Case Study: Black & White and Dual Meaning Logos


Across time our tastes evolves; some things are highly appreciated today while tomorrow are old fashioned and none wants to associate his/her name with them. This fact is fully understandable, but the speed of preferences changing of the Internet users is amazing and the designers hardly can handle the situation. Nowadays, it’s more and more difficult to believe that the quality will always be appreciated.

As a logo designer, anyone has the morale duty of creating logos that must successfully pass the exam of time. The one billion dollars question is how to manage to create a design that is appreciated for a long period of time. Taking into account that the preferences are changing faster and faster it becomes clear that a logo designer has a very challenging life. Willing or not, trends are part of a logo designer career and the logos created should be in accordance with these. It’s true that a good logo shouldn’t be influenced by trends, but in practice is almost impossible for a logo designer not to design taking into account the overall context. On the other hand, creating logos that are dramatically influenced by the trends isn’t a solution!

There are many logo classifications; some are useful, others are useless. No matter if you are interested in these classifications, there are two categories of logos that is impossible not to have an idea about: black & white and dual meaning ones. It’s not a rule, but usually these kind of logos are appreciated regardless the trends.

I. Black & White Logos

Definition and examples

Black and white logos are logos based only on black and white colors…nothing more, nothing less. The below examples should convince you about their special beauty.

Black and White Logo Designs

Black and White Logo Designs

Black and White Logo Designs

Black and White Logo Designs

Black and White Logo Designs

Black and White Logo Designs

Black and White Logo Designs

Black and White Logo Designs

Black and White Logo Designs

Black and White Logo Designs

Black and White Logo Designs

Black and White Logo Designs

Black and White Logo Designs


One of the most important advantage of the black and white format is the versatility. Usually, these logos are very simple and in this case we have the most versatile logos. A black and white logo can be used on a small scale (business cards, official website, letterheads etc) and a large scale (banners) without any concerns. It’s a huge advantage in case the owner invests much money and resources for branding.

Another advantage is represented by the fact that the black and white format highlights the concept of the logo. In this way, the user may easier recognize the logo than in cases where the graphical representation plays a bigger role. Black and white create one of the most powerful contrasts and this fact represents another advantage- the logo is more recognizable.

On the other hand, a black and white logo may be considered by some people as being boring and common. The average individual is assaulted with tons of brands and a black and white logo may extremely easy pass unobserved.

I consider that you may compare a logo designer with a knight from Middle Age and the shapes and the colors being his weapons. A logo designer that creates black and white logos is as a knight that fights only with a single weapon. He can master it, but at the same time, he may extremely easy be defeated. Definitely, a black and white concept is a double edged sword.

Projects where to use

A black and white logo is practically universal, there is no limitation in using this format. As I mentioned, black and white are in opposition and create a strong contrast. This format is perfect for adding the logo on clothes so you should take this factor into consideration on a long term perspective. Simplicity is sexy and modern so a black and white logo may be used for staying apart projects.

II. Dual Meaning Logos

Definition and examples

A dual meaning or a clever logo is that logo that may be interpreted as having two meanings depending on the perspective of the viewer. Probably, this style was adopted from art, especially from painting and photography where are famous dual meaning images. In these cases, the creators of dual meaning works use tricks to delude the perception of the viewers. It sounds a little bit complicated, but the below logos will help in making a clearer idea about.

Dual Meaning Logo Designs

Dual Meaning Logo Designs

Dual Meaning Logo Designs

Dual Meaning Logo Designs

Dual Meaning Logo Designs

Dual Meaning Logo Designs

Dual Meaning Logo Designs

Dual Meaning Logo Designs

Dual Meaning Logo Designs

Dual Meaning Logo Designs


The incontestable advantage is that a dual meaning logo is attracting both the mind and eyes of the viewers. Cleverness is always and everywhere appreciated so a clever logo will gain the appreciation of the viewers. 100% sure, a clever logo is more difficult to forget.

A clever logo creates a favorable opinion about the entity behind it in the mind of the viewers. The result is simple, but quite important: the relationship potential client – brand is considerably strengthened. As a matter of fact, a special logo requires a special approach from the clients.

Clearly, a smart logo can be “too smart” in some cases or “less smart” in other cases and all these depends on the viewer perspective, so everything is very subjective. Indeed, the message of a complicated logo may put in doubt a person that don’t pay closer attention to it. It’s lost the essence of the logo and it’s a pity.

On the other hand, a logo that emphasizes too much its “smartness” would be perceived by the viewers as offensive. In other words, a logo that was created to convey a subtle and smart message but its realization is poor would attract the critics of the viewers.

Projects where to use

Personally, I think that dual meaning logos may be used in a large area of projects. Still, smart logos are perfectly suitable for brands in the technology, industry or education projects; smart logos for smart activity fields.


Making logos is challenging and the future doesn’t seem that will make easier the job of a logo designer. The harsh competition amongst brands will put even more pressure on the logo creators. Pushing to the limits is the single method of evolving so this situation should motivate the entire logo design community to create more beautiful and interesting logos. Definitely, two solutions for a good looking logo are black and white logos and dual meaning ones. Do you agree with me or do you have a different opinion?

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