Simple Branding Strategy Tips on Twitter: Do’s and Don’ts


We live in one of the most exciting times in the world’s history where you can build a personal brand globally and faster than anyone has ever imagined . Today you have the opportunity to build a personal brand utilizing the social media very easily. And the biggest social media platform after Facebook is Twitter, in here I will talking about tips do and don’t branding using Twitter.

Understanding the dynamics of Twitter is the most important one, it will helps you in promoting your brand on Twitter. These are some simple tips to optimize your branding strategy using Twitter.

Tips #1: Promote Your Great Content

Great content will attract many audience, so make sure the content you’re promoting is engaging and interesting, Twitter has gave you 140 characters to promote longer-form content via links, optimize this feature to introduce your company profile, and why not ask your follower to share their video content, blog posts, contests and more, like Playstation and Dell did.

Branding Tips via Twitter

Branding Tips via Twitter

Tips #2: Brand Your Twitter Background

Give your customer unique background in your Twitter, don’t put regular background like provided by Twitter, give your own company background it will interesting them. Don’t make impression that you are as a newbie on Twitter, give them a profesional background Twitter. These are some good examples:

Branding Tips via Twitter

Branding Tips via Twitter

Tips #3: Use #Hashtags

#Hashtags are trending. They are a social media convention that simplifies searching for a given topic. You can create a simple #hashtags by prefixing a word with a hash symbol: #hashtag. Hashtag can be used to introduce in all of your marketing strategy, like new product, event, or brand new campaign. Remember to using #hashtags in your twitter status, #hashtags is very simple, cheap task that can offers a great return on investment.

Branding Tips via Twitter
[Dunkin donuts using #DdonutCake to attract they cutomer with contest]

Tips #4: Follow Back People Who Follow You

As a company who try to introduce their brand to society have to interact with someone else, some people who interesting with your Twitter account will follow you, so to appreciate them should be if you trying to popularize your brand at least follow back your followers, as a sign that you close to them. Like what Paste Magazine did, their follow back nearly almost all of their followers, so that it help them easily promote their products and events. Did you know? That you can only send a Direct Message to person who is following you on Twitter? So use this strategy to make your followers feels closely.

Branding Tips via Twitter
[Paste Magazine follow 106.333 and their followers is 119.125, it show us that their follow back almost their follower]

Tips #5: Make Conversation with Your Customers

Twitter is ideal for customer service, you can comunicated directly with your customers, about the complaint of service or product that you offer, with the existance of a two-way interaction between consumers and companies, will bring benefit each other, like be able to figure out the desire of costumers, interact with them will add to the attractievely of the company as we look more active and care of the followers. As we Starbucks, Amazon MP3 and MTV did.

Branding Tips via Twitter

Branding Tips via Twitter

Branding Tips via Twitter

Tips #6: Don’t Spam Other About Your Special Deals

Don’t tweet only your special offers/deals in your Twitter status. It same like if some sales came to you, sure you don’t like if they talking to much about they product, let your customers feel and see the advantages of the product that you offer. Be offer game show that could attract they attention with use hashtag like what Disney did with hashtag #disneytrivia

Branding Tips via Twitter

Branding Tips via Twitter

Tips #7: Don’t Tweets Too Much

Do not overuse tweet or retweet if you’re answering a question from customers. Moreover if their question is not general. Also it will be annoying if your tweet welshed the timeline of your followers.

Tips #8: Avoid Following Others so They will Follow You

Stop following people in Twitter so they will follow you! Grow slow for the first, maybe you can add 50 friends and wait until them follow you back, do it continue no instead.

Tips #9: Put a Link to “Follow Me” Everywhere (i.e. email signature, forums, website, business cards)

You can also put in your brochure printing, or if you already have website or blog for your product, then you can put “follow me” button on your site. And also use Twitter to promote your website. Like daily candy did.

Branding Tips via Twitter

Tips #10: Always Monitor and Try to Improve Your Reputation

The last but not the least, monitor your branding strategy progrees on Twitter? If there is some customers asking something immediately, answer it don’t wait until 2 or 3 days to answer it, be more active in Twitter will increase your reputation and popularity.

Twitter Marketing can lead to positive exposure for your business, this is could be one of the most successful weapons in your internet marketing arsenal too. Choose smart strategies, and learn from the best. These tips maybe can help you out to introduce your brand for the first time via Twitter, be familiar in Twitter and learn the rule so you can exist and get your success in the Twitter.

Did you have tried the tips above? Or maybe you have another tips and advise for branding strategy via Twitter? Please share with us in the comment below.

– Written by Ratih –

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  1. Adam says

    Very useful tips, thanks!

  2. […] articles with numbered lists on how to use proper etiquette, avoid being offensive, get retweets, gain followers, […]

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