieve said solution.

#4. Create a Clear Plan

The goal of the guide is not to just provide the hero with a solution, but to also provide them with a thorough series of steps that will guarantee the hero to arrive at the desired solution. As such, you must create plans that are abundantly clear in their instructions and plans of execution.

#5. Include a Clear Call to Action

The inclusion of a clear call to action is necessary for making it apparent to your audience and customers that the solutions and guidance you are offering is the key to their success and satisfaction. Additionally, it is wise to include both a direct call to action, such as “buy this product”, as well as a transitional call to action, such as “learn more about us.”

#6. Discuss the Potential for Failure

The point is not to trick customers into thinking there is no potential for failure. In fact, discussing failure is a crucial component for setting your customers up for success. You ultimately want to show your audience why not following your guidance is a mistake that will lead to the biggest failure and show them how to properly carry out your plan to avoid future misfortunes.

#7. End Your Story with Success

Your Brandscript and framework should ultimately conclude with a happy ending wherein the customer reaches their final end-goal. Keeping your messaging focused around how your business or brand is the key to the customer’s success is essential.

3 Key Principles of StoryBrand

When considering the benefits of utilizing the StoryBrand Framework, there are 3 key principles to always keep in mind that are essential for success. They are as follow:

#1. Always Position Your Customers as Heroes

Your customer should always assume the hero role, and you should always be the guide. It is key to keep the focus on your clients and their specific problems.

#2. Relate Your Products and Services to the Survival of Your Customers

Whatever products and services you offer, they should be portrayed as the tools your customer will use to overcome specific challenges they face. The products or services should never assume the main role in the story, however, as that is reserved for the customer.

#3. Escape from Unclear Language

Remember that if you confuse, you lose. Your language should be simple and clear to understand with apparent calls to action and steps to follow.

What to Expect from StoryBrand Framework

The StoryBrand Framework can provide your business with much more clear messaging and a stronger marketing strategy. Here are a few key benefits to expect when using the framework:

 icon-angle-right Right Messages to be Put in the Right Places on Your Website

StoryBrand is not just about the words you use, but how you place them and how they appear visually to your customers. This framework can help to ensure your audience is encountering your messaging at the right time on your website and in a fashion that is easy to understand.

 icon-angle-right Attract the Right Audience

The focus on the customer that is the priority of StoryBrand allows for highly specific selection of who your target audience is. This helps to narrow down your audience and attract the most relevant customers who are in need of your specific products and services.

 icon-angle-right Improvement in User Experience

A good user experience and easy to understand interface is crucial for any digital space, including your business’s website. StoryBrand’s clarity works well with UX design and can help to improve your client’s overall user experience, especially if you work in digitally related industries.

Apply Clear Messaging to Every Part of Your Business

Clarity is essential when it comes to your marketing and messaging for your business. Here are three key takeaways to keep in mind regarding the application of clear messaging within your business model:

 icon-angle-right Keep the Message as Simple as Possible

Don’t overcomplicate things – your audience should be able to immediately comprehend the message you are sending. If you confuse your audience, they are likely to just move on rather than exploring what you have to offer them.

 icon-angle-right Be Open to Receiving Constant Feedback from Your Audience

Audiences are ever evolving, and the ways in which we communicate and interact with them evolves as well. As such, it is important to be open to receiving feedback from you audience, as this will provide meaningful insights into which aspects of your messaging are working and which are not.

 icon-angle-right Analyze Feedback and Be Ready for Changes

Not only should you be open to receiving feedback, but you should also be ready and willing to analyze that feedback and change your messaging accordingly. Nobody is perfect and you are likely to make mistakes – what counts is the efficiency and attentiveness with which you address those mistakes.

Final Thoughts

The integration of the StoryBrand Framework into your business model and marketing strategy will help you easily reach your audience and will ensure the growth of your business.

The key benefits of utilizing StoryBrand’s elements include:

  • Greater and clearer communication with your audience
  • Improved sales and lead generation
  • Increased profitability of your website, emails, and other digital content

StoryBrand can help to take your business to the next level, and the proper implementation of its principles will allow connect and communicate much more effectively with your ideal audience.

About the Author!

I am Moses Mehraban, a StoryBrand Certified Guide by Creativeo. Having 15+ years of marketing experience, I have provided my help to clients from a wide range of industries, including tech start-ups to medium-sized companies. Through my professional experience and skills, I have been able to implement the StoryBrand Marketing Framework and assist companies with experience-based solutions.

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